Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 440 Annan's Five Points in the World

Chapter 440

The Aegis ship like a steel fortress slowly approached, and the ministers of the vassal state on the pier had different expressions.

Zheng Song, Duke of Lang, Mo Jingkuan, Duke of Ren, and others felt as if they were being crushed by a mountain, and they were a little out of breath.

Annan Wang Li Weiqi and Champa Wang Po'a were secretly happy, they just wanted to laugh heartily.

As for Duan Guogong Ruan Huang and Qingyang Hou Wu Wenyuan, they looked loyal and guarded behind King Annan.

Soon, the hanging ladder of the Aegis ship was slowly lowered like a suspension bridge.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Sigong hurried down with a group of Jinyi guards, and said coldly: "Hand over all your weapons, and those who come here according to the order will go up and have an audience, and the others will stand aside."

Well, no one dares to be dishonest at this time.

Everyone untied their weapons obediently and let Jin Yiwei take them away.

Wang Annan, Li Weiqi and the others adjusted their armor carefully, then bowed and walked quickly to the top deck, lying in front of Taichang and shouted in unison: "My minister bows to the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live."

Taichang didn't let them die, just snorted coldly, and said majesticly: "You are not bad, all of you are ignoring the life and death of the subjects of the country for the sake of personal interests, and you are here to fight to death, really think that Daming can't control you? "

All the ministers of the vassal state lay on the ground without saying a word.

They all know that this is just the opening remarks, and the key point is how to deal with it next.

So, how will His Majesty the Emperor Ming deal with the Annan matter?
Taichang immediately called the name and said: "Zheng Song, are you convicted?"

Zheng Song was so frightened that he kowtowed again and again: "I am guilty, I am guilty, I beg the emperor to be magnanimous, and forgive me this time."

spare you?
Taichang suddenly turned his head and asked, "King Annan, what do you say?"

Your Majesty, you can't do this!
Didn't you ask me to be this villain?
How dare I!

Mrs. Zheng is not just Zheng Song, even if I kill him, I won't live for a few days!
Annan Wang Li Weiqi hurriedly threw the hot potato back, pretending to be respectful and said: "I am a humble minister, but the emperor makes the decision."

I call the shots for you?
You useless thing!
Taichang pretended to hesitate, and then asked Zheng Song, "Do you want to die or live?"

Isn't this nonsense?
Who wants to die!

Zheng Song quickly kowtowed and said: "The emperor spares my life, I want to live."

Taichang pretended to hesitate for a moment, and then asked again: "Mo Jingkuan, Daming appointed you Mo as the Commander of Annan, right? I heard that you still call yourself the King of Annan?"

Mo Jingkuan was so frightened that he kowtowed again and again: "The emperor forgives the crime, but I dare not."

Taichang immediately asked again: "Grandmother, who is the king of Champa who owns all the panluo tea?"

When the mother-in-law heard this, she couldn't help being taken aback.

He is a puppet supported by the Zheng family, and he is not the heir to King Champa at all.

It seems that His Majesty the Emperor Ming knows everything!

He could only honestly say: "Pan Luo Cha is all the uncles of this minister."

This relationship goes far enough.

Do you think I don't know your little thoughts?
Well, I'm a little careful too.

Taichang immediately asked again: "King Annan, tell me, if I withdraw my troops and leave, can you control the entire Annan?"

How can I, I can also command Wu Wenyuan, Marquis of Qingyang, and the others simply ignore me!
Annan Wang Li Weiqi could only beg: "Please also ask the emperor to be the master of the humble minister."

I call the shots for you?
What do you mean, I will leave 20 people to support you!
Are you kidding me?
Taichang pretended to be wrong: "Little Annan, so many people want to be king, what do you think?"

This is really difficult.

Who doesn't want to be king?
Of course, no one dared to say this.

Everyone dared not say anything.

The emperor clearly scolded them for their lack of greed, who would dare to answer!

Taichang then said coldly: "I dragged you all out and cut them down. Is this Annan's world peaceful?"

My God, what are you talking about?

Your Majesty, you can't cut people like this!
Zheng Song, who was most likely to be cut off, was so frightened that he quickly expressed his loyalty: "Your Majesty, we all listen to you. We will do whatever you say, and we will absolutely obey."

Since you said that, then I will not be polite.

The reason why Taichang asked such random questions was to make these guys panic, for fear that he would cut people down.

Of course he wouldn't cut people down. Cutting these guys down won't do Daming any good. On the contrary, it may arouse the resistance of these relatives and his subordinates.
He wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

His purpose was just to tear Annan apart.

