Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 468 The imperial examination also needs development

Chapter 468 The imperial examination also needs development

Spring goes to autumn and another year comes, and this year is another imperial examination year.

Taichang still attaches great importance to the imperial examination, because these days the imperial examination is the main way or even the only way to select officials.

It can be said that the development of imperial examinations is the key to the future development of Ming Dynasty.

As soon as he said this, all the courtiers were dumbfounded again.

Everyone knows that the emperor often speaks shockingly, especially when he convenes everyone to discuss matters, it always makes people dumbfounded.

This time, it really came again.

In the meeting hall of the Wenhua Palace, all the important court officials were really dumbfounded again.

Is this imperial examination still developing?

It's not that they think that the imperial examination has nothing to do with the future development of Ming Dynasty. They are mainly shocked by the emperor's use of the word "development" in the imperial examination.

Can something as strict as the imperial examination be changed?

If the rules of the imperial examination are always changing, the scholars will not be crazy!
Everyone was stunned for a while, and then the chief assistant of the cabinet, Xu Guangqi, coughed dryly, and then asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, I heard you right, you said that the imperial examination also needs to be developed?"

Taichang nodded without hesitation and said: "Yes, this imperial examination must also develop continuously in line with the trend of the times."

Don't do this!
What is the trend of the times?

What keeps evolving?
Scholars can't bear to do this!
Xu Guangqi carefully reminded: "Your Majesty, scholars who study hard for ten years or even decades are almost based on the rules of the imperial examinations. The imperial examinations must be developed according to what you said, and they are always changing. Scholars are afraid that they will be at a loss and don't know what to do!"

This is also impossible.

The Ming Dynasty is developing rapidly. If the imperial examination remains unchanged, how can it meet the needs of this development?
Taichang thought for a while, and then asked: "Do you know why I stipulated that the vassal states should only study the "Four Books and Five Classics", and only take the liberal arts and imperial examinations?"


Xu Guangqi couldn't help but fell into deep thought when he heard this.

He was also there when the celebration was held in New Jinling City, and he was naturally very clear about what was stipulated in the "Regulations of the Ming Dynasty's vassal states".

Regarding the imperial examinations for vassal states, at first he thought that the emperor was afraid that others would not be able to study science, so he stipulated that vassal states only needed to study the "Four Books and Five Classics", and only needed to take the liberal arts exam.

It now appears that this is not the case at all.

The emperor does not want the vassals to study science or study science!

He frowned and pondered for a while, and then suddenly said: "Your Majesty, what do you mean, they just need to stick to the rules?"

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Yes, they only need to stick to the rules. Think about it, if they learn science, develop, and then mess around, wouldn't Daming be in big trouble?"

When everyone heard this, they all showed admiration.

The emperor is really far-sighted!

Xu Guangqi also said with admiration on his face: "The emperor is wise, if they mess around, Daming will indeed be in big trouble."

Isn't that right?

Taichang said carefully: "Now you understand the importance of the word development, right?
If Ming Dynasty did not develop technology, how could there be such advanced muskets, artillery and warships?

If we didn't have such advanced muskets, artillery and warships, could we destroy Japan and drive the Dutch out of Nanyang?
To put it bluntly, if it wasn't for the timely development, Jiannu would be enough for us to have a headache!

You have also seen the current situation. The territory of Ming Dynasty is constantly expanding, and the technology of Ming Dynasty is also developing rapidly. Even the life of ordinary people in Ming Dynasty is very different from the past. Can our imperial examination system remain unchanged?

If we don't set up a science department, who will manage so many factories in Wubei City, how many people will handle such a big business from the Ministry of Commerce, how many people from the Ministry of Agriculture will promote the planting of sweet potatoes, potatoes, rubber, etc., and how many people will promote double-cropping rice ?

If we get so many Jinshi regardless of arts and sciences, who will manage the newly opened territory of Ming Dynasty?
Now many magistrates in newly opened provinces are still Juren.

If the territory of the Ming Dynasty continues to expand, what should we do if there are not enough Juren? Should we let scholars become magistrates?

You also know that this is not enough, so you increase the number of recruits in time to meet the needs of the expansion of the Ming Dynasty.

This is actually a truth.

