Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 431 Siam Calls for Help

Chapter 431 Siam Calls for Help
New Jinling City, port terminal.

The ships of the Daming Navy kept shuttling, teams of sailors were moving daily necessities such as food, cloth, sugar, and spices into the newly built warehouses next to the port, and groups of shabby-clothed civilians were constantly coming from the Spikes and Dragons. Tooth warships poured down and poured into the middle of the city wall under construction.

These grains, cloth, cane sugar, and spices are basically the stocks of the East India Company. Anyway, no one is going to sell them at the moment, so it's okay to pull them over and use them first.

As for the civilians, they were taken over from all over Jinzhou Island.

Anyway, Jinzhou Island doesn't have much arable land, and it doesn't need too many people to cut timber, and it's not in a hurry for comprehensive development. It's better to concentrate the population first and build the new Jinling City.

At this moment, more than [-] men, women and children have gathered in the construction site of New Jinling City.

Although they were all huddled in the tents provided by the soldiers of the Ming army, they were all smiling and extremely happy.

Because Daming wanted to build an unprecedented super city here, and would send a large army to garrison here, and they were the first batch of residents in this new Jinling city.

Although the city walls have not been built yet, the Ming army has gathered tens of thousands of soldiers, and there are hundreds of naval ships.

The aegis ship like a steel fortress, and the dragon tooth warship like a tower, all looked stable.

The prosperity of the Ming Dynasty is simply beyond their imagination, and the days of peace and prosperity are just around the corner!

Standing on the top floor of the flagship, Taichang scanned all this, but there was no smile on his face.

Because the cement they carried was running out, and the walls of New Jinling City were less than half a person high.

It seems that the fleet must be sent back quickly.

The problem is that the personnel and materials for the construction of the new Jinling City have not yet been delivered, and he can't dispatch too many ships back to the mainland of Daming. This is really a headache!

He sighed slightly, and then asked, "Bo Ya, how long will it take for the British government to deliver the food?"

Sun Chuanting thought for a while, and then estimated: "It is estimated that it will be almost enough to transport it again. Your Majesty, I dare to say that our food may not be enough to support millions of people to build a city here. We have to send a fleet back to transport it." Just bring the food."

Not only is there not enough food, but there is also a severe shortage of vegetables.

At this moment, he can only send people to hunt in the mountains to maintain the supply of meat, otherwise, these ordinary people can basically only eat white rice porridge.

It seems a bit hasty.

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Okay, when the British government's food delivery is over, we will stop transporting the civilians of Jinzhou Island. Let's gather the navy ships and return to the Ming Dynasty to deliver enough supplies. If we don't pull people here The food should last for about two months.”

Sun Chuanting also nodded, and then suggested: "Your Majesty, it seems that a group of large fishing boats are almost finished in Wubei City, so why don't we order people to bring those large fishing boats over here to catch fish directly here? In this way, no matter how many ordinary people there are, they will not lose their food."

That's a good idea.

Taichang nodded again and said: "Well, let them bring the ten newly built large fishing boats together."

While they were discussing, a dragon tooth battleship unexpectedly appeared far away in the waterway on the east side of the strait, heading straight for the pier.


What's the situation?
Although the ships they transported personnel and supplies were all on the west side of the strait, on the east side he directly sent Qi Panzong, the chief soldier of the Beiyang Navy, to lead several dragon-tooth warships and wolf-tooth warships to guard there. Without his order, this dragon tooth warship shouldn't have come back!
Soon the dragon tooth battleship sailed into the port and docked at the pier next to them.

Qi Panzong, the chief soldier of the Beiyang Navy, actually walked down the hanging ladder with a man who was dressed strangely but was quite glamorous.

Could this be an envoy from a country in Southeast Asia?
Taichang was thinking there with a puzzled face, Qi Panzong had already run up from the lower floor, panting and cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, the King of Siam has sent an envoy to see you."

King of Siam?
He has heard of this, because the first Siamese king was personally appointed by Emperor Hongwu.

It seems that Siam was not called Siam in the past. It was only after Emperor Hongwu conferred the title of King of Siam that the name of Siam was settled.

