Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 488 Everyone's Chief

Chapter 488 Everyone's Chief

In the Albena tribe, in the big round house of Chief Hongyun.

Chief Marshal Hei Ying raised the knife sent by Daming with both hands, took a deep breath, and then used all his strength to chop it down.

With a "click", the firewood as thick as an arm snapped in two.

"Hiss..." There was a sound of inhalation, and the elders were all taken aback.

Daming people's knives are so sharp!

You know, it takes a long time for their sharpest stone knives to chop off firewood thick as an arm.

However, the knife sent by the Daming people was chopped off in one stroke.

Chieftain Black Eagle couldn't help showing surprise, and at the same time, there was still a hint of doubt on his face.

Why does it feel like there is something wrong with the firewood?
He bent down to pick up half of the firewood and looked at it, then knocked it on the ground vigorously, the doubt on his face became more intense.

There seems to be no problem with the firewood.

He thought about it again, and then he raised his knife and slashed down at will.

"Ka", the thick firewood on the arm still broke in response.

This time, the entire round room was even more eyeballed.

The sharpness of the Ming people's knife has exceeded their imagination.

Hei Ying couldn't help asking: "Headman, why is this Daming man so nice to us?"

The Indian tribes at this time are still matrilineal clans, that is to say, their chiefs or heads are the wisest women in the entire tribe.

At least, they think so.

At this time, they were named according to their personal abilities.

Clouds generally represent wisdom.

Eagles, wolves, cattle, etc. represent strength and bravery.

Since their chief is called Hongyun, she must be a very wise woman.

Therefore, they would consult the chief if they had any questions.

Hong Yun heard the words, thought about it carefully, and then guessed: "Didn't they say that our ancestors came from their former place of Yin and Shang?
This, is very likely to be true.

Otherwise, they wouldn't look like us and treat us so well.

We also sent people to their camp to see secretly, and they counted all the warriors, more than our largest tribe.

If they want to bully us and rob our tribe's territory like those white people did, that's a very simple matter.

They can easily defeat us and take everything from our tribe.

However, they did not do so.

Why didn't they do it?
The reason is probably the same as what they said, they regarded us as the lost clansmen outside.

Alas, hope, we are really their lost clansmen outside.

Otherwise, like the tribes in the south such as the Shoshone, the Sioux, and the Pawnee, we would be robbed by those whites of our land and everything, and wander around trying to survive.

They may be our Albena tribe, our Algonquians, or even the hope of survival for all the tribes in this land.

So, we hurried to find those things to prove our relationship with them.

This is very important to us.

How about this, you go to pick nine warriors, and tomorrow morning, you will ride to the surrounding tribes and ask if there are any of the things they showed us. "

Will there be oracle bone inscriptions on the American continent?
There is no need to doubt this, it must be there, because someone in later generations has dug it.

And just off the west coast of America.

However, how these oracle bone inscription fragments came about is not known.

Perhaps, some of the Indians really migrated from the Central Plains during the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

Or maybe, these oracle bone inscription fragments were brought here by the waves and ocean currents by accident.

In short, there are really Oracle fragments near the west coast of America.

The warriors sent by the Albena tribe inquired about the surrounding tribes for a few days, and found more than one tortoise bone inscribed with oracle bone inscriptions in a tribe on the south coast.

This time, Hong Yun was overjoyed. She immediately ran to Chen Siming with a few turtle bones, and said excitedly and incoherently: "Here, we found it. I want to see your leader."

When Chen Siming finally saw a few tortoise shells, he was also very excited.

This is the thing, yes!

This is what the emperor asked them to find!
He immediately said in blunt Algonquin words: "Give this to me first. If you want anything, I will bring it here tomorrow."

Didn't I say that I want to see your leader?

Hong Yun quickly shook his head and said, "No, no, we don't want anything. I want to see your leader, you know? I want to see your leader, your chief, do you understand?"

What boss?
What chief?
That is our emperor!

Chen Siming really didn't understand just now, because Hong Yun was too excited and spoke too fast.

At this moment, Hong Yun danced and explained, and he naturally understood.

The problem is, the emperor is not something you can meet whenever you want.

He thought for a while, then raised the tortoise shell in his hand and said: "Give this to me first, I'll go back and ask our emperor first."

Hong Yun couldn't help wondering: "Huang Sang? Is Huang Sang the name of your leader?"

Uh, how to explain this?
Chen Siming thought for a while, and then explained: "No, the emperor is the head of all of us, the leader of all, and the chief of all of us, do you understand?"

Chief of all?
This, I don't quite understand.

But it doesn't matter, it's good to be the chief.

Hong Yun nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay, you go and tell everyone's chief that I want to see him."

Hearing this, Chen Siming nodded hastily, and then rode on the horses they rode over by themselves, and headed straight for the capital of Xinyin.

At this moment, the warehouses in the capital city of Xinyin were all completed, and Sun Chuanting also brought the fleet back to Duke Wen's mansion to pick up things. Taichang ordered Lu Xiangsheng to mobilize tens of thousands of people to build a majestic hall in the middle of the city.

Others, such as the side hall bedroom, the imperial study room, etc., are also under construction.

Usually, he would sit in the hall during the day and deal with some daily affairs.

Now he is sitting on the dragon chair and sighing secretly.

Alas, the horses have been sent there for so long, why hasn't the Albena tribe found a piece of oracle bone inscription?
Could it be that there is no one around here?

If you really don't have it, then you can only throw a little outside.

Question, where should I throw it?

Before he could think about it, Chen Siming rode his horse through the barracks and came outside the hall.

When Taichang heard the sound of horseshoes, he couldn't help but looked up at the entrance of the main hall.

At this time, Chen Siming had already passed through the guards with a few pieces of tortoise shells, and rushed in from the outside.

This is him, with Taichang's permission, he can see him at any time, so he can run in without hindrance.

Panting, he ran to the dragon chair, held up the tortoise shell and said excitedly: "Your Majesty, they found it, do you see these?"

This is really a coincidence, just thinking about throwing away a few yuan, they actually found it.

Taichang took the tortoise shell and looked at it, nodded excitedly and said: "That's right, it's this thing."

Now that's all right, with this thing as proof, it's easy to convince the Indians that they came from the old place of the Shang Dynasty.

Next, it's time for those old pedants to make an appearance.

He was about to order someone to call those old pedants over to explain something, but Chen Siming said cautiously: "Your Majesty, the chief of the Albena tribe wants to see you. She said that if she doesn't want to change the tortoise shell, she will give it to you." Want to see you."


Is this for me to appear in person?
Taichang thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, let her come to see her immediately."

When Chen Siming heard the words, he quickly cupped his hands and said "obey the order." Then he turned around and left.

Taichang raised his hand again and said, "Wait, can you understand what they are saying?"

He couldn't understand what people said, and it would be embarrassing if there was no one to translate.

Chen Siming was stunned for a moment, and then explained: "If it's simple, I can understand it. If they say it too fast or too complicated, I still can't understand it."

That's it, let's talk briefly.

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Okay, go and call all your subordinates back, and translate together, try to translate their meaning accurately."

(End of this chapter)

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