Chapter 447

New Jinling City, on the huge square in front of the Emperor Palace.

Carinho felt that he was going to die of heat.

The weather in Nanyang is really hot, especially in July and August, it can really kill people!

Usually at this time, he would sit in the most spacious and shady room in the Governor's Mansion, wear the thinnest clothes, and order someone to fan him vigorously, otherwise, he really couldn't bear it.

At this moment, he had to wear neat formal clothes and walk non-stop under the sun!

There is no way, His Majesty the Ming Emperor wants to hold a grand celebration, and as the only invited European envoy or high-ranking official of a powerful European country, he cannot lose face in front of the Far Eastern countries!

He couldn't be rude in front of His Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, no matter how hot it was, he had to put on neat formal attire to attend the ceremony.

He was so hot right now, he just wanted to hurry into the middle hall and hide from the sun.

The problem is that the high-ranking officials of Ming Dynasty in front of the team are going to put on a solemn look and walk slowly, and there is nothing he can do about it.

I don't know how long he walked on the hot red carpet, and when Carinho felt like he was about to faint, he finally arrived at the hall.

As soon as he stepped into the shadow above the steps, he felt extremely cool immediately.

This place is really cool, as cool as if you are in the cool autumn wind, icy cold, so comfortable!

Hey, no, there is really a cool breeze.

He stretched out his sweaty hand to feel it, and there was really a cool wind blowing out of the hall, it was icy cold, and the sweat on his hand dried up in a while.

What is going on here?
In fact, this is a simple air conditioner designed by Taichang to resist the scorching heat.

The palace structure of the new Jinling City is not as simple as it looks on the surface. Whether it is the Huangji Hall or the Ciqing Palace, whether it is the barracks or the Nanyang Sansi Yamen, they are all equipped with simple air conditioners.

The so-called simple air conditioner is actually blowing a large fan driven by a steam engine against a huge ice cube, it's as simple as that.

However, cold water is not used in the barracks and the Yamen of Nanyang Sansi instead of ice.

There is no way, the barracks and the Yamen of the Nanyang Third Division are too big. If ice is used, then the ice in the ice cellar of Duke Wen's Mansion may not be enough.

This Huangji Hall didn't turn on the fan all the time to blow ice cubes, it was only used when he was going to receive courtiers.

Of course, except for Xu Guangqi and other important ministers of the Ming Dynasty, the people who came to the celebration didn't know what was going on.

Naturally, the fan Taichang driven by the steam engine will not be seen by outsiders, including the boiler and so on. These are all in the small compartment behind the Huangji Hall.

You can also see a huge wind tunnel and a pile of huge ice blocks in the Hall of the Emperor.

These are all hidden behind the screen wall, and outsiders can't see them at all.

He spent a lot of thought on organizing this celebration, and the simple air conditioner was just a trivial matter, and it took him nearly a month just to bring these people over.

And this palace, this hall, it can be said that they are all prepared for this celebration.

As for the significance of so much trouble.

Then it started to manifest.

After the people participating in the celebration went up to the mountain and shouted long live, he directly raised his hand to let everyone stand up, and then winked at Liu Shiyou on the right.

Liu Shiyou quickly took out a scroll and read it aloud.

This is the announcement of the three provinces of Ming Dynasty, Dongyang Chengxuan Political Envoy Division, Nanyang Chengxuan Political Envoy Division, and Dongnan Chengxuan Political Envoy Division.

Dong Yangcheng announced that the Department of Political Envoys had been established long ago, and the state capitals such as Xintang State Mansion, Xinrui State Mansion, Wen State Mansion, and Wu State Mansion had already been determined.

Read it here, just to let all the kings of the vassal states clearly know that Dongpu has been destroyed by Ming Dynasty, and it has become the political envoy of Dongyang Cheng of Ming Dynasty!

The next step is Dongnancheng's announcement of the political envoy.

Dongnancheng announced that the Political Envoy Division was actually the original place of three announcements and six comforts, but it was also changed at the moment, and it was directly changed to the Zhili Province of the Ming Dynasty, and many state capitals were also entrusted to this war. A general of neutral meritorious service.

