Chapter 439

South of Annan, Guangnan Road, Quiren City.

This was originally the royal city of Champa.

However, the Champa Kingdom had already been beaten to the ground by Annan, the royal city was also occupied by Annan, and their king became a puppet of Annan's Zheng family.

If Daming doesn't take care of this matter, it is estimated that the entire Champa Kingdom will disappear in the long river of history in a short time.

Fortunately, His Majesty the Emperor Ming is going to take care of this matter himself.

At this time, the city of Guiren was already densely covered with military camps. Annan Wang Li, Annan Zheng, Annan Mo, Annan Ruan, and Champa Wangpo A all led their troops over, because they were afraid that other people would take the opportunity to attack. Kill them!

This kind of thing would have been impossible 200 years ago, or even more than a hundred years ago.

Just kidding, His Majesty the Ming Emperor invited them over to discuss matters, who would dare to do it?

However, it is very possible at this moment.

Because Daming has lost its prestige over the years, and Annan can no longer control them. The various forces in Annan have fought unscrupulously for decades.

This time His Majesty the Emperor of Ming sent a decree to summon them, and they didn't even want to come.

After all, it's been decades, and Daming doesn't care about them anymore, why should they be obedient and run over after receiving the imperial edict?

However, they more or less heard some news that Daming seemed to be strong again.

The Anshe Rebellion has been put down by Ming Dynasty, they all know this, after all, Yunnan used to be Guizhou, and Shuixi is not far from their side.

The Dutch had also been defeated by Daming, and they knew about it. After all, Annan did not close the country, and the maritime merchants who came and went had already passed on this matter.

They also heard that Jiannu had been defeated by Ming Dynasty, and Dongpu had been wiped out by Ming Dynasty!

Although they can't be sure about these things, it's scary enough just by sounding.

They may not know how powerful Jiannu is, but Dongying is the second largest power in the Far East after Ming Dynasty!

Compared with Dongying, Annan is still far behind.

Daming wiped out all of Japan, and it couldn't be easier to destroy them!
Therefore, they dare not not come.

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

If Daming is really powerful to such a degree, they will not listen to His Majesty's summons, they will seek death!

Of course, they are not so honest.

The reason why they brought all their men and horses here was more or less a demonstration to His Majesty the Ming Emperor.

You know, they are not weak at the moment, and they have a lot of men and horses.

Especially Annan's Zheng family, at the moment the Zheng family has more than [-] troops under their hands.

The Ruan family and the Mo family are not bad either. They each have 6 or [-] horses.

But the two puppet kings are the weakest.

King Poa of Champa also managed to scrape together 2 horses.

Annan Wang Li Weiqi was even worse. If it wasn't for the loyal minister Wu Wenyuan who led tens of thousands of people to support him, he would be a naked man with no one under his command!
However, at this moment, his treatment is indeed the best.

Because he lived in the palace of Champa under the protection of Wu Wenyuan, the Marquis of Qingyang, the Zheng family, Ruan family, Mo family and the king of Champa stationed outside the city with more than [-] horses brought by them.

Perhaps, the Zheng family, the Ruan family, and the Mo family were all worried that His Majesty the Ming Emperor would deal with them because they deceived the Lord, so they simply gave up Quiren City and Champa Palace to King Annan.

As for King Champa, it is impossible to go back to live in his own palace. The Zheng family, Ruan family and Mo family will not let him enter the city.

One month later, a warship galloped over, notifying the ministers of the vassal states that His Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty would arrive at Quiren Port at noon that day, and everyone was waiting at the pier.

When Annan Wang Li Weiqi heard the news, he brought Wu Wenyuan, Marquis of Qingyang, to the pier without hesitation.

Because he really wanted His Majesty the Emperor Ming to uphold justice for him.

Duke Duan Ruan Huang also brought a team of guards to the pier without hesitation, and stood behind King Annan pretending to be respectful.

No one knew what was going on in his mind.

Champa Wang Po'a was also very active, and soon appeared on the pier with a team of guards.

He might also want His Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty to uphold justice for him.

Zheng Song, Duke of Liang, and Mo Jingkuan, Duke of Ren, felt a little shy. They didn't arrive at the port wharf with a large group of guards until it was almost noon.

Soon, the Daming Navy Fleet slowly sailed into Quy Nhon Port.

Taichang turned the binoculars and glanced around, with a hint of anger showing on his face.

These gangsters and thieves want to turn the world upside down!
Surprisingly, the entire city of Guiren was covered by dense military camps. The people on the pier were all wearing armor, fully armed, and brought a bunch of guards.

Except for King Annan, who was wearing a royal robe, everyone else seemed very mighty.

Hmph, protest with me, right?

He snorted coldly, and directly ordered: "Order, order all the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion to disembark and line up around the port."

After a wave of command flags, the navy fleet immediately dispersed.

The Aegis Ship and the Dragon Tooth Battleship took turns to approach the large pier in the middle, and lowered the hanging ladders one after another, and the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion rushed down like a tide.

The Spike warships also approached the small docks on both sides in turn, and put down the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion like dumplings.

This time, Duke Liang Zheng Song, Duke Ren Mo Jingkuan and others were frightened.

They were taken aback when the Daming Navy fleet first entered the port.

So many buildings, gunboats, so many warships, and iron-clad battleships like steel fortresses, connected together, it really looks like a giant dragon, scaring everyone to death.

The strength of the Daming Navy is too terrifying.

At that time, they had already cursed secretly in their hearts.

Ruan Huang, good bastard, you must have seen everything when His Majesty the Ming Emperor came over last time, what the hell, you didn't even mention such a big battle to us!
You have made it clear that you are not called pockmarked with pockmarks on your face, you are a scam!

Who can do such a terrifying naval fleet?

It only takes a few rounds of volleys to blow the shit out of their army!
After the navy ship was disintegrated and the soldiers of Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion were released on the pier for a while, they were even more frightened and shivered.

My God, His Majesty the Emperor Ming brought so many pawns!

How much is this?
fifty thousand?

One hundred thousand?

The soldiers of Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion kept pouring down, so many that they couldn't count them.

What's even more frightening is that these soldiers of the Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion are well equipped. There are swords and shields, long spears, and armors.

Who can defeat this great master of the Ming Dynasty?
Zheng Song, Duke of Lang, Mo Jingkuan, Duke of Ren, and others were so frightened that they broke out in cold sweat, as if they had entered an ice cellar on a hot day.

They were really afraid that His Majesty the Ming Emperor would order them to drag them down and chop them up!
Right now, near the port wharf, there are three floors inside and three floors outside, densely packed with masters of the Great Ming Dynasty.

The sea was even densely packed with ships of the Daming Navy, and the entire port was almost crowded.

It's hard for them to fly even if they have wings!

Seeing this, Taichang couldn't help snorting, ordered people to come out like a dragon chair, placed it in the middle of the top deck, and went directly up one, and ordered the accompanying civil servants, military generals and Jin Yiwei masters to set up formations on both sides. Said: "Flagship go up, Luo Sigong, take people down and collect all their weapons, and then let them come up to have an audience."

(End of this chapter)

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