Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 489 The Hope of Survival

Chapter 489 The Hope of Survival

How many Indians were there on the American continent before it was invaded by colonists?
There is no accurate statistics for this, because there are too many Indian tribes, and at that time they also spawned two countries.

One was the Inca Empire, which was destroyed by the Spaniards, and the other was the Aztec Empire, which was also destroyed by the Spaniards.

Both empires had a population of more than 500 million, but their combined territory occupied less than one-tenth of the American continent.

In other words, there were at least tens of millions of Indians on the American continent at that time.

At this moment, the Inca Empire and the Aztec Empire have been wiped out by the Spaniards, and it seems that it is only a matter of time before other tribes are wiped out.

Because at this moment, not only Spain and Portugal are invading the American continent, but also Britain, France and the Netherlands.

Spain and Portugal have already occupied the entire South American continent and the southern part of North America, while Britain, France and the Netherlands have come to the east coast of North America since the 30th year of Wanli and began to snatch colonies.

At this moment, almost half of the entire North America is occupied by colonists, and the remaining half, most of which are alpine regions, are not suitable for large Indian tribes to live at all.

The current situation is that almost all Indian tribes in North America have been compressed by the colonists in the semicircular area from the Great Lakes to the west coast of America. There are at least 500 million Indians in this area, and there may even be tens of millions.

It was originally the territory of the Algonquians and the Iroquois.

Let’s not talk about the Iroquois for the time being, because their territory is concentrated in the Great Lakes region and its vicinity, which basically belongs to the eastern region of North America, and it is too far away from the west coast. The Albena Department has no idea what is going on there now .

All they know is that countless people from other tribes have flooded into their Algonquian territory, and these people will consume the living materials that originally belonged to them.

It is conceivable what the result will be when millions of people come to hunt the prey that is enough for more than one million people to survive.

Moreover, those white colonists are still encroaching on their territory, and they are simply powerless to resist.

In other words, they are already facing a serious survival crisis, and their destruction seems to be only a matter of time.

It is for this reason that Hong Yun, the chief of Albena, is so eager to see Taichang.

The Daming people who suddenly appeared are their hope for survival!

Taichang did not expect the situation in America to be so favorable to him at the moment.

He just wanted to win over and train the originally weak Indians and completely change the world pattern.

Now, if someone came to him on his own initiative, he would naturally not refuse.

He is even going to give someone a big gift to win him over.

Hong Yun didn't know what the chief of all the people was thinking. In order to show her sincerity, she didn't even bring anyone with her, so she just rode a horse and followed Chen Siming and a group of translators to Xinyin Capital.

She had known for a long time that the Ming people built a city here, and she also heard from the warriors in the clan that the city built by the Ming people was very big.

However, when she saw that the city wall could not be seen at a glance, she was still shocked.

With such a big city, I am afraid that it will catch up with the size of their territory.

When she came to the city, she was even more shocked and dumbfounded when she saw the endless camps like the ocean and the Ming army soldiers lined up densely on both sides of the road.

It's one thing to hear that there are so many warriors, but another thing to see it with your own eyes.

Everything here is beyond her imagination.

How powerful is this Daming?

When she saw the huge palace, she was shocked again.

She really couldn't imagine how such a big palace was built.

When Taichang saw the leader of the Albena Department, he was also slightly taken aback.

He had known for a long time that the Algonquians were still a matriarchal clan, and he also knew that the leader of the Albena tribe was a woman.

However, he did not expect that the leader of such a large tribe with tens of thousands of people turned out to be a thin old woman.

Well, this is not the point, the point is why people came to see him in such a hurry.

How about this?

Hong Yun was also thinking about what to say.

Because she didn't know why Da Ming, the chief of all people, came here, and she didn't know if he was willing to help them deal with those terrible white people.

The two of them just stared at each other without saying a word.

Uh, what is this for?
Chen Siming was stunned for a moment, then secretly gestured to the back, led all the officers to kneel down, and sang in unison: "My ministers see the emperor."

Well, this guy is finally smart again.

Seeing this, Taichang couldn't help but secretly nodded.

Hong Yun stared blankly at Chen Siming who was lying behind him, thought for a while, and then imitated others, lying next to him, and asked in a low voice: "What are you doing?"

How to explain this?
Chen Siming thought for a while, and then explained in a low voice: "This is our Da Ming's meeting ceremony, a special meeting ceremony, just like you like to hug your friends when you meet your friends. We have to do this when we meet the emperor."

Well, his Indian vocabulary is still very limited, so this explanation is a bit nondescript.

However, Hong Yun still understood.

She thought for a while, then imitated Chen Siming's appearance just now, and said respectfully on the ground: "Hong Yun, the leader of Albena, has seen all the chiefs."

Uh, I already told you to call him the emperor, what kind of nondescript name do you have?

Chen Siming was stunned when he heard this.

Seeing this, Taichang nodded slightly, then raised his hand and said, "Get up, Siming, why are you so dazed, what did she say?"

Uh, this.

Chen Siming got up and thought about it, but still translated truthfully: "She said that Hong Yun, the head of the Albena tribe, sees everyone's chief."

Chief of all?
Why do people come up with such a strange name?
In fact, this is also the custom of Indian tribes.

That's how they call or name people.

For example, the headman's wild cowboy and the headman's little flower cow are well-known chiefs of Indian tribes.

There are six killers, high-raised torches, spear generals, etc. These are relatively famous warriors of Indian tribes.

In short, they believe that a person's title is a comprehensive description of the person.

Hong Yun probably thought that the chief of Daming should be the chief of everyone, so she called him that.

As for the emperor, she didn't know what it meant at all, so naturally she couldn't call it.

This title is actually quite good.

Taichang thought about it carefully for a while, and he already had calculations in his heart.

Wasn't it his purpose to be the chief of all people here?
He nodded slightly and said, "This is a very good name. In the future, you will use this name when you introduce me to people from other tribes."

This nondescript name is still good?
Chen Siming was taken aback again when he heard this.

But Taichang immediately confessed: "You ask her first, what can I do with you?"

Hong Yun heard the words, thought about it carefully, and said directly: "Our Albena tribe and all the tribes on this land are facing the invasion of white people. I want to ask all the chiefs to help us to protect our homes and territories. , so that we can continue to survive.”


When Taichang heard this, he couldn't help but feel secretly happy.

It turned out that these Indian tribes knew that they would not be able to survive.

That's fine, no need to explain.

I am here to help you!

In fact, people in Indian tribes in history also knew that they would not be able to survive.

The question is, what can they do, no one will help them, they simply can't handle the colonists of the European countries!

They can only be slaughtered, there is no way.

Of course, it's different now.

When Daming comes and Taichang comes, their fate will be rewritten.

The pattern of this world will also be completely changed.

(End of this chapter)

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