Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 485 Indian Rhapsody

Chapter 485 Indian Rhapsody
The Daming Fleet is finally on its way to America.

This time, Taichang mobilized a total of forty Aegis ships, forty dragon-tooth warships, fifty large fishing boats, two hundred armed merchant ships, and thousands of wolf-tooth warships.

Such a huge fleet stretches for dozens of miles even after the ships are combined!
This scale is absolutely unprecedented.

For this expedition, Taichang and a group of generals prepared for more than a month.

This time, he brought more than 40 sailors and 200 infantry with him. He raised [-] million shi for the rations of these people alone, and the two hundred armed merchant ships were packed to the brim.

In addition, there are all kinds of special products and various commodities of Ming Dynasty. He also raised [-] ships and stuffed them in the Dragon Tooth Battleship.

Of course, this time he was not doing business. Before the canal was dug through, this business could not be done.

These are all gifts he is going to give away.

And silver, he also raised more than 2000 million taels.

Of course he knew that it was impossible for them to expand their production capacity tenfold in a few months. This time, even if he brought 2000 million taels of silver, he probably wouldn't be able to buy back 100 million catties of pure copper and [-] million barrels of rubber.

These are the blood he transfused to Spain in advance.

After all, they are all planning to build the canal slowly, trying not to deplete their own strength. Naturally, he has to provide enough military expenses for others. If Spain can't support it because it has no money, it will be troublesome.

Anyway, he is not short of silver at the moment. The Iwami silver mine in Dongyang alone can produce 500 million taels of silver a year. Several silver mines have also been found in the southeast peninsula and Nanyang. In Jingzhou Prefecture, there must be more silver mines there.

What's more, he also has two money-making machines, the Daming Bank and the Western Firm.

Therefore, at the moment, he doesn't care about money at all. It is no problem to pay the money for pure copper and rubber to others one year in advance.

Of course, he did not only bring these things, such as cement, steel, and even cement-making equipment, iron ore smelting equipment, etc., he also brought dozens of ships.

He also brought a lot of general translators.

He even ordered people to select a hundred strong young men from the Nanyang survivors as personal guards.

These people also have one thing in common, that is, they are all tanned.

Moreover, after the fleet set off, he followed a few old scholars who studied ancient Chinese, holding a pile of armor pieces and bells and tripods engraved with ancient characters to study there, and he even compiled books there with those old scholars!

What is going on here?
Doesn't the emperor dislike corrupt scholars the most?

These old scholars who study ancient prose are typical rotten Confucians, the kind who go crazy when they read ancient prose, and talk about it all day long.

The emperor actually studied ancient Chinese with these people!
To be honest, both Lu Xiangsheng and Sun Chuanting were dumbfounded.

What the hell is going on, Your Majesty?
Naturally, Taichang would not tell his civil servants and generals that he was going to train Indians to deal with the barbarians in Europe!
There is a question that he has been thinking about for more than a month.

He wants to completely change the pattern of this world!

So, how to completely change the pattern of the world?
To put it bluntly, to change the world pattern is to change the balance of forces among the various parties.

If he can turn the originally weak Indian tribe into a strong one and become a vassal of the Ming Dynasty, then the pattern of the world will be completely changed.

European barbarians, there is really no chance at all!
As for how to make the originally weak Indian tribes become stronger and become like a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty, this depends on some rumors and means.

It is rumored that the American Indians migrated from the Central Plains during the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and many Indian tribes have relics of oracle bone inscriptions and Zhong Dingwen.

Of course, this is just a rumor, an unconfirmed rumor.

What he has to do is to turn this rumor into reality!

If it succeeds, the pattern of the world will be completely changed.

The Ming Dynasty will have an unknown number of vassal forces, and the European countries will also have an unknown number of powerful enemies.

I have to say, his idea is really a bit crazy.

However, the chances of success are quite good.

You will know this after you try it when you arrive in America.

He has basically explored the route from Daming to America, and he also ordered people to build many large supply points along the way, so there will be no problems along the way.

The huge fleet set off from the port of Armed Forces City and passed through Xintang State Mansion, Wen Guogong Mansion, Thousand Islands, and Aleutian Islands all the way. In less than a month, they arrived at the west coast of America.

Although they haven't explored here, it doesn't matter much. Anyway, as long as the fleet goes south along the coastline, it will always reach the governorate of New Spain.

Sure enough, the fleet sailed south along the coastline in less than ten days before entering a huge harbor, and there was a Spanish stronghold in the harbor.

This stronghold is roughly the northernmost edge of the governorship of New Spain, because they have not seen any traces of the Spaniards all the way, and this is the first time they have seen the Spanish strongholds in America.

