Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 449 The Lord of the Earth Who Needs Money

Chapter 449 The Lord of the Earth Who Needs Money

Can this colony still be used for trading?
To be honest, Taichang had never heard of it.

If the colony could be bought with money, he certainly didn't mind paying for it.

Because this is a lucrative business.

You must know that the Luzon Islands are a little smaller than Dongying, and Borneo is more than twice the size of Dongying!

In other words, the Luzon Islands plus Borneo are about the size of three Japan.

Such a large site contains so many resources, so much wealth, no matter how high the price is, it will not be a loss if you buy it!

What's more, he didn't have to pay much at all.

He believed that Carinho did not dare to ask him to pay too much money.

Because this guy knows very well that they can't hold the Luzon and Borneo colonies at all.

That is to say, even if he pays, at most, it can be calculated as the food and wages spent by the Ming Dynasty to send troops to occupy the Luzon Islands and Borneo.

This money is nothing at all.

He would like to buy more colonies if he could.

This deal can be done!

Thinking of this, Taichang asked seriously: "Will His Majesty the King really agree to sell the Luzon Islands and Borneo to us?"

Carinho nodded without hesitation: "I believe His Majesty the King will agree."

you believe?
Taichang thought for a while, and then solemnly said: "Why do you think His Majesty the King will agree? I want to know the reason, the real reason! If you tell the real reason, I can consider paying for the Luzon Islands and Borneo. If you don't tell me, I will send troops to fight!"

Uh, Your Majesty, please don't do this!

Carinho hesitated for a moment, but still gritted his teeth and said: "Your Majesty, the reason why I think His Majesty the King will agree is because His Majesty the King is short of money. To be honest, Luzon Islands and Borneo may not, but, with you The cooperation business of the Ming Empire is indispensable, if this income is gone, it will be even more difficult for our Majesty the King to maintain it."

The king of Spain is short of money!
How can it be?

They annexed Portugal.

It is no exaggeration to say that more than half of the entire Americas are colonies of Spain, as well as Africa, and there must be quite a few colonies of Spain and Portugal at this moment.

With such a large territory and so many resources, will the King of Spain be short of money?

When you plunder gold and silver from the Americas, you pull them back one by one, okay?

That boat weighed millions of catties!

Taichang couldn't help but asked curiously: "Is your majesty short of money? Don't you have many colonies? Especially after annexing Portugal, your colonies can be said to be all over the world. It seems that the gold you plundered from America in a year Calculated in silver, there are tens of millions of taels, right?"

Alas, Your Majesty the Emperor, you can't just look at the income and not think about the expenditure!
Carlinio said helplessly: "Your Majesty, this is indeed true. Our Majesty the King claims to be the Lord of the Earth, and the colonies are indeed all over the world. But, do you know how much our Majesty the King spent?"

How can I know this?
Is tens of millions of taels a year not enough to spend?

How extravagant do you kings have to be?
Return the Lord of the Earth!

The lord of the earth can't take money as money, can he?

Taichang asked directly: "Tell me, how much did your majesty the king spend?"

Carinho thought for a while, but asked without answering: "Your Majesty, do you know how much a building boat gunboat costs? Do you know how much an ordinary warship costs? Do you know how much an armed merchant ship costs?" How much is it?"


Taichang really didn't know.

Because the shipbuilding method of Ming Dynasty is different from that of continental Europe, or in other words, the cost of shipbuilding of Ming Dynasty is different from that of other countries in continental Europe.

In the Ming Dynasty, the Ministry of Industry of the imperial court led the shipbuilding.

The materials are basically mined by the Ministry of Industry's own organization, or harvested from the colonies, and the cost is very low.

Labor is basically artisan households under the Ministry of Industry, and the wages are not high, at least not as high as those so-called skilled jobs in Europe.

Calculated in this way, a building boat and gunboat would not cost 10 taels of silver. Even if you add the money to buy copper from Spain, it would only cost more than [-] taels.

