Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 487 They Come From the Old Land of Yin Shang

Chapter 487 They Come From the Old Land of Yin Shang
At this moment, the infantry of Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion are almost becoming professional engineers, and they can't build the port city too fast.

It took less than a day, and they built more than ten piers where the Spike warships docked while setting up camp.

Peng Bin led a group of officials from the Ministry of Industry to finalize the city plan, and nearly 40 infantry began to dig the foundation of the wall.

They were originally planning to build the city and the port. The tools and materials were not too complete, and the speed was astonishingly fast. After only a few days, the foundation of the wall was dug, and the city wall was even visible to the naked eye. Speed ​​up.

In fact, a city with a population of one million is not as exaggerated as Wubei City.

If calculated according to the area of ​​the capital city, it would be almost enough to build a city wall of about [-] li on each side.

Because the total of the inner city and outer city walls of the capital is less than eighty miles, and there is an overlapping side in the middle, it is not a problem for the capital to live in more than a million people.

The city wall of twenty miles is actually only [-] meters in meters. Nearly [-] soldiers will build a city wall of [-] meters, and it is still a city wall with a height of only about one foot. The speed really should not be too fast.

Anyway, Taichang's requirements for this city are large and fast. As for the defensive performance of the city wall, this city will not be considered for now.

The speed of building the city on their side is amazingly fast, and the speed of those skilled translators learning other Indian languages ​​is also quite fast.

You know, they rely on this to make a living, and their talents are quite good.

It can be said that they are geniuses in this area, otherwise, they would not be able to master several languages ​​​​without any textbooks or schools to learn.

It turned out that they learned it by themselves, but this time they learned it by order, and they didn't study hard one by one!
In this case, they don't learn the local language too fast. They can communicate with others in just a few days.

They also learned that this tribe is called the Albena tribe, which is a branch of the Algonquians, and the Algonquians are widely distributed, and their tribes can be found near rivers and lakes from the west coast of America to the east coast of America.

As for the number of tribes, they can't tell, anyway, they are everywhere.

This is similar to what the scouts detected.

There are many Indian tribes near Xinyindu, more and more as you go south, and fewer as you go north. They have found dozens of Indian tribes within a range of more than a thousand miles. Most of these tribes are distributed in Xinyindu. south of.

This is also easy to understand, because the north is too cold, and when winter comes, there are not enough clothes to keep out the cold, and it is simply unbearable.

Like the Algonquian tribe, there are tens of thousands of people at every turn, and the distribution is so dense, they must not be able to hunt enough furs to keep out the cold.

Only those small tribes with tens or hundreds of people, and the distribution is quite sparse, can obtain enough fur goods to keep out the cold by hunting.

Taichang looked at the distribution map of the tribes detected by the scouts, thought about it for a while, and then asked, "Have they not found any animal bones with words engraved on them?"

Is this important?

Chen Siming, standing respectfully by the side, quickly replied: "They don't have any here, but they seem to want to send people to other tribes to ask."

This is a good thing, the wider the spread of the news, the better, and it is best for their own people to spread it.

Taichang said without hesitation: "Then you should find a way to get them to send people to ask. It is best to send more people. You have to let them know that this thing can really get what they want, and it can be exchanged for a lot."

Uh, this.

Chen Siming carefully explained: "They seem to be afraid that the journey is too far and they won't be able to come back, because the distance between the tribes here is tens or hundreds of miles, even if they are the nearest tribe, they may not be able to walk for a day We're here, and there's danger on the way."

The journey is too far!

Can a journey of tens or hundreds of miles be considered far?
Well, for Indian tribes whose transportation basically depends on walking, tens of hundreds of miles is really quite far away.

Taichang thought for a while, and then said decisively: "You will bring ten war horses to give them to them tomorrow, and you will teach them how to ride horses. By the way, what danger are they talking about?"

Chen Siming guessed: "The danger they mentioned seems to be tigers, lions, leopards, or wolves. In short, what they painted on the ground seems to be four-legged beasts."

