Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 409 Disturbed Daming

Chapter 409 Disturbed Daming

Just after the New Year's Eve, Taichang recruited a group of trusted ministers to the meeting hall of Wenhua Palace.

This time, even the four staff generals were called.

Everyone has also guessed, who is the emperor going to hit.

Because the emperor has been frantically expanding his army and preparing for war after he came back, at this moment, Daming's land and sea troops both have a combined force of more than 200 million!

No matter how crazy the emperor is, it is impossible to mobilize so many troops for no reason, so it is impossible not to fight.

Just kidding, there are more than 200 million horses, and the sum of food and pay for a month is more than 500 million taels.

If you don't fight, why waste so much money and food?

However, the target the emperor wanted to hit was something they didn't expect.

Taichang glanced around slightly and said solemnly: "You also know that the so-called Dutch overlords of the sea have come to the door twice, they really think Daming is easy to bully!

This matter can't be left alone, we have to fight back!

Not only do we have to fight back, but we also have to fight hard!
We want to chase them all over the world, take away all their strongholds around the world, and then fight to Europe to destroy them. "

Uh, playing Holland?
This is too crazy!
All the trusted ministers were dumbfounded again when they heard the words.

Why is the emperor's idea always so unexpected?

Is the Netherlands your favourite?
They don't think the Netherlands is a powerful maritime overlord, the main family is too far away!

You know, the nearest stronghold in the Netherlands to Daming is tens of thousands of miles away!

The chief assistant of the cabinet, Xu Guangqi, couldn't help reminding: "Your Majesty, the Netherlands is tens of thousands of miles away from the nearest stronghold of our Ming Dynasty. As for their homeland, they are at least a few thousand miles away from us!"

Do you still need to say this?
Without hesitation, Taichang said: "What's wrong with the tens of thousands of miles? Daming will be punished even though it is far away!

No matter how far away they are, if they provoke us, Daming, we will destroy them!

We want to let those barbarians in Europe know that Daming can't afford to mess with them, and messing with Daming will be terrible.

Who dares to provoke Daming, I will let him perish immediately! "

Well, this makes a lot of sense.

But why must the Netherlands be caught and beaten first?

Xu Guangqi, the chief assistant of the cabinet, thought for a while, and said cautiously: "Your Majesty, I dare to ask, the Dutch are too far away from us, and our naval warship is also under construction, and it is far from being equipped. Why don't we What about killing Jiannu first?

After all, we have already found Jiannu, in Horqin Grassland, just over 1000 miles away from Liaodong.

Moreover, building slaves is a huge hidden danger. If we don't destroy them, we will always have trouble sleeping and eating! "

Yes, why not destroy Jiannu first?
All the trusted ministers showed a hint of puzzlement.

The reason for this is actually very simple.

However, the reason for this seems vulgar.

I can't always say that it's just to grab money, right?
Taichang thought for a while, and then said helplessly, "Do you think the Dutch are not hidden dangers?

Don't you know their shipbuilding capabilities?
They can build five or six hundred ocean-going ships a month, and hundreds of ships and gunboats alone. What is Jiannu compared to them?
If they were not underpopulated, it is estimated that our current strength may not be able to defeat them. "

Xu Guangqi was still quite puzzled and said, "That's right, Your Majesty, don't they have enough population? No matter how many boats they build, it's still a lie if no one drives them!"

Uh, this, how should I put it.

Taichang thought for a while, and then explained: "The problem of insufficient population can actually be solved. For example, they can pay to hire people, which is what they are doing at the moment. They can even form an alliance with other European countries to pull A large group of European barbarians are fighting against Daming. We must guard against this, the barbarians are like this, if one cannot do it, they will form gangs and swarm up!"

Well, even if they were, so what?

We beat them to trouble, and they beat us to trouble too!

Xu Guangqi still cautiously dissuaded him: "Your Majesty, the so-called long distance and short attack, the distance is too far, and it consumes too much to fight! Whether it is manpower, material resources, or financial resources, it consumes too much."

Finally got to the point, this is what you guys said first!

Taichang spread his hands very simply and said: "Speaking of this consumption, what do you think is the benefit of being a slave now?"

Uh, good?

It really doesn't do any good to be a slave at this moment!
Because of the severe drought in the north at the moment, Daming managed to control the disaster with desperate relief efforts, but Jiannu was unable to control the disaster.

In other words, they are probably all screaming with hunger right now, what good would be beating them?

When all the trusted ministers heard the words, they all looked thoughtful.

Taichang simply ordered someone to take out the newly drawn "Kun Yu Wan Guo Quan Tu", and then pointed to the map and explained: "Look, this Nanyang itself is a large sea area, and we can occupy a lot of marine resources after we conquer it.

Moreover, the islands south of Nanyang are basically unoccupied and developed, and there may be many mineral deposits on them. If we occupy Nanyang, these islands will be ours.

In addition, Nanyang is the only way to the West. Once we take Nanyang down, the business of Western firms can truly go to the West. How much population is there and how much profit! "

Well, the profits here are indeed unimaginable.

When all the trusted ministers heard the words, they all nodded slightly to show their approval.

That's right.

Taichang then explained: "The world today is facing unprecedented changes, and this change does not affect one or two countries, nor does it only affect the current situation.

Therefore, we can't limit our vision to the Ming Dynasty, we have to broaden our vision a bit.

We can't just think about the present, but also look to the future.

For example, the Jiannu and European barbarians.

Think about it, how far can Jiannu develop?
Jiannu didn't pay much attention to muskets and artillery, nor did they pay attention to navy.

If they continue like this, they will only fall further and further behind, falling further and further behind the European barbarians.

These European barbarians are different. Not only do they attach importance to guns and artillery, but they also rob land and resources all over the world.

Once you let them develop, it's scary.

Therefore, we can't just sit back and watch them develop. We have to push them to the ground first so that they cannot develop.

Otherwise, they will step on us one day. "

This is a question of strategic direction.

The cronies and ministers didn't have the knowledge of the next few hundred years in their minds, so they naturally couldn't see or think so far.

However, with Taichang's explanation, they understood.

That's right, Jiannu doesn't pay much attention to muskets and artillery, and doesn't pay attention to navy, so what if you give them a few years or even decades?

They can't develop at all, and their strength won't be strong.

These European barbarians are different. They are already strong enough, and they are still crazily robbing resources and developing crazily.

If they are allowed to develop like this, the consequences will be unimaginable.

If nothing else, just talk about the Netherlands.

Right now their shipbuilding ability is even more terrifying than that of Ming Dynasty. If they are allowed to solve the population problem, they will be in big trouble.

They already have tens of thousands of ocean-going ships. If they build hundreds or even thousands of large-scale gunboats, their strength will be terrifying!

Thinking of this, Xu Guangqi couldn't help but nodded solemnly and said: "The emperor is wise, we should deal with these European barbarians first."

(End of this chapter)

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