Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 469 Another Wonderful Exam Question

Chapter 469 Another Wonderful Exam Question
The development of the imperial examination did not happen overnight, and Taichang did not have so much energy to improve and implement it one by one.

He can only tell his thoughts to a group of court officials, and let them be responsible for the specific improvement and implementation.

In fact, the imperial examinations in Ming Dynasty are quite different from those in the past.

Not to mention anything else, just the way of rushing for the exam is different from the past.

In the past, it was really not ordinary difficult for candidates to catch up for the exam. It was time-consuming and labor-intensive, not to mention expensive.

If the journey is long, it is possible to walk for several months or even more than half a year on the way to the exam!

It's different now, candidates only need to rush to the designated port near the big river or even the sea and wait. The imperial court will naturally send a fast boat to pick them up, so they don't need to travel at all.

They only need to sit on the boat or even lie on the boat to rest. It can take ten days at most, three to five days at least, or even one or two days before they will be sent to the capital or the military city.

This can be said to be a kind of welfare for candidates, and it is also a way for the imperial court to demonstrate the achievements of technological development.

In the last session, Taichang only thought of this method suddenly, but this time the court officials had already considered it thoroughly without his reminding.

Xu Guangqi, Bi Maokang and others, in order to highlight the technological development achievements of the Ming Dynasty, even applied to Taichang to send [-] newly built Aegis ships to various coastal ports to pick up candidates.

Taichang naturally had no objection.

This method is very good. Candidates who come to participate in the general examination and palace examination should experience the great achievements brought about by technological development.

It can be said that the Aegis ship is the most advanced warship in the world today. Not only its defense power is amazing, but its attack power is also amazing. Anyone with a little brain can see that this kind of warship is invincible at this time.

This is the great achievement brought about by technological development, and Daming is so powerful now!
To be honest, this Aegis ship really shocked the candidates.

Some candidates who studied hard behind closed doors, their knowledge of warships was still six years ago.

What did the Daming Navy have at that time?
At that time, few people had seen battleships.

In their impression, the Daming Navy is still mainly small rowing boats or medium-sized sailing boats, and the big blessing boats with thousands of materials are very rare.

At that time, the warships, let alone going to sea, were rickety in the big rivers, and they were afraid to sit on them. Once they encountered strong winds or something, they were afraid of blowing themselves into the water.

The current Aegis ship is so advanced that it is as smooth as walking on the ground in the turbulent sea.

And the outside is full of solid armor, so the wind can't blow in.

The cabins inside are densely packed, and you can lie down however you want.

And the well-made artillery and the extremely precise giant telescope look even more exciting.

But anyone who has been on an Aegis ship is all beaming, looking for people to brag about.

These examinees were too excited to die, but now Taichang was very sad.

Because Xu Guangqi and Bi Maokang came to him.

At first he thought it was a good thing, but after the courtesies, Xu Guangqi said with shame on his face: "Your Majesty, my humble servant is dull, I really don't know how to solve the last question of this science test, please give me a question from the Emperor."

Uh, aren't you giving me a problem?

Hearing this, Tai Chang couldn't help frowning.

Is this imperial examination question so easy to come by?
Especially the last question of the science examination, it is really not ordinary difficult.

Because of the rush of time this time, it was too late to change the examination process. The first two examination questions for the arts and sciences were still the same, only the third examination for the liberal arts was five questions about economics, history, current affairs and policy, and one for science. question.

The last question of the science examination can be said to be the key point of the science examination, and it is also the difference between science and liberal arts. How can it be so easy?
The last exam was just the beginning of the division of arts and sciences, and there were no tutorials for science to refer to, so he just published "Theory", that's fine.

However, this time is different, because this year's science candidates have already studied for three years. Although they have not learned any advanced techniques, they have learned a lot of various basic courses.

Can this question still come out casually?

Taichang frowned and pondered for a while, but still had no clue in his head.

He could only ask Bi Maokang with hope on his face: "Menghou, what do you think?"

I'm out of ideas.

