Chapter 441

The Donghu Dynasty seems to have no reputation in history, and even the name Donghu Dynasty does not exist in many historical materials of Ming Dynasty.

As for the reason, it's simple.

Because the records of the Donghu Dynasty in the Ming Dynasty generally use the name officially recognized by the Ming Dynasty as the Burmese Xuanweisi.

Regardless of whether he called himself the Donghu Dynasty or the Awa Dynasty, the official record of the Ming Dynasty is the Burmese Xuanweisi.

In fact, the Donghu dynasty is still very famous in the entire southeast peninsula. It can be said that the Donghu dynasty is the most powerful force in the history of the southeast peninsula.

When the East Lake Dynasty was at its most powerful, it was the Little Overlord of the Southeast, and the entire Southeast was basically under its control.

At that time, Mang Yinglong took advantage of the Ming Dynasty's inability to go south and directly won the three propagandas and six comforts, and then captured the Siam King City, and established a puppet king to control Siam.

In this way, most of the southeast became the territory of the Donghu Dynasty. The Donghu Dynasty was the little overlord of the southeast. Nanzhao, Chenla, and even Annan all paid tribute to the Donghu Dynasty in order to protect themselves.

This little overlord is really extremely arrogant, after Mang Yinglong took control of the entire southeast, he even ran to attack Daming at the risk of death!

As a result, it just happened to catch up with Daming Wanli Zhongxing, and there was also a fierce general Liu Ting.

Liu Ting was really uncommonly ferocious, he was so powerful all the way, he directly smashed through the entire southeast, rushed to Donghu King City, and beat this little overlord half to death!
Siam also took this opportunity to break away from the control of the Donghu Dynasty.

Originally, this little overlord had no chance to make a comeback.

However, when Shenzong Wanli went mad, he even sent a eunuch Yang Rong to Yunnan to be the local emperor, making the whole of Yunnan a mess.

As a result, the Donghu Dynasty miraculously made a comeback and "recaptured" the land of three announcements and six comforts.

Mang Yingli is also extremely arrogant, he also wants to be like his father, conquer Siam, dominate the southeast, and even compete with Daming again.

In history, he didn't catch the opportunity to fight against Daming, because he died before taking Siam Daming.

At this moment, the track of history has deviated, and he didn't know how he reached the Siam King City so quickly, and he happened to meet the Emperor Ming who was attacking Nanyang.

Now, he has a chance to fight against Daming, but with his three-legged skills, he can also bully the eunuch Yang Rong. In front of Taichang, he is just a dish!
If he had a little self-knowledge, he should withdraw his troops as soon as he found out that Daming sent troops to support Siam King City.

It's a pity that crazy and boundless people are basically good at killing people, and they don't know why flowers are so popular until they are beaten half to death.

Daming's second wave of reinforcements has arrived at the Chao Phraya River, yet he hasn't withdrawn yet!
Taichang couldn't help crying and laughing when he looked at the Spike warship that was burnt to black.

Obviously, Donghu did not withdraw his troops at this moment, and Donghu's army also ran to the south of Siam King City to block the Chao Phraya River.

This situation is really dumbfounding.

He didn't want Donghu to withdraw his troops, but he didn't want Donghu to block the Chao Phraya River either.

Because he needs to rely on water transportation to transport the infantry to the Siam King City.

People are blocked on both sides of the Chao Phraya River, how can he transport the infantry there?
The Spike warship sent to report the news has been burned to such a degree. If it is full of infantry, it is unknown what kind of fire it will be.

How to do it?

He was standing there frowning in thought, when Lu Xiangsheng, whose face was covered in ashes from the burn, had already rushed up from below.

Who is this?
Taichang didn't notice it at first glance, because Lu Xiangsheng's hair was burned off, and his face was covered with black soot, he really didn't notice it at first glance.

However, as soon as Lu Xiangsheng opened his mouth, he recognized it.

Lu Xiangsheng stepped forward directly, cupping his hands and bowing: "My humble servant sees the emperor."

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help being surprised and said: "Jiandou, why did you make such a appearance? Is Donghu attacking the city very fiercely?"

Lu Xiangsheng said awkwardly: "No, Your Majesty, we accidentally hit their rocket.

This group of Donghu people are very gloomy. Maybe this warship passed too fast, and they didn't even react when they cut off their pontoon bridge.

