Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 495 Solved within 1 month

Chapter 495 Solved within a month

Taichang stared at the distribution map of the tribe for a while, and decided to send people from the Albena tribe to the south first to find the Apache tribe and the Sioux tribe.

Because he wants to stand up, or in other words, help the Indian tribes solve the problem of the invasion of the colonists in the south.

After all, the Indian tribes that belonged to him at this moment were all Algonquin tribes.

The reason why these tribes joined him without hesitation was because of the Albena tribe.

Because the Albena tribe is a relatively large tribe in the Algonquin tribe, people of the same tribe will not doubt what they say.

Therefore, as long as they send people to lobby, the tribes of the Algonquin tribe will basically send envoys to the new capital city of Yin without hesitation to join Daming.

However, other tribes are not necessarily.

After all, without seeing it with my own eyes, it is hard to believe that Ming, a force that suddenly appeared on the American continent, would be strong enough to defeat the European colonists. People who are not from the same tribe may not necessarily believe the Albena tribe.

Once people don't believe the words of the Albena Department, it will not be so easy to turn all the Indian tribes in North America into the vassals of Ming Dynasty in a short period of time.

Therefore, he wants to stand up and let all the Indian tribes see how powerful Daming is.

Only in this way can other Indian tribes come to hear the news and rush to join.

It is not difficult to help the Indian tribes solve the problem of the invasion of the colonists in the south, as long as the governor of New Spain is summoned, it is almost the same.

At least, he thought so.

He thought about it carefully, and then pointed to the map and said to Hong Yun: "You send your subordinate Qing Zhuang to follow the envoys of these tribes to find the Apache tribe and the Sioux tribe, and tell them that I will meet you within a month. Help them solve the problem of the invasion of the colonists in the south, and let them send envoys to the capital of New Yin to be a witness."

The envoys of the tribes in the south were very excited after hearing Chen Siming's report.

They have been worried for many years. The Apache tribe and the Sioux tribe are famous for being brave and good at fighting. These two big tribes cannot withstand the invasion of the colonists. How could their small tribes withstand it?
The colonists in the south made them sleepless!
The chiefs of all these people actually said that the problem of the invasion of the colonists in the south could be solved within a month. Could they not be excited?

If so, that would be great.

is this real?
Of course, Taichang would not brag in front of these people. If the south is Holland or Britain and France, he may not be able to solve the problem within a month.

To the south is Spain.

He can control the king of Spain, and even a little governor of New Spain can make him obedient with some tricks.

So, what means can be used to make the governor of New Spain obedient?
After Hongyun left the meeting hall with the envoys of the tribes, Taichang immediately ordered people to call Lu Xiangsheng, Sun Chuanting, and Zhang Zhiji and other four staff generals over.

He stared at the map and thought for a while, then said to Zhang Zhiji and Xu Yunzhen: "You two lead ten dragon-tooth warships and 120 wolf-tooth warships to Mexico City to take over the governor of New Spain. Remember, you Before the fleet you lead returns here, you must send a fast boat to notify in advance.”

Uh, running so far to pick someone up?
Mexico City is located in the south of the North American continent. From the map, it may not be tens of thousands of miles away from the capital of New Yin.

Moreover, Mexico City is not on the coast, and they have to travel at least a few hundred miles by land after they pass by.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that there will be a lot of problems.

For example, after the fleet sails to the south coast, how can it be determined that the stop is near Mexico City?
Another example, after getting off the boat, how can you run hundreds of miles overland to Mexico City? What should I do if I have never been there before and get lost?

Fortunately, both Zhang Zhiji and Xu Yunzhen were not so smart, they were only slightly stunned for a moment, then nodded together and said: "I understand."

In fact, it is not difficult to go to Mexico City.

Didn't they send a boat to send the Spaniards stationed here to the nearest settlement last time? This time, just go there and find someone as a guide.

It is impossible for their own people not to know where to dock the closest to Mexico City.

As for the land road for hundreds of miles, just take a few hundred horses.

It is impossible not to send people to be stationed near the Spanish Governor's Palace, no, they just need to go ashore and find someone there to lead the way.