It is true that Siam is a vassal state of Ming Dynasty, and the King of Siam often sent envoys to pay tribute to Ming Dynasty during the Hongwu and Yongle dynasties.

However, Siam has not been so active in paying tribute since the reign of Renzong Hongxi, and Siam has rarely sent envoys to pay tribute to Ming Dynasty after the orthodox dynasty of Yingzong.

There is no way, the national strength of the Ming Dynasty is declining day by day, people may feel that paying tribute is meaningless, so they will not come.

At this moment, people actually sent envoys to come here, it should not be!
To be honest, he doesn't even know who the current King of Siam is.

Because the king of Siam after the orthodox dynasty of Yingzong was not canonized by Ming Dynasty, of course he didn't know who the king of Siam was at this moment.

If the King of Siam wants to continue to pay tribute in order to be canonized by the Ming Dynasty, he should also send envoys to the capital of the Ming Dynasty. Why did this guy send envoys here?
Taichang thought for a while, but still raised his hand and said, "Put down the hanging ladder."

Hearing this, the Jin Yiwei on duty on the top floor quickly rolled up the wheel, lowered the huge hanging ladder of the flagship, and slowly climbed onto the pier.

Taichang ordered someone to take the dragon chair from the study, put it on the deck in front of the hanging ladder, and then sat on it with great determination.

Immediately afterwards, he ordered a group of generals and accompanying guards to set up positions on both sides, and then said indifferently: "I declare the envoy of Siam to have an audience."

He didn't know why he was here, so he naturally wouldn't let them stare at the top of the Aegis ship, so he just sat on the hanging ladder and waited.

"Announce the Siam envoy to see you."

Cao Huachun sang loudly, and then the Siamese envoy came up from the hanging ladder respectfully, crouched in front of him, and shouted: "The king of Siam has a letter, Zheng Sui kowtowed to the emperor, long live my emperor! age."

Well, this attitude is quite respectful.

Taichang nodded slightly and then asked: "How did you king of Siam know that I led the army here?"

This is really strange.

He didn't order people to spread the word everywhere. How could the King of Siam, who was thousands of miles away, know that he was coming.

Zheng Da quickly explained: "Your Majesty, many of the Nanyang survivors are doing business in Siam. The news of your holy car's visit to Srivijaya and Mantrika has spread throughout Siam."

Oh, it turned out that these people spread the news.

By the way, this man speaks so well in the official Ming Dynasty, and his name is Zheng Sui, so he is also a descendant of Ming Dynasty, right?

Taichang slightly raised his hand and said, "Get up, you are so good at what Ming officials say, where are you from?"

Zheng Sui hurriedly got up from the ground respectfully, and then said cautiously: "Return to the emperor, this minister is from Chaozhou Prefecture, Guangdong."

Still an authentic Daming citizen!
Taichang couldn't help being curious: "How did you go to Siam, and how did you become the Marquis of Daxin?"

Hearing this, Zheng Sui explained with a little embarrassment: "The emperor forgives the sin. Because the villain's family is poor and has no means to make a living, so he went to Siam with the sea merchant. The king of Siam is still very good to the people of Ming Dynasty. The business was getting bigger, so he conferred the honor of a Kunpai, that is, a baron. This time, when he heard that the army of the Ming Dynasty had arrived, the King of Siam specially conferred the Marquis of Daxin on the minister, and ordered the minister to come to ask for help. "


It turned out that he came here to ask for help.

Taichang said lightly: "What happened to Siam?"

Zheng Sui quickly explained: "I don't know if the emperor has heard of Donghu. Since the rise of Donghu, Donghu has been expanding everywhere. This time, Donghu Wang Mang Yingli has attacked Siam many times with the support of European barbarians. Because They had muskets and cannons purchased from barbarians in Europe, and the King of Siam's troops could not resist them. Therefore, they fought all the way to the vicinity of the King Siam City. Your Majesty, the King of Siam respectfully, please recite the Siam Nai Since it is a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty and has paid tribute to it for decades, send troops to rescue it!"


I have heard of this Taichang, because during the Wanli Dynasty, Donghu had aggressively attacked with three propagandas and six consolations, so that Daming lost control of the entire southeast.

(End of this chapter)

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