Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 450 Daming can also play as an ally

Chapter 450 Daming can also play as an ally
Lord of the Earth!

This name is indeed crazy enough.

Probably, the King of Spain felt that he could single-handedly challenge the whole world.

The results of it?
It is not necessary for the whole world to come together, but several countries in the European continent will put him down!

Facts have proved that no matter how strong the strength is, it is impossible for one person to single out the world.

This is a lesson!

Taichang suddenly realized that he might have gone the old way of the Spanish king.

Daming at this moment is like when Spain just annexed Portugal!
The strength of Spain at that time was also terrifyingly strong.

You must know that Portugal, an old colonial empire, and the Netherlands, an emerging maritime power, were both Spanish territories at that time.

It can be said that all the colonies in the whole world belonged to them at that time.

The title of Lord of the Earth is not bragging, but true!

With so many colonies in the world, it is hard to imagine how powerful Spain was in its heyday.

At least, when the Daming Navy was still a bunch of small broken ships, they had an invincible fleet.

The name of the Spanish Invincible Fleet was not blown out. A fleet of at least a dozen high-rise gunboats, hundreds of ordinary warships, and hundreds of other types of warships were invincible at that time?
Spain would be invincible at sea if it weren't for the fact that the Spanish Armada's five expeditions to England encountered storms at sea.

So what about the result of such a ridiculously strong Spain?

It has only been more than 40 years, and they are so poor.

In other words, you can no longer be called poor, but you can't make ends meet, and you are heavily in debt!
As for the reason, don't think about it, it's just too crazy, crazy to think that he can single out the whole world, but in the end he was beaten violently by almost all the countries in Europe.

Perhaps, the King of Spain at that time thought that even if all the countries in the world joined forces to catch him and beat him violently, he would be able to beat all the countries down.

The truth is, they were beaten to the ground, and in less than 50 years they were beaten all over the floor!

Thinking of this, Taichang couldn't help but secretly wake up.

Originally, he thought so too.

He also felt that Daming could single out the world!

is it possible?
If all the countries in the world really unite against Daming, it will be troublesome!

If nothing else, just talk about European countries.

If Spain and the European countries stop fighting, or if the European countries unite with the Habsburg Dynasty to fight against Ming, Ming will suffer!
With the terrifying shipbuilding capabilities of the Netherlands, plus the navies of Spain and the United Kingdom, plus the armies of the Holy Roman Empire, Russia, France, Sweden, Denmark and other countries, can Ming Dynasty do it?
Daming would probably be beaten all over the place!
Wouldn't this happen?


It's not that it won't happen, but it's very likely to happen!
Isn't that the case in continental Europe?

They just like to band together and beat people up!

Once they find out that the threat of Ming Dynasty is greater than the threat of Habsburg Dynasty, they will definitely stop the war with Habsburg Dynasty and unite against Ming Dynasty!
European countries like to play this trick.

To put it bluntly, this trick is called playing alliances, or playing allies.

They even find a few allies next to Daming to play with.

For example, the Mughal Empire, the Mongolian and Yuan tribes, even Jiannu, even Annan, and even the extinct Donghu!

They can completely form an alliance with these forces, give various supports on the surface, let these allies work with Da Ming, and constantly consume Da Ming's strength.

When these allies and Da Ming are almost exhausted, they will swallow Da Ming and these "allies" together!
This is their typical method!
They don't know how many times they have played in history.

So, what to do?

In fact, Da Ming can also play with his allies and treat him in his own way!
This routine is actually not difficult, just find an "ally" to play with them.

At this time, Spain or the Habsburg dynasty was a good "ally".

They were beaten all over the ground by European countries, and they were about to be unable to get up.

If Da Ming fights with them again, he will beat them all over the world and rob their colonies everywhere.

It is very likely that they will put aside their struggle with the European countries and instead unite with the European countries to fight against Ming Dynasty.

If Daming supports them from behind, making them stand up and continue to fight with European countries, it will be wonderful!
Thinking of this, Taichang suddenly changed his face, and said kindly: "In fact, our common enemy is not only the Netherlands, but also England."

oh really?
This is great, England is also the enemy of Spain!
When Carlinio heard this, he couldn't help but excitedly said: "Your Majesty, has England offended your Ming Empire as well?"

Taichang pointed to the map and said: "Yes, you should know this Donghu, right?
Originally, Donghu was the territory of Ming Dynasty, but the English sold them guns and cannons, instigated them to rebel, attacked the vassal states of Ming Dynasty, and even attacked the mainland of Ming Dynasty, which caused great losses to Ming Dynasty.

This time we mobilized a full army of 40 to [-] to quell the Donghu rebellion, and the loss is unknown.

I will settle this account with England sooner or later! "

This statement is seven points true and three points false,

Of course Carinho didn't know it was fake.

Donghu assembled more than 30 troops to attack Siam, the vassal state of Ming Dynasty, and Ming Dynasty assembled more than [-] troops to support Siam, and then pushed back and destroyed Donghu.

He has heard these days.

It turned out that it was England who supported Donghu to fight against the Ming Empire!
From the looks of it, England really offended the Ming Empire.

They actually caused the Ming Empire to mobilize more than [-] troops to support Siam, which is equivalent to the sum of all the Spanish armies!

His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Empire probably meant to unite Spain with the Dutch, and with the English!

Carlinio quickly confirmed: "Your Majesty, what do you mean, do we join forces to deal with the Dutch and the English?"

Taichang pretended to nod without hesitation: "Yes!"

When Carlinio heard this, he couldn't help but asked with hope, "Then, don't you need to take back the Luzon Islands and Borneo?"

what are you thinking?

I want to play as an ally, not really form an alliance with you!
Taichang pretended to be annoyed and sighed: "Oh, it's too late, I've already let the word out, Daming wants to take back all the territory in the Far East. Didn't you see, I have someone draw this map, and Daming All the vassals have also seen it, if I go back on my word at this time, then I will be ashamed!"

Uh, didn't you say unite us against the Dutch and the English?
You also robbed our colony!
Can this be called an alliance?

Carinho couldn't help but be puzzled: "Your Majesty, can't you change your words a little bit, or simply say, has the Ming Empire already formed an alliance with Spain?"

He originally thought that the Luzon Islands and Borneo could not be kept, and the governor of Luzon was no longer suitable, so he thought about selling the colony so that he could go back and explain to his majesty the king.

Now that he hopes to keep these colonies and the position of the overseas governor, he will naturally try hard.

You have a good idea!

Taichang shook his head and sighed: "No way, you have no jokes, what I say can't be taken as a joke!"

It seems that the overseas governor is still not suitable.

Alas, there is no other way, then we can only follow the original plan.

His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Empire really cannot be offended!
Moreover, His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Empire intends to form an alliance with them, so it is even more impossible to offend them.

Carinho struggled for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Since His Majesty the Emperor said so, then forget it, no matter what, I can't make things difficult for you."

Hehe, this guy is really interesting.

Come on, I will make a big deal with you, and make you rich and rich!

(End of this chapter)

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