Reading it here is also to let all the kings of the subordinate countries know clearly that the Donghu Dynasty has been destroyed by Ming Dynasty, and it has become the Dongnan Cheng of Ming Dynasty.

The next step is Nanyang Chengxuan's political envoy.

Nanyang Cheng announced that the territory of the Political Envoy Division is relatively large. In addition to Java Island, Jinzhou Island and the peninsula where the New Jinling City is located, it also includes Borneo, Luzon Islands and other places.

It seems that these places are still in the hands of the Spaniards, and many people in the hall have a strange look on their faces when they hear this.

The governor of Luzon, Spain, Carlinio, followed the example of the others, standing there with lowered eyebrows and bowed his head respectfully, without any reaction.

Because he doesn't understand at all!
He didn't know what Liu Shiyou was reading.

After Liu Shiyou finished reading, it seems that the theme of this celebration has been finished.

Immediately afterwards, Taichang winked at Cao Huachun on the left.

Cao Huachun also took out a scroll without hesitation and read it.

What he read was "Regulations of the Ming Dynasty vassal state".

Of course, there was no such regulation before, it was newly established by Taichang.

This law is to stipulate what the vassal state should do.

For example, tribute.

From now on, all the vassal states of Ming Dynasty have to pay tribute every year, and the king must personally lead the team, and the time is set in April, because that is the time when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, and it is also the time when the scenery of Daming capital is the most beautiful.

Of course, once this system was established, the Ming Dynasty would have corresponding arrangements to ensure that this system could be implemented well. At least the missions of the vassal states would not have to travel hard.

Another example is the imperial examination.

From now on, all the vassal states of the Ming Dynasty will hold imperial examinations, and the test is the "Four Books and Five Classics" in the liberal arts. Moreover, the appointment and dismissal of officials in the vassal states of the Ming Dynasty is the same as that of the Ming court.

It is actually not difficult to implement this, because at the moment, the vassal states such as North Korea, Annan, and Ryukyu are all implementing the imperial examination system like Ming Dynasty, and the Siamese royal family and nobles have been studying the "Four Books and Five Classics".

As for the small countries like Nanzhao and Zhenla, they also have foundations.

It can be said that the tribute and imperial examinations were basically available in the former Ming vassal states, but the regulations were a little stricter. The kings and court officials of the vassal states did not show any surprise.

What follows is a bit surprising.

For example, all heirs to the vassal king's throne had to be sent to the capital of Daming to study, and they had to take the imperial examination of Ming Dynasty. Moreover, they could not inherit the throne of the king without obtaining the honor of being a scholar or above!
For another example, all vassal states must open Daming Banks, and the gold ingots, silver ingots, gold coins, silver coins, copper coins, gold notes, and silver notes issued by the Daming Banks will be the legal tender of all vassal states, and the vassal states are not allowed to privately mint other currencies!
What else is there that all vassal states must open the branch of the Ming Dynasty Western Company, and all vassal states are not allowed to manufacture large ocean-going fishing boats and so on.

These are a bit overbearing.

However, the kings and court officials of the vassal states did not say anything.

Because the current Daming is too powerful, so powerful that they dare not disobey it in the slightest.

They understood now that the reason why His Majesty the Emperor Daming took them all over was that the announcement of the opening of three new provinces was just incidental, and the "Regulations of the Territorial States of the Ming Dynasty" was the key point!
Of course, they just need to abide by some laws and regulations, and there is no big loss in itself.

This is not the same as the governor of Luzon in Spain. His Majesty the Emperor has made it clear that he wants to take back Borneo and Luzon under their control!
Your guy colony is gone, you know that?
Carinho didn't respond at all, and he didn't even know why someone was sneaking at him with a weird face.

He still pretended to lower his eyebrows and look respectful, and stood there honestly!

Alas, it's terrible to be uneducated.

Obviously, this guy doesn't understand at all!
(End of this chapter)

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