Chapter 493
In the study, Taichang was still sitting there staring at the map on the table.

However, the map has now been replaced with the planning map of the new capital of Yin, and it is not Chen Siming and Hong Yun standing in front of him, but Lu Xiangsheng and Sun Chuanting.

He stared at the plan for a while, and then said solemnly: "Jiandou, there may be people from other tribes coming to Xinyin Capital City tomorrow, and the three sides of the city wall, the main gate to the shops on both sides of Xinggong Road, will stop first. Also tidy it up, don't make a mess."

Lu Xiangsheng hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

Taichang thought about it again, and then confessed: "Tomorrow, [-] infantry will be arranged on both sides of the three avenues in rotation, and the shift will change every two hours. In addition, [-] infantry will also be arranged on both sides of the square in front of the hall. Standing shift, spread out the red carpet in the middle."

Lu Xiangsheng cupped his hands without hesitation and said, "I understand."

Taichang thought for a while, and then said to Sun Chuanting: "Bo Ya, take the sailors and prepare to light banners and ribbons, and arrange the city walls and palaces. In short, it's like receiving envoys from vassal states. point."

This is actually a different kind of nations coming to the DPRK. Although these Indian tribes have not yet developed into a country, Taichang will naturally help them form a country in the near future and make them a vassal state of Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, meeting the envoys of the tribes this time is actually similar to meeting the envoys of the vassal states.

Sun Chuanting has also experienced this scene, so he naturally knows how to arrange it.

He thought for a while, and then asked: "Your Majesty, it stands to reason that envoys are coming to pay tribute, should we prepare something for them?"

This is also the norm.

However, Taichang really didn't want to give anything away.

Because the transportation in America is too underdeveloped at the moment, even if other tribes send people over, they have to rely on the young and strong of the Albena tribe to bring them here on war horses.

If you let people come here by themselves, even if you don't get lost, it will take ten days, half a month or even a month or two to walk hundreds of miles away.

He didn't have time to wait.

Therefore, he has already told Hong Yun that if people are willing to send people, they can be brought here with war horses.

In this case, how do people take things back when they give them something?

Could it be that you carry it back?

Even if you are going to die of exhaustion on the road.

However, people rushed over as if they were coming to pay tribute, and it seemed unreasonable not to give someone something.

After all, they will be developed into a vassal state in the future. It is the first time for them to pay tribute, so the Ming Dynasty cannot appear too stingy.

Taichang thought for a while, and then said to Lu Xiangsheng: "Jiandou, let the soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion prepare, prepare five hundred horses, five hundred black iron knives, and five hundred hanging bags on the horse's back. Twenty catties of dried meat, preserved fruit and spices are stuffed inside, and I will give them to the envoys of the tribes along with the horses."

Uh, can people ride horses?

The people of the Albena tribe didn't seem to know how to ride a horse.

Lu Xiangsheng carefully reminded: "What if they don't know how to ride a horse?"

Isn't this simple?

Without hesitation, Taichang said: "It's not difficult to learn how to ride a horse. You can ask the soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion to teach them well, and let them go back after they have learned it."

Well, that's the only way to go.

Early the next morning, Taichang sent more than a thousand scouts to inform the other tribes along with the young men of the Albena tribe.

In fact, these scouts knew the locations of some nearby tribes, and they had already marked the locations of these tribes.

However, they don't know the specific situation of these tribes very well, and they can't communicate with others, even if they all learn the language here.

People don't know them, so how can they easily believe their words.

Therefore, even if they know the location of some tribes, they still have to follow the young men of the Albena tribe to communicate with them.

At this moment, most of the Indian tribes in North America actually know that they are about to face extinction.

Because Spain destroyed the Inca Empire as early as 12 years ago in Jiajing, and then they began to expand their colonies northward. Spain had already reached the hinterland of North America around 20 years ago in Wanli.

Moreover, European colonists such as the Netherlands, Britain, and France swarmed in around 30 Wanli, and the east coast of North America was quickly occupied by them.

During this period, I don’t know how many tribes were wiped out by these colonists, even those with dozens or even hundreds of tribes like the Sioux, Shoshone, Muskog, Pawnee, and Mochi Most of the tribes were beaten by the colonists and fled desperately.

This situation has been going on for hundreds of years, can they not know what the colonists want to do, can they not know that their tribe will eventually face the same disaster as the tribes in the south?

However, they have nothing to do!

The Sioux, the Shoshone, the Muskog, the Pawnee, and the Mochi did not fail to resist. They had gathered warriors from dozens or even hundreds of tribes to fight the invaders many times.

So what?

They can't beat them at all!
They have muskets and cannons, and they also have sharp swords. If they charge up with wooden sticks and stone axes, it is not called desperate, but rushing to die!

Anyway, resistance is death, and non-resistance is death. They can only wait for the catastrophe to come in despair.

It has been so historically.

All of a sudden, the Ming Empire appeared to be willing to help them, and the warriors from the Albena department also swore that the Ming Empire would definitely help them repel the invaders and keep their homeland.

In this case, even if you don't believe in miracles, you still have to go and see them!
As a result, they went to Xinyin Capital City to have a look, and they were all pleasantly surprised.

The people of Albena did not lie to them, the Ming Empire was indeed extremely powerful.

The city built by them is almost as big as their tribe's territory, and their warriors are even countless. Their largest tribe doesn't seem to have so many people.

Also, their weapons are simply better than those of the intruders.

Moreover, the people of the Ming Empire seemed to really regard them as their own.

They just need to go to the majestic palace according to what the Albena tribe told them, and kneel down on the ground to respectfully kowtow to the chief of all the people, expressing their willingness to submit and obey the command of the Ming Empire.

Then describe the situation of your tribe in detail.

Then the chief of all people will give the kind of horses that the Albena warriors ride, as well as the kind of sharp knives, and two big bags of delicious food.

They even taught them how to ride horses, and invited them to eat fish and meat. They were extremely enthusiastic.

This proved that the Ming Empire was really willing to help them.

This time, as long as the tribal envoys who came to the capital of Xinyin were all excited.

Because they saw the hope of survival!
They all believe that as long as the Ming Empire helps, they will be able to defend their territory, their homeland, and repel the invaders.

The envoys of these tribes were very excited, but Taichang was very tired.

Because there are too many Indian tribes.

On the afternoon of the first day, the young men of the Albena tribe brought back more than ten envoys from the tribe.

The reception of the tribute envoys cannot be done carelessly, the scene must be grand, not to mention, he, the emperor, must maintain his majesty.

Moreover, the basic process is the same.

He had to meet every envoy in person, and he had to pretend to ask, give a few words of encouragement, and then bestow things.

With such a set of procedures, it would be great if he could meet several envoys in one hour.

So, from the afternoon of the first day, he basically just sat there to meet the tribal envoys, unable to go anywhere, unable to do anything else.

On the first day, he received envoys from more than a dozen tribes.

The next day, he received envoys from dozens of tribes.

On the third day, it was the envoys of dozens of tribes.

The envoys of that tribe simply came in a steady stream, endlessly.

He doesn't know the number of Indian tribes. You know, there are millions of people and hundreds of tribes in the Algonquin tribe alone!

This is really a posture of all nations coming to court. It is estimated that in this wave alone, he received more envoys than any emperor in Ming Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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