Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 430 New Jinling City

Chapter 430 New Jinling City
The Dutch in the bastion raised a white flag, and a few poor warships under the bastion immediately followed, and the East India Company's Manchuka stronghold was quickly taken down.

At this time, Taichang ordered the flagship to step forward and scan carefully.

This is the place where the royal city of Manthorna is located, with ports, cities, rivers, fertile fields, etc., everything is available.

Moreover, the Dutch also built a bastion next to the port, and the defense is quite good.

As long as the defense here is strengthened, and tens of thousands of troops are stationed, it seems that there will be no problem in strangling the Strait of Malacca.

Taichang glanced carefully, but couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

The location here is indeed very good, the city is also ready-made, coupled with the nearby rivers and fertile fields, it is indeed no problem to station tens of thousands of horses.

The problem is that a large port cannot be built here.

This is a small harbor sandwiched between a small island and the coast, with a width of only a few miles and a depth of less than one mile. At most, a hundred or so ships can berth in this place, even one of the Daming Navy. The fleet can't stop.

In other words, it is unrealistic to build a defense system and station troops here.

After all, this is the era of great voyages, and naval ships are the foundation of dominance. Moreover, this is a strait, and if you want to block the middle channel, you must not have enough ships.

This is a base for naval ships to dock. If a fleet can't dock, what's the use?

He frowned and pondered for a while, but still ordered decisively: "Order, order Huang Deli to guard here with 2 troops. All naval ships and other soldiers of the Shenji Battalion are ready to go."

Sun Chuanting, Lu Xiangsheng and others were all taken aback when they heard the words.

Didn't this just take down a Dutch stronghold?

Does the emperor still want to continue to attack other strongholds of the Dutch?
You know, the next stronghold of the Dutch is three or four thousand miles away from here.

Moreover, there is no longer within the scope of Nanyang.

Isn't their goal this time to control Nanyang?

Zhang Zhiji couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, shall we attack the next stronghold of the Dutch?"

Who told you that?
Taichang shook his head slightly and said, "No, let's find a place to build a city."

Isn't there a ready-made city here?
Malacca City, as the original royal city of Mantrika, is not small in scale, and it is not a problem to accommodate more than [-] people.

Sun Chuanting couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, the city and the port are all ready-made here. Why do we need to build a city? Aren't we guarding here?"

Taichang could only sigh helplessly: "There is no way to build a large port here. Now the Daming Navy only has so many ships, and even a naval fleet can't fit here. In the future, the Daming Navy will have more ships. Come on!" Here, there is no place to stop!"

Well, the emperor is still considerate.

When everyone heard the words, they all showed a hint of bewilderment.

So, where is it appropriate to build ports and cities?

This is actually not necessary.

Taichang directly led the fleet back to the entrance of the Strait of Malacca, then turned north and entered a huge river.

To be precise, what they entered was a strait, a strait that was more than a hundred miles long.

To the south of this strait is a large island and several small islands, and to the north there are several rivers flowing into it. Deep-water harbors and shallow-water harbors are everywhere, and freshwater resources are quite abundant.

The conditions here are simply unique!

Taichang just led the fleet around the bay for a while, then said decisively: "This is it!"

When Sun Chuanting, Lu Xiangsheng and others heard the words, they all nodded their heads in agreement.

This place is really good. They have been in Nanyang for so long and have been to many places. However, this is the first time they have seen such a beautiful natural harbor.

Taichang has always done what he said. Early the next morning, he ordered people to start building the wharf on the south side of the island and the south side of the peninsula.

He is not only planning to build ports and cities on the big island in the south, but he is also planning to build ports and cities on the peninsula in the north.

Anyway, the Mancican country is gone at this moment, and the Mancicans have been beaten violently by Portugal and the Netherlands for more than a hundred years, and they have disappeared without a trace.

Moreover, this place has long been the territory of the Dutch.

Daming defeated the Dutch, and this place naturally became Daming's territory.

Including the peninsula here, including this large island to the south of the peninsula, and even including all the islands at the entrance of the Strait of Malacca, all belong to Ming Dynasty.

