Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 484 Dreadnought Class Battleship

Chapter 484 Dreadnought Class Battleship

The alliance between Ming and Spain has finally been signed, and the next step is the real world hegemony.

On the flagship, Lu Xiangsheng, Sun Chuanting, four staff generals and a group of navy and infantry generals gathered together.

Taichang pointed to America on the map, and said eagerly: "We are about to embark on a journey to America. This will be our first step in our struggle for world hegemony. You all think carefully about how we can take this solid step. For example, we can talk about what we should prepare, how many people we should bring, what we should bring, and what strategies we should adopt.”

Well, we don't know anything about America!

Sun Chuanting looked at the map, thought carefully, and then asked, "Your Majesty, is our main strategy to use Spain to consume the strength of other continental European countries?"

There is no problem in discussing this internally.

Taichang nodded without hesitation and said: "Yes, we don't need to be enemies with everyone. The world overlord ultimately sees strength. The most important thing is to let them consume each other so that they can never catch up with our Ming."

If so, it's easy to handle.

Sun Chuanting thought for a while, and then solemnly said: "My minister thinks that if we focus on this strategy, then there is no need to worry. I believe that with Spain's strength, even if we don't help, they will probably be fine for a few more years. Therefore, Weichen feels that we still need to focus on safety, and it is best not to waste our own strength."

Uh, what you said is a bit general!

Taichang said directly: "Be more specific, give me some specific ideas."

Sun Chuanting quickly explained: "What I mean is that if the navy wants to go to the east coast of America to fight the European countries, it is best to go in the formation of pure Aegis ships, so that we will not have any losses."

You guy is a navy officer who doesn't want to consume it!

is it possible?
If the Ming Dynasty singled out the whole world, it would naturally be impossible.

However, with Spain as an ally, it is different.

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "What do you mean, let's procrastinate for a while and build more Aegis ships to start a war with the European countries?"

Sun Chuanting cupped his hands very simply and said: "The emperor is wise."

Okay, it’s better to be safe, anyway, the main strategy in the early stage is to consume, and it doesn’t matter if you spend another year or two.

Navy officers and soldiers really don't need to do unnecessary consumption.

To consume, let the Spaniards consume.

Taichang nodded slightly, and then asked, "Jiandou, what do you think?"

When Lu Xiangsheng heard this, he couldn't help pointing to America on the map and asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, do we really want these colonies?"

Taichang looked at the map, and then explained in detail: "It is a lot of trouble to seize the colonies on land, and we seize the colonies for nothing more than resources, so we don't need to fight with people desperately on land. There are also a lot of resources, and once all the sea areas are occupied, no matter what country it is, it will depend on our face."

Uh, so speaking of it, aren't our pawns useless?

Lu Xiangsheng was a little disappointed and said: "Your Majesty, shouldn't that humble minister go to Liaodong and discuss it with Mr. Sun, how did you clean up Jiannu?"

What is Jiannu anxious about?

Taichang shook his head again and again and said: "No, no, no, this time we have to bring at least 40 infantry to build four large supply points as soon as possible, and we also have to dig a canal.

Just don't worry about Jiannu, if they dare to seek death, we will fulfill them.

If they don't come to seek death, then let them live a few more years. "

Well, the pawns are almost becoming builders, either building a city here or a port wharf there.

This time I have to dig a canal!
Alas, this time the infantry may not have any chance to make a contribution.

Lu Xiangsheng was rather uninterested and said, "I understand."

Seeing his appearance, Taichang couldn't help pointing at the map and smiling slightly: "Actually, we can still occupy a large territory this time. You see, there are no Spanish colonies to the north of this harbor. We can ask to build the port in In this harbor, in this way, we can occupy all the north of the harbor.”

My God, such a big piece of land!
Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but nodded excitedly and said: "Okay, Your Majesty, I'll leave this piece to the minister, and the minister will definitely include it in the territory of Ming Dynasty."

In fact, there was no one there at all.

Because it's too cold over there!
You are afraid that you are mainly fighting against the cold.

There is no way, the soldiers are proud of expanding their territory at the moment, and they feel boring if they are not allowed to lay down some places.

Morale is very important, and the soldiers must be motivated!
All right, you go and fight the cold.