Taichang saw that Zhang Zhiji and Xu Yunzhen were fine, and then said to Sun Chuanting: "Bo Ya, when you receive the news, you will discharge all the ships from the port all the way out, and give them a warm welcome. Remember, prepare empty shells and give ten rounds of salute."

This is a demonstration with others.

Sun Chuanting nodded without hesitation and said, "I understand."

Taichang immediately said to Lu Xiangsheng: "Jiandou, when you receive the news, you will line up all the soldiers from the Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion from the port to the palace, and give them a warm welcome."

This is also a meaning, or a demonstration.

Lu Xiangsheng also cupped his hands without hesitation and said, "I understand."

Next, it seems that there is only waiting.

So, will the Apache tribe and the Sioux tribe send envoys?

Can Zhang Zhiji and Xu Yunzhen take over the governor of New Spain?
The Apache and Sioux did not really believe what the Albena tribe said.

Just kidding, what kind of Ming Empire suddenly appeared and could help them repel the Spanish colonists within a month?
They have dealt with the Spanish colonists for more than ten years, so they naturally know how powerful they are.

The strength of Spain is not blown out.

Although their armada is gone, they are still strong on land.

At least, it is very strong for European countries.

Otherwise, the European countries would not have to unite to fight them.

This Spanish army is extremely powerful in the eyes of European countries, but it is conceivable how strong it is in the eyes of Indian tribes.

The Apache tribe and the Sioux can be said to be the most capable of fighting among the North American Indian tribes. However, facing the Spanish army, they can only use their familiarity with the terrain to engage in ambushes, sneak attacks, and run away.

Just like this, they still suffered heavy losses and retreated steadily.

What kind of Ming Empire suddenly popped up now can help them repel the Spanish colonists within a month?
What a joke, when the Spaniards are made of mud!

They really don't believe it.

However, believe it or not, this is a major matter related to their life and death, but if they have any hope, they still have to send someone to Xinyin Capital City to take a look.

Therefore, it was not the messengers of the Apache and Sioux tribes that the people of the Albena tribe brought back for the first time.

The first time they brought back were Apache and Sioux warriors.

Fortunately, the territory of the Apache tribe and the Sioux tribe is less than a thousand miles away from the capital of Xinyin. Even if the territory of the Apache tribe is far away from the capital of Xinyin, it will take about ten days to ride back and forth on horseback.

Moreover, the Apache and Sioux had stolen war horses from the Spaniards a long time ago, and now they can raise horses themselves. They still have war horses, and they don't need the people of the Albena tribe to bring them.

In this way, they did not waste any time.

After about ten days or so, the Apache tribe and the Sioux warriors rushed to the capital city of Xinyin successively.

When they probed, they were naturally dumbfounded and pleasantly surprised.

The strength of the Ming Empire can be seen at a glance. The number of soldiers alone can crush the Spanish colonists. What's more, they have more fire-breathing guns than the Spaniards. Moreover, they have densely packed giant ship.

Come to find out the truth, the Apache tribe and the Sioux warriors all went back happily.

In less than ten days, the Apache tribe and the Sioux tribe sent envoys one after another.

At this time, Taichang finally had a general understanding of the situation in the entire American continent.

Because the Apache tribe and the Sioux tribe have war horses, their range of activities is not generally large.

It can be said that from the west coast of North America to the east coast of North America, from the Governorate of New Spain to the territory of the Algonquin tribe, this large area has left their footprints.

At this time, Taichang also knew why the Apache tribe and the Sioux tribe had been able to resist the Spaniards for so long.

Because their territory is too large.

The Apache tribe has a full seven tribal alliances, and the territory extends from the later Florida to eastern Mexico.

The Sioux also had three major tribal confederations that stretched from the east of Mexico to the west coast of North America.

It can be said that nearly half of the southwestern part of the Moldy Country in later generations is the territory of these two big tribes. The Spaniards probably became dizzy after wandering around in their territory.

It is not half difficult to completely defeat these two big tribes.

(End of this chapter)

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