At this moment, Zheng Song, the most powerful in Annan, was so frightened that he showed his loyalty indiscriminately, and the fire was almost over.

Taichang nodded slightly, and then seriously said: "That line, Shenglong Dao and the surrounding three roads, you return to King Annan, all of you Zheng's troops will withdraw, and you will never set foot again."

Uh, what kind of disposition is this?

Zheng Song was stunned for a moment, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "My minister obeys the order."

All right, just do what you say, let's avoid this time first.

There's no way, Master Daming has blocked the water around here.

If he is disobedient at this time, he may lose his head!

Taichang then said solemnly: "Since you all want to be kings, I will make you kings. However, kings are impossible. Annan can only have one king, so I will make you kings."

The emperor gave everyone the title of king?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, Taichang said to Mo Jingkuan: "Now you have Gaoping, Hejiang, and Beizhen under your command, right?"

Mo Jingkuan nodded repeatedly: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Taichang said without hesitation: "That's it, I will give you the title of Gaoping County King."

Oh, it's really sealed!
Mo Jingkuan hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

Taichang then said to Zheng Song: "What you have left is Guangning, Liangshan and Beijiang. I will give you the title of King of Guangning."

Alas, seven paths have changed into three paths, what a loss!
Zheng Song nodded helplessly and said, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Taichang said without hesitation: "That's it, I will give you the title of King of Guangning County."

Alas, being a county king is better than nothing.

Zheng Song could only cup his hands and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

Immediately afterwards, Taichang said to Wu Wenyuan: "Your original residence was Xuanguang Town."

This one.

Your majesty, what do you mean by that?
I never thought about being a king!
Wu Wenyuan was stunned and said: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Taichang still said without hesitation: "That's okay, I will make you the king of Xuanguang County."

Wu Wenyuan really didn't expect that Feng Junwang also had his share, and he led the army to protect King Annan.

He froze for a moment, then cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

Taichang then said to Ruan Huang: "You have Guangnan, Hue, and Guangzhi under your command, right?"

Ruan Huang really didn't expect the emperor to make a king indiscriminately.

He nodded with a complicated face, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Taichang still said without hesitation: "That's it, I will give you the title of King of Guangnan County."

Well, it's not bad to be able to win a county king.

Ruan Huang could only cup his hands and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

Immediately afterwards, Taichang said to his mother-in-law: "You have nothing to say, so I will give you the king of Champa under your original name."

This king seems to have dropped the price of the county king.

However, it would be great if he could get rid of Zheng's control.

The mother-in-law hurriedly cupped her hands and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

Taichang then asked again: "Are you satisfied now?"

Uh, how should I put it.

There must be people who are dissatisfied, but no one dares to say it!

Taichang immediately turned his face straight again, and said majesticly: "Now the king has also sealed you. If you are not satisfied, don't blame me for being rude. From now on, you must obey the orders of King Annan and work diligently. Love the people, if anyone dares to send troops to conquer each other again, they will be killed without mercy! Do you hear me clearly?"

Everyone hurriedly said in unison: "I understand."

They made it clear with their mouths, but they still don't know what they think in their hearts.

Taichang didn't care what these people thought, he nodded slightly, and said solemnly: "There is one more thing, in a few days, the cavalry generals of the [-] Shenwu Battalion will come here to take a boat through Liangshan, Shenglong and Hue. King Ning, King Annan, and King Guangnan, you should prepare more forage along the way for the horses to eat. Especially the King of Guangnan, you need to prepare hundreds of thousands of catties of forage, because the horses have to board the boat, understand ?"

My God, Daming still has a hundred thousand cavalry!

The fodder is nothing, anyway, there are grass everywhere at the moment, just order someone to cut it.

Zheng Song, Li Weiqi and Ruan Huang hurriedly cupped their hands and said, "I understand."

Now no one dares to be dishonest.

The cavalry is not a joke, it is almost instant, one hundred thousand cavalry is enough to trample them all down!
Since then, Annan has divided the world into five parts, and the forces of all parties no longer dare to attack each other.

Because the land of a few ways is equivalent to the land of several prefectures in the Ming Dynasty, it is considered good that they can each support tens of thousands of horses, and no amount of people will wear them down.

Tens of thousands of horses in front of Master Daming are not enough to fill the gap between their teeth!
Who dares to be disobedient and raise troops to attack each other?
If they can't attack each other, the territory will not be big, and their strength will naturally not be strong.

Taichang is going to use this trick to completely remove Annan's hidden dangers.

If anyone dares to raise troops to rebel, Da Ming doesn't even need to take action, just deliver the decree and order the other four forces to join forces and destroy him!

(End of this chapter)

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