This is also called danger?
Taichang thought for a while, and then confessed: "Tomorrow, you will give them another ten black iron knives and let them hold them for self-defense. In short, let them find those things as soon as possible, and search everywhere. The wider the range, the better."

Oh my god, I even give weapons to people!
Chen Siming hesitated for a moment, but still couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, I dare to ask, why are we in such a hurry to let them find those things? Are those things important to us?"

This seems to have to be explained.

Taichang thought for a while, then nodded solemnly: "Those things are very important. We need to rely on those things to prove that their ancestors came from the Central Plains, from the old land of Yin and Shang thousands of years ago. They are our lost clansmen."

Uh, is this true or false?
Hearing this, Chen Siming couldn't help asking curiously: "Your Majesty, did they really migrate from the old place of Yin and Shang?"

Why are you guys out of your mind?

Taichang explained helplessly: "This is not the point. The point is that we have to convince them that they are from the old land of Yin Shang and that they are our lost clansmen."

Oh, that's what it means.

Chen Siming finally understood.

He pondered for a while, then asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, what if they can't find those things?"

This is a problem.

Taichang thought for a while, and then slowly said: "They should be able to find it. Although they may not all migrate from the old places of Yin and Shang, there must be some of them. If they can't find it, I will find a way."

Can you still think of a way to do this?

You don't want to throw some out on purpose and let them find it!

Chen Siming couldn't help being dumbfounded when he heard this.

It seems that this kid still has to teach him a lesson.

Taichang thought for a while, then asked again: "What do they like the most about the things we send, have you ever asked?"

This one.

Chen Siming recalled: "They seem to like everything, as for the favorite, it seems to be iron pots and various foods.

They used to cook soup in some small clay pots, and the bigger bones had to be smashed to stuff them in.

Now there is a big iron pot, just throw it in, they like it very much.

Oh, and spices.

Since Weichen taught them to add spices to the bone soup, they added a little each time they cooked the soup, and they used up this stuff very quickly, and they even asked Weichen for it. "

It seems that they are still busy with filling their stomachs.

Food and spices, huh?
These are a little more prepared.

Taichang thought for a while, then waved his hand and said: "Okay, remember to communicate with them every day, learn their language as soon as possible, what they need, just tell me."

Well, this one is easy.

When Chen Siming heard the words, he hurriedly bowed his hands and resigned.

Taichang thought for a while, then got up and went to the bow of the ship to scan the construction progress of the new Yin capital with a telescope, and then ordered: "Go, Zhao Jiandou and Boya come to discuss matters."

After a while, Lu Xiangsheng and Sun Chuanting came to the meeting hall on the top floor of the flagship.

Taichang raised his hand slightly, signaling them to sit down, and then asked, "Jiandou, how long will it take for the city wall to be completed?"

Lu Xiangsheng reckoned: "If it's just the wall, it will take another four or five days to complete. If you want to build all the towers, arrow stacks and parapets above, it will probably take about half a month."

Taichang nodded slightly, and then said decisively: "First, deploy 4 people to build a warehouse in the city gate closest to the wharf. We need to move all the goods on board to the warehouse as soon as possible."

Lu Xiangsheng hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

Taichang thought for a while, and then said to Sun Chuanting: "Bo Ya, send an aegis ship and twelve dragon-tooth warships to Wen Guogong's mansion, and order Wen Guogong to prepare more food, spices, iron pots and war horses. When the warehouse is repaired and all the goods on the ship have been moved, you will lead twenty Aegis ships and two hundred merchant ships to Wen Guogong's mansion to pick up these things, and bring as many as you can."

It's okay to talk about the food, spices, and iron pots, because these things don't take up much space.

The most troublesome thing is the war horses, because they carried too many infantry and supplies this time, and the space was limited, they only brought hundreds of war horses in total.

Fortunately, Wen Guogong's mansion itself is breeding war horses, and they have raised a lot of them.

If they still have to go to Daming mainland for transshipment, it will be really troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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