Chapter 448
Carinho really didn't understand anything, because he didn't have a translator by his side.

He only thought that His Majesty the Ming Emperor asked him to fill the number, representing the European power Spain, and even the overseas governor was sent to show the grandeur of this celebration.

Of course he has to help with this little favor.

It was too late for him to curry favor with His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Empire, so he would naturally not let this opportunity pass by.

He always thought that it would be over after just going through the motions, and that this celebration had nothing to do with him.

Who knows, the people around His Majesty the Ming Emperor just read something, and the people around him secretly cast strange glances at him.

What is going on here?
Did that person read something related to him?
The problem is that His Majesty the Emperor Ming didn't arrange for him to communicate, and the translator he brought was not allowed to be brought in. He couldn't understand anything at all!

what on earth is this kind of happenings?
He was really curious, but he didn't dare to speak.

He also knew that on such a solemn occasion, he couldn't speak indiscriminately. He couldn't speak unless His Majesty the Emperor Daming asked him to speak.

Even, on such a solemn occasion, he couldn't look up at His Majesty the Ming Emperor, it was a disrespectful act.

He could only stand there with low eyebrows, waiting for the ceremony to end before asking His Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty.

Perhaps, at that time, he would know what was going on.

He was thinking about it secretly, when suddenly, the high-pitched voice disappeared, and His Majesty the Emperor Ming seemed to say something, and everyone raised their heads to look at His Majesty the Emperor Daming.

Isn't that disrespectful?
Carinho was dumbfounded.

What are these people doing?

Could it be that His Majesty the Emperor Ming just asked everyone to look up?
He quietly turned his head to look at the people around him, made a confirmation, then raised his head carefully, and looked at His Majesty the Emperor Daming.

Well, His Majesty the Emperor Ming didn't seem to show anything!

What are you all looking at?

He looked at the people around him again, and carefully looked at the angle of their eyes, only to realize that these people seemed to be looking up at the thing above His Majesty's head.

What is on the head of His Majesty the Ming Emperor?

He looked up and was stunned again.

It turned out that behind His Majesty the Ming Emperor was a huge world map!

Obviously, His Majesty the Emperor Ming wanted everyone to watch this.

Naturally, he could understand this map at a glance. The bright yellow area was the current territory of the Ming Empire, and it also included the subordinate states of the Ming Empire.

Only then did he realize that the entire Far East seemed to be bright yellow.

In other words, the entire Far East is now the territory of Ming Dynasty!
Huh, that's not right!
Why did Luzon and Borneo also turn bright yellow?

Now he finally understood why the person next to him was sneaking at him with weird faces.

Obviously, His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Empire has designated all their colonies in Luzon as the territory of the Ming Empire.

This means that the Ming Empire wants to take back Luzon and Borneo?
Then he is the governor of Luzon, isn't he unworthy!
He didn't dare to go to war with the Ming Empire, and he didn't even dare to ask His Majesty the King of Spain to send troops to go to war with the Ming Empire.

Because he knew that they couldn't beat the Ming Empire at all, and if they went to war with them, they would be courting death!

What to do now?

Carinho stood there blankly, not knowing what was going on in his mind, all the people in the hall who came to the celebration had left, and he was still standing there blankly!
This guy should understand what I mean, but I don't know what he thinks.

Seeing this, Taichang slightly raised his hand to beckon Liu Shiyou and whispered a word in his ear.

Soon, an official from the Ministry of Rituals walked in and said to Carlino: "My lord governor, your Majesty the Emperor invites you to come over."

When Carinho heard the words, he came back to his senses and took a closer look.

At this moment, the hall was actually empty, and His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty was no longer sitting in the middle seat. He was standing in front of the map with his hands behind his back and looking at something.

He froze for a moment, then followed the officer and hurried over.

Seeing this guy's expression, Taichang couldn't help asking curiously: "After reading this map, don't you have any ideas?"

Of course I have ideas.