How to say this stronghold, its location is probably the location of Vancouver or Seattle in later generations.

Of course, this is not a metropolis at the moment.

At the moment, this place is at best the size of a small fishing village.

Except for a relatively large pier and a small fortress, the whole stronghold looks like a city, and the rest is no different from a small fishing village.

This place is not a hundred square kilometers in size, is it?
Taichang turned the binoculars to glance around, then raised his head, beckoned Zhang Zhiji and Xu Yunzhen to explain in detail: "You take the official documents, translate them with the general, and bring some gifts to others, so you can fool around , Let these people give us their stronghold."


They are the best at fooling people.

Soon, they brought a group of people down to the pier with gifts, and showed the official document signed by Carinho to others for a look, and then began to communicate with them.

Not long after, dozens of Spanish garrisons happily boarded a Spike warship with a general, and then urged the Spike warship out of the bay and headed south!

Seeing this, Taichang couldn't help being dumbfounded.

These two guys are too good at fooling people!
When Zhang Zhiji and Xu Yunzhen ran up to return to their orders, he couldn't help but praise: "It's amazing, you fooled people away so quickly."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhiji explained with a smile: "Your Majesty, it's not that we are fooling around, they just couldn't bear to stay here.

Because it is too far away from their gathering place, and the fleet going to the Far East will come here once or twice throughout the year to bring them something.

At other times, they didn't get any supplementary supplies. Usually they had to guard against the sneak attacks of the natives here, and it was surprisingly cold here in winter, and they were going crazy staying here.

So, after they read the official document, they wanted to leave a little bit.

We fooled a few more words and they happily went back to the gathering place. "

It turned out to be the case.

It's so lucky!

Taichang heard the words, thought for a while, and then asked: "Did they say how far the nearest gathering point is from here?"

Zhang Zhiji reckoned: "From their description, it must be at least four to five hundred miles away, or they would find a way to find a boat to row to the gathering point to replenish some supplies from time to time."

very good!

There are Indian tribes around here, right?

Taichang immediately ordered: "Hurry up, order the scouts to go ashore first with their horses, and hurry to find the nearby indigenous tribes. After you find them, don't approach them, and come back quickly to report."

Soon, a dragon tooth warship docked at the pier, the people on it were busy, and soon pulled down more than [-] horses, and then, more than [-] scouts rode the horses and scattered away.

Fortunately, there is a pier here that is specially used to berth Spanish ocean-going ships, and the Dragon Tooth battleship is just right up there, otherwise, it would be very difficult to pull the war horse down.

Seeing that the scouts had dispersed, Taichang immediately ordered the flagship to drive over to the pier and began preparations.

Unexpectedly, before he was ready, a scout rushed back.

He ordered the scouts to be called up for questioning. It turned out that there was an Indian tribe on the bank of the river less than [-] miles away from here. Judging from the size, it was still a large tribe with tens of thousands of people!

After thinking about it for a while, Taichang still ordered the two Aegis ships to come up to the pier, put down [-] soldiers from the Shenji Battalion, and waited in a neat formation by the pier.

Afterwards, he ordered the descendants of the [-] Nanyang survivors to push [-] carts and get off the ship with countless goods.

After preparing all these, he took a group of guards and a group of civil servants and generals, under the guard of ten thousand soldiers of the Shenji Battalion, and rushed to the Indian tribe.

They have such a big battle, people naturally discovered them a long time ago.

Therefore, before they reached the outskirts of the tribe, thousands of young Indians appeared in front of them.

Such a small number of people is not enough for a volley of [-] soldiers of the Shenji Battalion.

However, Taichang didn't order anyone to shoot, and he didn't even put on any attacking stance or defensive formation.

After he waved his hand to stop the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion, he ordered the descendants of the hundred Nanyang survivors to push forward slowly with gifts and give them to others.

At the beginning, the young and strong Indians on the opposite side were panicked, and the hundred descendants of Nanyang survivors who pushed the cart were also panicked.

However, after the two sides approached, they took a closer look at each other, and the people on both sides were stunned.

Because they look so much alike!
It can be said that apart from the different dress, there are nine likenesses.

This is one of our own?
After the one hundred descendants of Nanyang survivors pushed the gifts over, the young Indians were so happy that they sang and danced.

very good!

Taichang immediately ordered Chen Siming to take his staff to translate and find a way to communicate with them.

Chen Siming and the others are actually a bit dark, but they are not dark enough, and they are only eight points like others.

Fortunately, with the first 100 people and [-] cars of gifts as a base, the skin color almost doesn't seem to matter.

Those young Indians communicated with them excitedly, as if they really met their own people.

(End of this chapter)

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