Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 466 Exploring the Far North

Chapter 466 Exploring the Far North
At this moment, the fishery resources should not be too rich, just like the tuna, which is like a treasure in later generations, there should not be too many in the sea.

Moreover, it is quite easy to catch. Basically, as long as the fishing line is lowered, fish will bite the hook.

The tuna caught here is also quite big, one weighs hundreds of catties.

Taichang, all the concubines and a few little guys would definitely not be able to finish eating, even if he let the hundreds of court ladies who came with him eat as much as they wanted, they would not be able to finish eating.

They haven't finished eating a single fish here, but there are already hundreds of fish densely packed on the deck of the fishing boat over there.

Obviously, this is the sea area where tuna schools often come to hunt, and they have basically not been caught.

It seems that there are too many of this thing to be caught now, but once its delicacy and nutritional value are known to the world, it won't take long for it to be eaten until it is almost extinct.

It doesn't seem to be possible to let it go like this. In later generations, many such fish were eaten and almost disappeared.

Perhaps we should set rules to protect these precious high-end ingredients, set the price as high as possible, and stipulate the annual catch so that they can continue to thrive.

After Taichang ate and drank enough, he picked up a binoculars at hand and looked at it, thought about it carefully, and then ordered: "Okay, each Aegis ship will send a ship to pick up two for a try, and the rest will be frozen." Get up, we're going back."

It's getting late now, it's time to go back and join Yuan Shu and the others.

When the fleet returned to Chang'an Port, the sun had already set, Tang Wang Zhu Yujian and Yuan Shu had been waiting on the pier for a long time.

Taichang smiled and walked down the hanging ladder, exchanged some pleasantries with the two, and then ordered someone to bring up a huge tuna for each of them, and then said solemnly: "How is it, Boying, how do you see the port?"

Yuan Shu hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, today is not enough time, so I went to Dongyang Port with Tang Wang to have a look.

The conditions over there are quite good. As long as the port is expanded, it will not be a problem to berth five or six hundred large ships of two thousand materials.

Moreover, all kinds of materials are fairly complete, and it is quite convenient to mobilize them.

Weichen thinks that it can be considered to expand there, and use it as a replenishment point and docking point for the fleet. "

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Well, I have been thinking about this issue all afternoon. In fact, it is very simple to establish supply points and docking points in our Daming territory. It should be no problem whether it is Dongyang Port or Hepinghu Port. How about it, the two All ports will be expanded, and then the fleet can choose to take the route south of Dongyang or the route north of Dongyang according to the weather conditions.”

It is indeed very simple to establish a supply point and expand the port in Daming, because there are plenty of materials and personnel in Daming, so we can expand the port, build some places to store fresh water and supplies, recruit tens of thousands of people, and work for a month. up.

Tang Wang Zhu Yujian hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Xiao Wang understands."

Taichang nodded slightly again, then waved his hand and said: "Okay, take the fish and taste it, everyone has worked hard today, let's go to rest early after eating."

After that, he turned and walked to the boat.

Tang Wang Zhu Yujian subconsciously raised his hand slightly, intending to invite the emperor to stay in the palace for one night.

However, after thinking about it carefully, he decided to forget it. With such a big family as the emperor, he didn't make any preparations on his side, and he couldn't afford it if something went wrong.

He could only look at each other awkwardly with Yuan Shu, and then ordered someone to carry the huge tuna back.

Early the next morning, the fleet bid farewell to Xintang State Mansion and headed north to continue to Wen Guogong Mansion.

During this journey, Taichang specially ordered the fleet to drive along the coastline at a distance of about ten miles, so that the concubines could see the scenery of the East.

However, he never let the fleet stop at the ports along the way to find other princes and nobles.

After all, if he, the emperor, came here, he would at least have to bring his civil servants and generals to greet him for a long time, so that if he was troubled, he would be troubled.

Anyway, he caught enough tuna this time, and it wouldn't be a problem to eat it for a few days. There was absolutely no need for him to bother others.

The fleet traveled northward like this, and four days later, before noon, the new Luoyang city of Duke Wen's mansion was already in sight.

Here is a fishery processing center and an ice cellar. There are more large fishing boats coming and going, so there are more large wharves in the port.