According to Oulu's calculation, it would be a big deal. The wood alone would cost several 10 taels, plus labor, it would cost millions of taels!

Taichang thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "It depends on how you calculate it. I don't know how your materials and labor are calculated, so I don't know how much your warships and merchant ships cost."

Carinho said without hesitation: "Materials and labor are naturally calculated at normal prices, as much as you want."

How can it be?

Taichang couldn't help but asked curiously: "Don't you have many colonies, do materials need to be calculated at normal prices?"

Carinho said helplessly: "It's true that we have many colonies, but our king only controls gold and silver and other precious metal deposits. For the rest, he always gives points to other nobles. Otherwise, who will give Where is he going to run everything in the colony?"

This seems to be the case in Europe. The royal family or the royal family relies on others to develop and manage the colonies.

It's like the Dutch East India Company and the British East India Company. They didn't hand everything over to the royal family or the royal family. Most of the money they earned was divided among themselves.

It is already very good that the Spanish royal family can control precious metal mines such as gold mines and silver mines. The English royal family does not control any mines. These things should be controlled by the British East India Company.

In other words, it is really possible that the materials and labor of Continental Shipbuilding have to be calculated at normal prices.

This is more terrifying.

Not to mention the building boat gunboat, I am afraid that an armed merchant ship costs several 10 taels of silver!
Thinking of this, Taichang couldn't help but estimate: "I'm afraid the cost of one of your armed merchant ships is several hundred thousand taels?"

Who said no.

Carinho nodded, and then sighed: "Yes, Your Majesty, according to the price of your Ming Empire, the cost of an armed merchant ship of ours is 40 to 60 taels, and an ordinary warship costs at least [-] taels [-] taels, a building boat gunboat, at least a million taels.

Your Majesty, you also know that the five expeditions of our Spanish Armada to England were almost swallowed by sea storms.

How much is that, do you know?
An Armada consists of at least a dozen buildings, gunboats, or hundreds of ordinary warships!

Not counting other armed merchant ships or anything else, the loss alone was more than [-] million taels! "

This is indeed more than [-] million taels, and it is estimated that at least [-] million taels will be needed to build an invincible fleet.

In other words, the Armada's five expeditions to England cost Spain more than one billion two silver coins.

With so much money, even if they rob it, it will take them 30 years to get it back!

Alas, why bother?

Taichang couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "Your Majesty the King has such a grudge against England, why do you always think about organizing an armada to expedition to England? It's fine once or twice, but you failed three times or four times, and the fifth time!" What a hatred, is it necessary to work so hard?"

Carinho sighed helplessly: "Your Majesty the Emperor, our Majesty the King can't do anything about it. England always connives and even supports pirates to rob our treasure ships. Our fleet of gold and silver back from the Americas is often destroyed by them. Looting! If we don't beat them, they will wantonly rob our treasure ship, our king can't stand it!"

Uh, didn't England start out with pirates!

These pirates are even more hateful than colonial robbers!

No wonder the Spanish king was so persistent and insisted on an expedition to England.

There is no way, these people just need to be beaten!

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help but nodded slightly and said: "Well, it seems that your Majesty's expenses are indeed not small. This Armada is really a waste of money."

Unexpectedly, Carinho shook his head and sighed: "Your Majesty, these are nothing.

You should have also heard that almost all countries in the entire European continent are enemies of the Habsburg Dynasty. In order to defeat these enemies, our King has to increase his troops again and again.

At this moment, our Spanish army alone has more than 30, plus the loss of muskets, artillery and ammunition, after a year, our Spanish basically cannot make ends meet! "

Spain is really short of money right now, it's frighteningly short.

Felipe IV, who is known as the Lord of the Earth, borrowed money everywhere, borrowed money and couldn't pay it back, so he had to renege on his debts. He declared bankruptcy three times!
This means that I really have no money, not to mention repaying the principal, I can't even pay the interest, so I can only declare bankruptcy.

If you want me to return the original principal to you, then lend me some more money and let me make a comeback!

(End of this chapter)

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