By the time Weichen passed the pontoon bridge by boat, they had already gathered a lot of people on both sides of the pontoon bridge.

The problem is that they hid behind the embankment without showing their heads, and they were directly thrown by a rocket.

We were caught off guard and couldn't dodge at all, and the boat was set alight by them. "

Uh, it turned out to be a surprise attack.

Taichang held back his laughter and asked solemnly, "Is no one injured?"

Lu Xiangsheng shook his head again and again and said, "No, the Wolf Fang battleship is built with iron plates, and the shells can't hurt the people on the deck, let alone the rockets."

It's okay, no one gets hurt.

Taichang then asked again: "What's the matter with Donghu? He actually ran to the south of Siam King City."

Lu Xiangsheng said without hesitation: "They want to besiege because they see that the siege will not go down. At this moment, the Siam King City is surrounded by them all around. It is estimated that all the rivers are also blocked by floating bridges."


Looking for death!
Taichang thought for a while, and then asked: "Is it okay to hold on to Siam King City for another ten days and a half a month?"

Lu Xiangsheng said without hesitation: "No problem, the Donghu army has stormed several times, and they haven't even filled the moat. They can't attack the city wall at all. They didn't attack the city again later. They should be determined." Use siege tactics."

If you encircle but don't attack, then there's no problem.

Taichang said decisively: "Jiandou, you first lead 20 people to disembark and set up camp, and I will lead the navy fleet back to pick up the cavalry from Shenwu Battalion."

And the cavalry of the Shenwu Battalion?
Hearing this, Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help being surprised and said, "Your Majesty, where have the cavalry from the Shenwu Battalion arrived?"

Taichang reckoned: "They should be approaching Quiren now. You know Quiren, it turns out to be the royal city of Champa Kingdom."

Lu Xiangsheng nodded repeatedly and said, "I know, Your Majesty, Guiren is only three or four days away from here, right?"

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Yes, as long as you sail at full speed, you will arrive in three days. You first lead 20 infantry and wait here. When the cavalry arrives, we will rush over and defeat the Donghu army."

Lu Xiangsheng cupped his hands without hesitation and said, "I understand."

After that, he turned around and left.

Soon, the sailors built several temporary piers with the steel and wood prepared in advance, and the Spike warships were transferred back and forth. In less than an hour, all 20 infantry landed ashore.

After thinking about it, Taichang still kept the ten large fishing boats, and then went straight to Quiren with the navy ships.

On the other side, Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao ran southward with [-] cavalry from the Shenwu Camp. When the horses were tired, they stopped to bury the pot to make food and feed the horses. When they were full, they continued to run wildly. They didn't stop until dark to set up camp. , every day, even when it reached the border of Annan, it didn't stop.

This rush really allowed them to arrive at Quy Nhon Port within 20 days.

The forces in Annan were really frightened by them. It turned out that the [-] cavalry didn't care whether the horses were nailed with iron palms, but both the cavalry and the horses were armored!

This is the legendary armored cavalry, basically invincible in land battles!

Fifty thousand of these armored cavalry may be able to wipe out all the troops in Annan, but there are [-] in Ming Dynasty!
The majesty of the Ming Dynasty really made them tremble with fear.

When Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao led the army to Quiren, the navy fleet hadn't arrived yet. They had to repair for two full days before the navy fleet slowly entered the port of Quiren.

When Taichang saw the armored cavalry who were rapidly gathering on both sides of the port, he couldn't help showing a hint of approval on his face.

The speed of Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao's journey was really fast. In [-] days or so, they actually crossed the north and south of Ming Dynasty, and even crossed half of Annan!

The flagship came to the pier, and Cao Wenzhao, Cao Bianjiao, Zheng Zhilong, Xin Wang Zhu Youjian and others joined hands to welcome it.

Zheng Zhilong and Zhu Youjian dropped by to set up the Daming Bank and Western Firm branch. Daming's influence has extended to Nanyang, and Daming Bank and Western Firm will naturally follow in to make money. This is also a means of colonization.

Originally, Taichang was planning to defeat the Donghu army outside the Siam King City and come back to pick them up for the new Jinling City. Unexpectedly, Xin Wang Zhu Youjian was stubborn and insisted on following the army to fight.

There was no other way, he could only take his precious son along with the directors of several western firms.

(End of this chapter)

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