Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 467 Crossing the Bering Strait

Chapter 467 Crossing the Bering Strait
Twenty Aegis ships, more than [-] Spike warships and ten fishing boats were quickly assembled at the port pier of New Luoyang City.

Taichang gave an order, and the huge fleet set off immediately.

It happened to be around October at this moment, and he was not lying when he said that he was going to catch king crabs.

As for fish and shrimp, Duke Wen's mansion is surrounded by fishing grounds where ocean currents converge. There are simply not too many fish and shrimp, and it is not a lie to catch them casually.

All the concubines, princes and princesses were so excited.

The problem is that the way the fleet moves doesn't look like it's going to catch fish and shrimp.

They are going all the way north, going straight to the Thousand Islands!

The fleet did not stop at all during this journey. In the evening of that day, they came to the waters near the Thousand Islands.

If you don't catch some king crabs at this time and come up to make fun of it, you will be exposed.

Taichang pretended to order the fishermen on the fishing boat to try with the fishing line, and soon found a gathering area of ​​king crabs.Ten large fishing boats immediately dropped thousands of crab cages.

All the concubines were holding up the binoculars expectantly, staring closely at the rope that was drawn up quickly.

Soon, the first batch of large crab cages were collected, and the washbasin-sized king crabs were packed so densely that the crab cages were almost broken.

If someone who has never seen a king crab saw this scene, they would probably lose their binoculars in fright. Seeing this, the concubines couldn't help but let out a burst of cheers.

Because they have all eaten king crab and know how delicious king crab is!

This food is delicious, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Seeing the excitement of all the concubines, Taichang quickly ordered people to set off to fetch them.

After a while, a team of Wu Eun came up with big bags of king crabs.

The imperial chef is busy again. Whether it is steamed, braised, or even fried, the king crab is delicious. All the concubines, princes and princesses are full of praise for eating it.

Early the next morning, the fleet set off along the Thousand Islands and headed northeast.

These belong to the sea area where few people set foot, and the fish and shrimps in it are naturally scary.

There are not too many fish and shrimp caught along the way, even if the entire fleet of more than [-] people can eat it all together.

However, Taichang is not concerned about these catches, he is here to explore the extreme north.

Sure enough, the situation here was just as Yuan Keli said. After the fleet passed several large islands and traveled more than a thousand miles, the islands seemed to be cut off, and the surrounding area was filled with sea.

Moreover, this sea area is still surrounded by clouds and fog, probably because there are too many volcanoes under the sea, which evaporate the sea water into mist, so that the visibility on the sea surface is extremely low, and it looks hazy at a distance of several miles. .

If there were only ten fishing boats, there would be no way to continue exploring, because there were no high-precision telescopes on the fishing boats, and in such a vast sea area, without a general direction, it was impossible to find subsequent islands.

However, it was different when Taichang came with twenty Aegis ships.

He directly ordered the twenty Aegis ships to line up, about ten miles apart, and comb them towards the northeast like a comb.

Sure enough, more than an hour later, they discovered a series of islands.

This proves that the Thousand Islands are not disconnected, but that the distance between the two islands is more than a hundred miles.

Immediately afterwards, Taichang boldly led the fleet along the Qiandao Islands to the northeast.

The distance between the islands behind is not so far. A series of small islands stretched continuously to the northeast. Within two days, they came to the end of the archipelago and saw a huge peninsula.

It is not very clear what this peninsula is called Taichang. In short, this peninsula is very big, bigger than Wen Guogong's mansion. The fleet sailed north along the peninsula for two or three days, and there is still a continuous coastline, which cannot be seen at all. the end.

At this time, Taichang was a little confused.

What should I do if there is a continuous coastline on one side and an endless sea on the other?
Is this going north along the coastline, going straight to the end and then going east, or is it going east now to find the location of the Aleutian Islands?

After thinking about it, he still ordered the fleet to disperse, line up in a row more than a hundred miles wide, leave the coastline, and sweep towards the northeast.

It was a bit risky to do so, because he didn't know where the Aleutian Islands were.

Fortunately, the fleet sailed northeast for less than a day and found several scattered islands.

This should be the Aleutian Islands, and even if it is not, it can only be regarded as it for the time being.

Early the next morning, Taichang ordered the fleet to form a row more than a hundred miles wide and sweep towards the southeast.

His crazy operation shocked Yuan Keli and his son.

You know, this is a vast sea, and it is a sea area they have never set foot on.

Going north for a while, going south for a while, what if you lose your way and drive directly into the depths of the ocean?
There is no way, there are no satellites these days, so Taichang can only scan it by chance!

It took another half a day to scan, and there was still a vast sea ahead, as if there were no islands at all.

The ship can travel four to five hundred miles in half a day, and there are no islands in such a long distance. Is this still an archipelago?
Taichang even wondered if he was unlucky and made a wrong bet.

Fortunately, just as he was considering whether to return, a few sporadic islands finally appeared in front of him.

This proves that the direction he is looking for may be right.

In fact, the distance between the several islands in the west of the Aleutian Islands is relatively far, and the distance between the two farthest islands even exceeds five hundred miles.

Next, when we reached the middle of the archipelago, the islands began to become dense. We didn’t even need a telescope here. You could see a series of islands stretching eastward with the naked eye.

This proves that this must be the Aleutian Islands.

Taichang ordered the fleet to go east along the archipelago without hesitation.

Less than four days after the fleet sailed eastward, a long and narrow peninsula appeared in front of them.

This should be the Americas. If you sail southeast along the peninsula, you will reach the Governorate of New Spain.

Of course, it is not a matter of a few days to reach the governorship of New Spain. It is estimated that it will take at least half a month to sail along the coastline.

Now they had to go back, because if they didn't return to the voyage, the fresh water would not be enough for the return trip.

This trip, they directly crossed the Bering Strait, and Taichang's goal was achieved.

Immediately afterwards, he ordered that the fleet turn around, head west along the Aleutian Islands, and return.

After several days of sailing, they finally returned to the peninsula they first discovered.

However, at this time, Taichang was not in a hurry to go back.

Because from the point of view of the voyage, this peninsula is just in the middle of the mansion from Wen Guogong to the Americas. If a supply point and a port of call can be built here, then there will be no problem in the route to the Americas.

He ordered the fleet to sail south along the coastline for about a day, and finally found a very good natural harbor.

At this time, he simply ordered Yuan Keli, Yuan Shu and his son to be summoned to the flagship.

He took the two of them to scan around the harbor, and then said solemnly: "Mr. Li, a supply point and a large port wharf must be built here. You can directly recruit people from Wen Guogong's mansion."

This one.

Yuan Keli frowned and pondered for a while, then said cautiously: "Your Majesty, this is already a place in the extreme north, I'm afraid it's too cold to go out in winter, besides, it's almost winter now, if I call people over here , I’m afraid it’s too late to build a warm shelter.”

Taichang said without hesitation: "It's okay to send people over next spring. Anyway, the fleet of the Western Company will not be able to leave until June at the earliest. You have plenty of time here."

Well, no problem then.

Yuan Keli hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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