Moreover, the harbor here is quite large, and there is no problem in expanding it. The long pier only needs to be expanded to the left and right sides to stop five or six hundred ships.

Taichang turned the binoculars to scan carefully, and couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Great, no more searching for the right port, no problem here.

At this time, Yuan Keli, the Duke of Wen on the pier, was already too excited.

The emperor brought all the concubines, princes and princesses here, and more importantly, brought back his precious son. Could he not be excited?

It was a lot of fun when everyone met.

This time, all the concubines, princes and princesses did not stay on the boat anymore, because they came to Wen Guogong's mansion to play.

So, what's so interesting about Wen Guogong's mansion?
There is nothing in New Luoyang City, that is, the huge ice cellar is rather peculiar. However, after leaving the city, there are many interesting things to enter the prairie in the northeast.

Yuan Keli was quite concerned about the development of Wen Guogong's mansion. Not only did he introduce high-quality war horses, but he also brought in a lot of livestock that are common on the grasslands such as cattle and sheep. Moreover, there used to be sika deer, elk, squirrels, and flying squirrels here. , white rabbit, pika and other species, there are not too many interesting things on the entire prairie.

The emperor's family was going to be a guest, so Yuan Keli naturally prepared a lot of things.

He not only prepared a huge tent and a camp for the accompanying guards to rest for Taichang, but also prepared a lot of delicacies from mountains and seas.

Taichang did not hesitate to live in the camp specially prepared by Yuan Keli for them, allowing all the concubines, princes and princesses to experience the life on the grassland.

The sky is blue, the wild is vast, boiled beef, roasted whole lamb, all kinds of delicacies are served together, and all kinds of cute animals are played together. This kind of life is not too pleasant.

All the concubines, princes and princesses had a great time, and they couldn't think of leaving.

After Taichang played with them for a few days, the problem of the American route came to mind again.

There are no Thousand Islands and Aleutian Islands on the map at the moment, and there is a blank space between Asia and America. It would be too risky for a huge fleet to cross the Bering Strait in such a daze.

It is a sea route of tens of thousands of miles. If there is a sea storm and the fleet is blown away, it will be troublesome.

After thinking about it, he decided to take advantage of this trip to get a good understanding of the situation in the north of Wen Guogong's mansion.

Therefore, early in the morning, he summoned Yuan Keli to the big tent, pointed to the northern end of Wen Guogong's mansion on the map and asked: "Li Qing, have you explored the north side before, do you know this place in the extreme north?" What does it look like?"

Yuan Keli shook his head slightly, sighed and said: "I took the fishing boat to explore a few times, but I dare not go again when I go about a thousand miles to the north, because there seems to be no islands in the north, and the vast expanse is full of sea. "

There must be islands, but there are too few boats, and it is difficult to find islands that are more than a hundred miles away.

Taichang thought for a while, and then said decisively: "You go and gather ten large fishing boats, plus the twenty Aegis ships and more than two hundred Spike warships I brought, let's go to the extreme north together Take a look."

Yuan Keli couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words.

Isn't the emperor here to play?
However, he is also quite curious about this place in the extreme north. In addition, the combination of the Aegis ship and the Spike warship is basically impossible to be overturned at sea. It is certain to take such a reliable warship to explore no problem.

Thinking of this, he quickly said "Zunzhi", and then walked out with his hands bowed.

Looking at his back, Taichang couldn't help but sighed slightly, then got up and went outside the tent.

At this moment, a group of concubines, princes and princesses are playing on pony foals with the support of a group of court ladies.

Taichang watched them having so much fun, he couldn't bear to disturb them.

However, he thought about it carefully, and walked over to Wu Wan'er and said to Wu Wan'er, "Wan'er, Duke Wen just said that the season for fishing king crabs is here, and there are many, many fish and shrimps in the north, why don't we go and see them?" Look, have a taste?"

If Yuan Keli heard it, he would probably spurt blood.

Your majesty, it was you who said to go, okay, why blame me?
But Wu Wan'er did not suspect fraud, she still had that innocent look, clapping her hands and cheering: "Okay, okay, let's eat king crab."

When all the concubines, princes and princesses heard this, they naturally clapped and cheered happily.

(End of this chapter)

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