I don't need to bother you if I have any ideas, right?
Bi Maokang also said with shame on his face: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for being dull, I don't know how to solve this question."

Alas, what should I do?

Taichang knew very well that both of them were busy.

This is because all Juren can participate in this test.

In other words, there will still be tens of thousands of candidates taking part in the general examination, and they will also get points for arts and sciences.

As the chief examiner and deputy chief examiner of the examination, these two people need to prepare too much, and this examination question should not waste their too much time and energy, otherwise, there will be problems in the preparation of the examination.

He frowned and pondered for a while, and finally he could only helplessly say: "Okay, you order people to submit all the science courses, and I will take a look first. You go to work, this topic, I will come up with a solution."

Xu Guangqi and Bi Maokang heard that they were grateful, and all the science courses were soon submitted.

Taichang looked at the pile of science tutorials in front of him, but felt a headache.

In these tutorials, he has only read "Algorithmic System", and he has basically never read other books.

The problem is that he can't save trouble by turning the last question of the science test into an arithmetic problem!

That would be so easy.

Moreover, arithmetic is a basic thing, and it does not reflect the technical level of candidates at all.

What question should I ask?

He had no choice but to spread out a bunch of tutorials and carefully looked at the cover.

He didn't have time to study the contents of these books one by one, but he had to read the titles.

No matter what, he has to know what others have learned before he can write a question.

It was only at this time that he discovered that the science courses were actually relatively comprehensive.

Such as basic knowledge of agriculture, bridge construction, water transport ship structure, various water conservancy facilities, mineral exploration and smelting, etc.

The science-related knowledge he mentioned seems to be involved, but most of it is basic, and there is nothing advanced.

If candidates who study science really learn all these, they can be regarded as good science talents.

The question is, what kind of exam questions can he pass to test how these candidates have learned?
Directly let people describe how to build bridges, how to build water transport ships, and even how to make waterwheels?

These seem to be too superficial, as long as you have really learned it, it is meaningless at all.

Moreover, he can't just make questions about these tutorials, he has to make questions based on the needs of Daming's actual development.

Only in this way can he judge which candidates are the talents he really needs.

Alas, this question is really not so difficult!
He stared at the tutorial in front of him and pondered for an unknown amount of time, when his gaze suddenly stopped on the cover of a book.

The title of this book is "Mineral Exploration and Smelting". The author does not know who it is, because there are four small characters printed where the author's name should have been printed, compiled by the Ministry of Industry.

In other words, this book was temporarily compiled by the Ministry of Industry based on the science ideas he proposed at that time.

He picked it up and looked through the catalog inside, and couldn't help but nodded slightly.

From the content point of view, this book is relatively comprehensive, including the exploration and smelting methods of common minerals such as gold, silver, copper and iron, and even mentioned the concept of alloys he mentioned, and gave several examples.

Why did he open this book?

Because he thought of the exam questions.

The exam question is "On Mining"!
This question can at least show the candidate's understanding of minerals.

If it is superficial, it is fine to discuss mineral exploration and smelting according to this tutorial. At least it proves that the candidates have studied this knowledge well and understood it.

If you go a little deeper and can propose exploration methods or smelting methods that are not in the book, then you are a great talent.

And right now, Daming needs such a talent.

Because the territory of Ming Dynasty is expanding rapidly, there are still many minerals in these territories that have not had time to be explored and smelted.

Mineral resources are also the most urgently needed resources for the development of Ming Dynasty.

If a group of talents in this field can be selected this time, it will be extremely beneficial to the development of Ming Dynasty.

The more Taichang thought about it, the more satisfied he became, the more he thought about it, the more satisfied he became.

This test question is so wonderful!
Didn't you know that this is another rather weird exam question for candidates.

Most candidates may have thought that the exam questions will be on mathematics, machinery, shipbuilding, and even guns and artillery.

If it is such a topic, candidates will not feel strange.

The problem, this theory of mining is really a bit weird.

Can't we discuss something else?

(End of this chapter)

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