If he wants to build ports and cities here, he naturally wants to build where he wants to build, and how big he wants to build.

In fact, the big island in the south of the peninsula is not suitable for building a large city, because there are no fertile fields on it, and fresh water resources are not very rich. If a large number of people live on it, food and drinking water will be a problem.

The middle of the south of the peninsula is more suitable for building a large city, because there is a river nearby, the terrain is relatively flat, and there are more fertile fields in the south of the peninsula, so it is not a problem to feed millions of people.

Then there is no way for Singapore to concentrate its cities and ports on the island, because they have so little space.

It's different now, no matter the island or the peninsula, it's all Daming's territory, there's no need for him to learn from others!

Taichang ordered the flagship to wander around the island and peninsula, and he had a rough plan in his mind.

That afternoon, he summoned a group of generals to the meeting hall on the top floor of the flagship.

At this time, he already had a detailed plan.

He directly drew a rough map with a brush, and then pointed to the map and said: "We can use this big island as a place to garrison troops. We can build a few large bastions on it. Anyway, the island is big enough to garrison a few people." 10 horses are not a problem.

This is the connection point between Nanyang and Xiyang, and commerce and trade will definitely develop slowly, so we have to build a city dedicated to doing business.

The middle of the southern tip of the peninsula happens to be a large piece of flat land. We can build a big city with a population of one million, open the shops first, and move all the survivors from Jinzhou Island here. "

My God, another big city with a population of one million!

If it was changed to before, everyone would probably have to discourage it.

Because the speed of city construction in the past was really too slow, it would take at least several decades to build a big city with a population of one million.

However, it is different now. With cement and steel bars, the speed of building the city is already many times faster. In addition, hoists and steam engines are gradually applied to the construction of the city. The speed at which Daming is building the city now That's not too scary at all.

Therefore, when everyone heard that the emperor was going to build a city with a population of one million, they were only slightly taken aback.

There is no big problem in building this city. The problem is, such a big city must have a name, right?
Lu Xiangsheng immediately asked: "Your Majesty, what is the name of such a big city?"

This one.

Taichang thought for a while, then made a decision: "This is in the north of Jinzhou, and it is also an important place in Nanyang. In the future, the center of Nanyang will also be here. This place should be called New Jinling City."

Well, Jinling is the southern capital of Ming Dynasty and the center of the entire Jiangnan.

As the center of Nanyang, it is appropriate to take the name of New Jinling City.

Everyone has no opinion on the planning of the new Jinling City, and the name has been chosen, and the next step is to attract people to build the city and bastion.

Taichang gave an order, and the naval ships immediately shuttled between the British government, Jinzhou Island and Malacca.

Naturally, captives are the best way to build cities and fortresses, because captives don't need wages, and captives can be whipped if they don't work hard.

At this time, the Dutch actually had a lot of captives, because the East India Company not only had mercenaries, but also hired more staff.

Soon, the prisoners of the East India Company scattered all over the place were concentrated on the big island south of New Jinling City.

Their specialty is building bastions, and this is the time when they are needed to give full play to their expertise. The few bastions in the south of Jinling City were handed over to these tens of thousands of employees and mercenary prisoners of the East India Company to build them.

The survivors on Jinzhou Island were sent to the peninsula north of Xinjinling City one after another, and began to cut down trees, build kilns and burn bricks, and build the city.

Nanyang is still quite rich in resources, whether it is stone or wood, there is an astonishing amount of them. The Dutch have also developed a lot of coal and even iron ore. There are simply not too many materials for building cities and fortresses.

The only thing lacking here is cement.

After all, the production of cement requires special machines. Although there are abundant raw materials here, it is impossible without machines.

Taichang even considered moving several sets of cement production machines directly to produce cement on the big island in the south of the city.

Of course, this will take a while.

He had to arrange almost everything here before the navy fleet could return to Daming to transfer personnel and supplies.

At this moment, he could only gather the captives to build the bastion first. As for the city, without enough cement, the construction progress would definitely not be fast.

He could only transport the Nanyang adherents from Jinzhou Island first to dig the foundation and build the city wall.

(End of this chapter)

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