Now they are on their way home, and Carlinio has also returned to Spain with the Dutch warships and merchant ships. The whole Nanyang has been completely included in the territory of Ming Dynasty. Next, they will start Headed to America.

The fleet headed north along the coastline of Daming, and in less than half a month, the Armed Forces City was already in sight.

Taichang subconsciously turned the binoculars to scan the waterway of the dock where the five-thousand-material giant ship was built, and a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

The battleship with [-] materials has already been built, and the supporting platforms around it have been dismantled, and the huge black ship is quietly waiting for him there.

Sure enough, as soon as he set foot on the pier, he exchanged greetings with a group of civil servants and generals who came to greet him, Wang Zheng cupped his hands excitedly and said: "Your Majesty, your new car has been built, do you want to go and have a look. "


Hearing this, Taichang waved his hands enthusiastically and said, "Let's go and have a look."

Soon, a group of people arrived under the giant ship on the Spike warship.

The sailors were still attaching the connecting boards, so Wang Zheng couldn't help but introduced: "Your Majesty, three rows of Spike warships can be connected to both sides of this ship. After connecting eighteen Spike warships, it must be It is extremely stable, and it is as smooth as walking on the ground in the huge waves.”

This is a bit bragging, right?

However, it is indeed difficult to be shaken after connecting three rows of Spike warships on both sides.

Taichang walked into the cabin on the first floor and took a look, he couldn't help being dumbfounded.

OMG, what a long cabin.

This cabin is more than two feet long, and there are three upper and lower bunks on both sides.

In other words, eighteen people can lie down in this cabin!
Taichang couldn't help asking curiously: "Liangfu, how many people can this giant ship hold?"

Wang Zheng said proudly: "If all the soldiers are lying down, this huge ship can hold more than 2000 people; if all the soldiers are sitting, this huge ship can hold tens of thousands of people."

Well, there are tens of thousands of people in one huge ship. If hundreds of such huge ships can be built, then it will be no problem to bring all the soldiers of Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion.

Taichang looked at the steel brackets everywhere, and asked again: "Is the keel of this ship made of steel?"

Wang Zheng nodded again and again: "Yes, Your Majesty, didn't you say that the keel frame of a giant ship of thousands of materials must be made of steel? I tried to change the keel frame of a giant ship of five thousand materials into steel, and it really didn't move at all. A little warped, but solid."


Such a huge ship, the force is indeed quite large.

If the keel frame below is made of wood, Taichang is really worried that it will be crushed, but there is no need to worry about the steel keel frame.

A group of people climbed up to the top floor and took a look, Taichang was dumbfounded again.

This guy, decorated the top floor of this flagship just like the Qianqing Palace, and used the best wood.

Also, there are three windows and nine large telescopes directly on the bow!
It's such a waste.

After Taichang led the crowd around, he couldn't help but reach out and tap Wang Zheng.

He didn't say anything, but what he meant was that you guys suck up too much.

Wang Zheng smiled awkwardly, then asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, what do you think?"

Taichang smiled helplessly and said: "It's good, but it's a bit too extravagant and wasteful. You, it seems that you don't need money for anything. Even the doors, windows and partitions are made of mahogany. Isn't it too wasteful?"

Wang Zheng quickly apologized and said with a smile: "These timbers have been delivered anyway, if you don't use them for the emperor, who will they use them for? If they are not used, wouldn't they be wasted as well?"

All right, now Daming's resources are simply not too rich, this stuff is really nothing.

Taichang could only shake his head helplessly.

Wang Zheng then asked again: "Your Majesty, what is the name of this giant ship?"

Uh, well, names again.

Such a giant ship, what mighty name should I choose?

Taichang thought for a while, and then decided: "Let's call it a dreadnaught ship. With the thickness of the ship's armor, it is really not afraid of any artillery fire."

The defense of this dreadnought is really amazing. The one-inch thick steel plate is reinforced by hot stamping, and then cooled and quenched with a special solvent. Coupled with the internal steel frame support, a 36-pound cannon can't break through the armor of this battleship. !

It is no exaggeration to say that if the cast iron shells of poorer quality hit it, the shells may crack the armor and it will be fine!

With this dreadnought, the world is so big that you don't have to be afraid to go anywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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