Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 494 Apache Tribe

Chapter 494 Apache Tribe

Taichang realized that he had miscalculated a bit.

He roughly knew that there were at least 500 million Indians in the North American continent at this moment, but he never calculated the number of Indian tribes.

You must know that the Indians at this moment have not been forced to live together, and a tribe with tens of thousands of people like the Albena tribe is considered a large tribe.

At present, the general Indian tribes have thousands or even more than a thousand people, and even tribes with hundreds of people are not rare.

For example, the famous Moxikan tribe has only a few thousand people, and they are just a medium-sized tribe under the Aljik tribe.

However, at this moment Taichang has not seen the legendary Mohicans.

Because there are hundreds of tribes in the Algonquin tribe alone, and the Albena tribe must be the first to contact their own tribe.

After all, the languages ​​of the Indian tribes are not completely interlinked, and the languages ​​of each tribe are different, and some tribes even cannot understand the language of other tribes.

These are all questions he has to consider.

Fortunately, after three days, there were fewer tribal envoys who came to pay tribute.

On the fourth day, there were only a dozen or so tribal envoys who came to pay tribute.

The more than 100 teams of young men sent by the Albena Ministry have already picked up more than a hundred tribal envoys within a range of four to five hundred miles, and this first wave of tribute is over.

He could finally catch his breath.

Because the tribes to be notified next are all four or five hundred miles away, and the people of the Albena tribe have never been that far, and they don't know the location of those tribes.

In the study, Taichang looked at the list of tribes written down by Chen Siming and others, and felt his scalp tingling for a while.

It turns out that not all Indian tribes have tens of thousands of people like the Albena tribe!
Among these tribes, there are many with only a few hundred people.

What if such a tribe of hundreds of people is the majority?
500 million people is nearly 1 tribes!
Even if a tribe with more than a thousand people or a few thousand people is the majority, there are still thousands of tribes!
With so many tribes, the horses he transported this time would not be enough.

Fortunately, these tribes are scattered within a radius of five or six thousand miles in the central and western parts of the North American continent. Even if they go to inform them on horseback, it is impossible for the envoys of all the tribes to gather within a month or two.

Moreover, the Albena Ministry does not know the location of all other tribes.

It is the limit that they can bring all the envoys from more than a hundred nearby tribes. As for other tribes, they have to find a way to find out.

Originally, he thought it was a rather troublesome matter.

After all, it would be quite time-consuming to inquire about the location of other tribes and then find them.

Now it seems that it is better to take it slowly.

If the people of the Albena tribe knew the locations of all the other tribes, and kept recruiting people for him, and brought dozens of envoys from the tribe a day, he would not be able to stand it for a month.

Because he didn't prepare so many war horses.

He can't favor one person over another, and those who come in front will be given horses, but those who come behind will not be given.

If you do this, the people who come later will definitely have some opinions.

After all, war horses are equivalent to luxury cars for the current Indian tribes.

He sent luxury cars and food to the tribe in front, and the tribe in the back gave some food, so it's no wonder they didn't object.

Fortunately, the people of the Albena tribe also knew the locations of more than a hundred tribes in the vicinity of four to five hundred miles, and he still had time to prepare.

He carefully looked at the list of more than a hundred tribes, and then looked at the distribution maps of these tribes, and then said to Chen Siming who was waiting at the side: "Go, call all the more than ten envoys and Hongyun who came to pay tribute today. Come to the council hall."

The dozen or so envoys must still be there at this moment, because they have to learn how to ride a horse.

Although this horse riding is simple, it is not enough to ride a horse and run wildly. It takes time to learn how to ride a horse.

At the beginning, someone has to lead the horse in front, let the horse pace slowly, so that the person who learns to ride a horse can gradually master the balance on the horse.

After learning to ride a horse, after initially mastering the balance of the horse, they have to slowly try to control the horse for a jog and a circle.

After everything is fine, you can try to speed up the horse and start running.

Ordinary people have to learn at least a day or so before they can go back on their own.

Therefore, the dozen or so tribal envoys who came today are still learning how to ride horses from the Shenwu Camp and the Albena tribe.

Not long after, Hongyun and the envoys of the ten or so tribes came to the meeting hall respectfully.

On the long table in the middle of the meeting hall was the distribution map of the tribes, on which the approximate positions of all the tribes within a range of four to five hundred miles were marked.

Most of these more than 100 tribes are distributed in the east and south of the capital of Xinyin, and there are only a few tribes in the north.

Because it is too cold in the north, it is thirty or forty degrees below zero in winter, and the people of the Algonquin tribe are not particularly cold-tolerant, so there are very few tribes in such cold places.

Such a simple map can be understood by those who understand it after a short glance, but the dozen or so new envoys stared blankly for a long time, listened to Hong Yun's explanation for a long time, and finally clicked nod.

Seeing that they all understood, Taichang asked, "Okay, now tell me what's going on in the east and south, and how many tribes do you know about?"

As soon as Chen Siming translated and relayed his words, several envoys immediately pointed to the south side of the map and began to describe excitedly.

Uh, what are these guys excited about?

Taichang couldn't help looking at Chen Siming.

Chen Siming quickly explained: "They said that there are invaders in the south of their tribe, and he wants to ask you to help keep their territory."

Taichang glanced at the map and understood that it should not be far from the northernmost settlement of the Spaniards.

This problem is actually very easy to solve.

However, we have to figure out the situation over there first.

Taichang thought for a while, then asked: "How do you know that there are invaders in the south? Have they ever attacked you?"

This is rather strange.

Because these tribes in the south are not big tribes, if the Spaniards attack their territory, a tribe of hundreds or even 2000 people like them will definitely not be able to withstand it.

You know, a large tribe with tens of thousands of people like the Albena Department can't do anything with the twenty or thirty Spanish garrisons that were originally stationed here.

Fortunately, the Spaniards established a stronghold here only to replenish fresh water for the ocean-going fleet. If the Spaniards came to expand the colony, then the Albena Department would have been finished.

If the Spaniards launch an attack, there must be at least a hundred people, right?

Even the Albena tribe couldn't handle an attack of this scale, so how did these small tribes handle it?

Several envoys shook their heads when they heard the words, and one of the envoys pointed to the southeast of them and explained: "They are attacking the territory of the Sioux and the Apache tribe at the moment. For a long time.

However, they seem to be unable to withstand it anymore. Those who fled to our tribe all said that they are going to migrate north.

Chief of all, please help, if the Sioux and the Apache move north, these invaders are coming against us. "

He had already heard of the Sioux people.

This is the first time he has heard of the Apache tribe.

Of course, he still has a little impression of the term Apache, which is the name of a helicopter.

It turns out that the Apache helicopter was named after an Indian tribe!

Apache is indeed the name of an Indian tribe, and the people of the Apache tribe are quite brave and good at fighting.

They were even stronger than the Inca Empire!
However, this strong does not mean that their overall strength is stronger than that of the Inca Empire.

They do not have a population of more than 500 million, nor do they have an army of tens of thousands.

The reason why they are strong is because they are brave and resourceful.

The Inca Empire stupidly assembled a large army to fight the Spaniards desperately, but they fought scatteredly, making the Spaniards exhausted.

Of course, the Sioux is not bad either.

Historically, the Apache tribe and the Sioux have dealt with the European colonists for centuries.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of the Apache tribe and the Sioux tribe in the south that the Spaniards have not occupied the entire North American continent in the past 20 years.

(End of this chapter)

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