The imperial examination will continue to develop with the development of Ming Dynasty.

If we stick to the rules and don't change the imperial examination rules in time to select or train suitable talents for Daming, how can Daming continue to develop?
Could it be that it is constantly developing backwards? "

Uh, that's what I said.

Xu Guangqi said embarrassingly: "Your Majesty, I am just worried that the rules of the imperial examination will change and scholars will not be able to bear it."

Taichang said lightly: "There is nothing to worry about, it's their own problem who can't bear it.

The imperial examination was originally for the selection of talents. If they could not adapt to the development of the imperial examination or the development of Ming Dynasty and were eliminated, it would prove that they themselves were not good enough. Can anyone blame others?

I still say that, we don't need to accommodate scholars.

Anyway, there are so many people who want to be named on the gold list, are we afraid that we can't find suitable officials? "

Well, this is true, there are many scholars who want to be named on the gold list.

Anyway, the number of people admitted is almost fixed, neither too much nor too little. Whoever can't adapt to the new rules and is eliminated can really blame others.

In fact, Xu Guangqi didn't intend to sing against Taichang, but as the chief assistant of the cabinet, he couldn't sit on a vegetarian diet, and he didn't say anything or do anything.

Every time when the emperor said something that might be ill-considered, he had to remind the emperor on behalf of a group of officials, so as to prevent the emperor from making wrong decisions due to lack of consideration.

Taichang also knew this, so every time he explained patiently, he never lost his temper and reprimanded others.

Xu Guangqi looked at the other people for a while, and felt that everyone had no opinion, so he said solemnly: "The emperor is wise, how should we change the imperial examination this time?"

In fact, many things in the imperial examination had to be changed a long time ago, but Taichang has been fighting outside and has no time to think about these things.

He thought for a while, and then solemnly said: "It's not what we want to change this time, but how we can improve the system so that the imperial examination is more suitable for the development of Ming Dynasty."

All right, you are the emperor, you can do whatever you say.

Xu Guangqi could only nod slightly to show his understanding.

Taichang thought about it carefully, and then said solemnly: "For example, the content of the exam, that is, what the scholars learn, we must find ways to continuously improve.

For example, in liberal arts, you must be familiar with the "Four Books and Five Classics", and certainly not all of the content in it must be studied in depth. You can extract some irrelevant ones and directly stipulate that these are not tested, and candidates only need to read them. No need to delve into it.

In this way, scholars will not become nerds because of delving into these useless things.

We can also let readers learn something more useful.

For example, "Sun Tzu's Art of War" and "Zizhi Tongjian" are books with practical and reference significance. I feel that this can be added, and the liberal arts must be taken.

Of course, there are other things that you can discuss on your own according to your development needs, and just talk to me after you have agreed. "

My God, everything that scholars study must be changed!

All the court officials were surprised when they heard the words.

However, they remained silent.

After all, what the emperor said is also reasonable, not everything in the "Four Books and Five Classics" must be studied in depth, some things really only need to be read.

If you pick out those things that don't need to be studied in depth, it will be much easier for scholars, and they will have more time to learn other useful things.

They are not rotten scholars who read dead books, they can still understand these.

Taichang immediately continued: "For example, there are few science courses at the moment.

After recruiting another batch of science talents this time, you will have more helpers, and you should be able to spare a little time.

If possible, you can consider writing some tutorials to pass on what you have mastered, so that Daming can have more science talents like you. "

This is a good thing. If you can compile a tutorial for people to learn, it will be a great thing to live forever.

Xu Guangqi, Bi Maokang and others were already a little eager to try.

Wang Zheng asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, steam machine tools and ships, can these also be made up and taught?"

Uh, this.

Taichang thought for a while, then shook his head slightly and said: "These can be compiled first and taught to the officials in charge. As for making them a tutorial, let's wait until the European countries have also developed these things.

You should also pay attention when writing tutorials, and write basic things and specific research results separately.

Basic things can be taught first, and specific research results can only be taught to selected officials first. "


Wang Zheng could only shake his head with regret and said, "I understand."

It seems that what he has mastered can’t be taught. If books related to steam engines, steam machine tools, ships, etc. are distributed, if a set is stolen by European countries, they will probably be able to make all these things soon. !
(End of this chapter)

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