I have a lot on my mind.

Carinho thought for a while, then asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, are you going to take back Luzon and Borneo?"

Hearing this, Taichang nodded without hesitation and said: "Yes, this is the territory of Daming's vassal state. Although these two vassal states have been destroyed by you, Daming still wants to take this place back."

Carinho still had no expression on his face, no grief, no anger, not even a bit of dissatisfaction!

He thought for a while, and then asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, is the agreement we made at the beginning still valid?"

This guy is still thinking about doing business right now!
Taichang was quite surprised and said: "You still want to do business with our Daming?"

Carinho nodded without hesitation: "Of course, as long as His Majesty agrees, I even want to do a bigger business with you."

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help asking curiously: "A bigger business, what kind of business?"

Carinho hesitated for a moment, but still gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty, what do you say, I will sell Luzon and Borneo to you?"

This guy's idea is so clear!
Can this kind of thing be sold?

You guys don't have brain problems, do you?
Taichang looked this guy up and down, and then asked curiously: "Can this one be sold? Will your king agree?"

Carinho nodded solemnly and said, "This should be sellable, as long as His Majesty the Emperor can afford enough, I believe I should be able to convince His Majesty the King."

It looks like this guy is serious.

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help but asked with doubts on his face: "Why do you have such an idea?"

You are thinking of selling such a large area to Daming. Your Majesty the King should agree?
is it possible?
Carlinio said rather helplessly: "Your Majesty, I can't help it. If you want to take back the Luzon Islands and Borneo, I can't stop it with my strength.

I have also seen your naval fleet. If it was just a large ship and gunboat, I might be able to resist it, but now that you even have ironclad warships, how can I resist it?
It’s not that I don’t know how strong the Dutch’s defense is in Batavia. Just this, you easily took it down. Our defense in Manila is far worse than Batavia’s.

In other words, even if I resist, it's useless. As the governor, I definitely have nothing to do.

I have to think about how to deal with the aftermath, or rather, I have to think about how to go back and explain to His Majesty the King! "

Uh, this.

Well, this guy really can't help it.

The Daming navy fleet can't even stop the Dutch, and the Spaniards don't even need to think about it, especially in the Far East, especially at this time, the Spaniards have no hope of making a comeback.

Question, even if you can't help it, you can't think like this, right?

Sell ​​Luzon and Borneo directly to Daming?
Thank you for being able to figure it out!

Taichang was still a little puzzled and said, "Will His Majesty the King be angry if you do this?"

Carinho said without hesitation: "I believe His Majesty the King will not be angry, because I am doing it for the good of Spain."

Oh, are you still doing it for your Spanish?
Your idea is too clear!
Taichang made it clear that he didn't believe it: "Really?"

Carinho quickly explained: "Really, Your Majesty, think about it, if I resist desperately, will my death be in vain?

It’s nothing if I died in vain. Have Spain and your Ming Empire become enemies from now on?

The consequences are too serious, we cannot be enemies of your Ming Empire!
Don't I know the strength of your Ming Empire?

If we, Spain, are enemies of your Ming Empire, we will be courting death!

I can't let this happen, so I have to figure out a way to get it right.

And the best way is to sell the Luzon Islands and Borneo to you. In this way, not only will we not become enemies, but we can continue the original business.

You know, I signed the agreement with your Ming Empire on behalf of Spain. If the agreement is invalidated, we Spain will lose a lot of income because of it.

This income is available every year, which is too important for us in Spain.

If this income is gone, I won't be able to explain to His Majesty the King at all! "

Uh, I have to say, this guy is really smart.

That's right, if Spain becomes an enemy of Ming Dynasty, it will be courting death!
It seems that this guy is really thinking about Spain.

Question, is it useful for this guy to be funny?

Will the King of Spain know what to do?
Can the king of Spain agree to such a thing?

You know, the Luzon Islands and Borneo are several times larger than mainland Spain!
(End of this chapter)

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