Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 499 Can You Believe The Intruder's Chapter?

Chapter 499 Can You Believe The Intruder?
In the Xinggong Palace of the capital of New Yin, in the meeting hall of the side hall.

Taichang still sat high and stared at the map in front of him, meditating.

At this moment, Cordoba, the deputy king of the governorship of New Spain, has already sent away. He has already signed an agreement to buy food, and he also ordered the navy ship to send it to him for 500 million taels of silver. up.

That is to say, he has already negotiated privately with Cordoba that the governorship of New Spain will completely stop the invasion of North American Indian tribes and return the territories of the original Apache tribe and Sioux tribe to them.

He has fulfilled his promise to solve the invasion problem of the colonists in the south within this month, but the effect of Liwei is not obvious.

After all, it was only a verbal promise that the Spaniards would stop fighting. The situation on the North American continent had not changed significantly, and the Indian tribes were still facing the threat of colonial invasion.

He must help the Apache tribe or the Sioux tribe regain their territory and completely change the situation in the North American continent, so that the effect of this prestige can be shown.

The territory of the Apache tribe is basically in the eastern and central parts of the North American continent, a little far from the capital of New Yin.

Moreover, not all of their territories were taken by the Spaniards in the south, and the large territories in the east were taken by the British and French.

It seems that it is still a bit difficult for him to help others take back all the territories.

At least, this time and a half will not be possible.

The territory of the Sioux was different.

Their territory is all in the central and western part of the North American continent, just south of the Algonquin tribal territory, and most of the territory they lost was taken by the Spaniards.

It should not be difficult to regain these territories.

Taichang stared at the place where the Sioux and the Spaniards intersected for a long time, and finally set his sights on the Spanish stronghold in Colombia.

The Colombian stronghold is the northernmost settlement in the Governorate of New Spain.

There's a river there that seems to be called the Columbia River too.

These are place names in honor of the navigator and explorer Columbus.

Columbus was not originally a Spaniard, but he was hired by the Spanish royal family to lead a fleet across the Atlantic Ocean and discover the American continent, which enabled Spain to create a colonial empire that flourished for a while.

Therefore, the profitable colonists will more or less pretend to commemorate him, and many Spanish overseas colonies are therefore called Colombia.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that this Colombian stronghold is the closest to the capital of Xinyin, and it was originally the territory of the Sioux people.

Well, take this stronghold to try the sincerity of the Spaniards or Cordoba first.

If the guy keeps his word, that's fine.

If this guy plays dirty, it's in trouble.

Taichang stared at the map for a while, then pointed to a tribal marker near the middle reaches of the Columbia River and asked, "Which of you belongs to this tribe?"

Among the envoys of several Sioux tribes, an elder named One Horn stood up and said respectfully, "Chief of all people, this is our Milikaki tribe."

Uh, the name of this tribe is really hard to remember.

Including the names of these people does not conform to Daming's habits at all.

These may have to be changed in the future. For now, let's help them regain their territory first.

Taichang nodded slightly, and then asked: "How many warriors can you gather in your clan?"

The one-horned elder said without hesitation: "Our Milika base can gather more than 500 warriors."

Well, that's pretty much enough.

Taichang pointed to the Spanish stronghold at the mouth of the river and said, "How long will it take for all the warriors in your assembled clan to arrive here?"

This they tried.

The one-horned elder said without hesitation: "We don't have enough horses, most of them can only run there. If you run fast, start in the morning and arrive before dark."

All right, as long as you can run there in one day.

Taichang nodded slightly, and then said decisively: "After you go back by boat, let your leaders gather all the warriors in the clan, and set off early tomorrow morning to take down this stronghold."

There are also hundreds of Spanish soldiers stationed in this stronghold. More than 500 of them are going to take this stronghold?

They once organized more than 5000 people from more than ten tribes to attack but failed to take it down!
More than 500 people, that is to die!
Besides, it will take him nearly three days to ride back to the tribe from here, and go back by boat. Can he arrive this evening?

If you can't make it tonight, how can you let the leader organize the warriors of the clan to attack the Spanish stronghold tomorrow morning?
Hearing this, the one-horned elder was stunned.

Seeing this, Taichang couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, what's the problem?"

The one-horned elder only reacted after listening to Hong Yun's report, and said cautiously: "Everyone's chief, there seem to be hundreds of people in this stronghold, last time we organized more than 5000 warriors from more than ten tribes to sneak attack Can it be taken down, do you think that more than 500 people from our Milikaki tribe can take it down in the past?"

This, of course!

Taichang said indifferently: "Don't worry, they have said that they will not resist, and your people just need to run over."

Can those intruders be trusted?

When those intruders drifted here, they were very kind to others, and they brought water and food to others.

If it weren't for them, the invaders would have starved to death, if not thirsty.

As a result, those intruders turned their faces and refused to recognize anyone. It didn't take long for them to run over with a large number of people to seize their territory and capture their people as slaves.

These things have been circulated among Indian tribes for hundreds of years.

I would rather believe that cows can climb trees than those intruders!

The one-horned elder hesitated for a while, and then asked cautiously: "The chief of all people, can you believe the words of those invaders? We treated them too well back then, and they turned their faces away and refused to recognize anyone!"

That's because your strength is not enough!

Do they dare to turn their faces and deny anyone in front of Daming?

Taichang still said calmly: "Don't worry, I will personally bring people to help you when the time comes, and if they dare to say nothing, I will let them know how powerful they are.

You just rush over, and I will send someone to cooperate with you.

If the people in the stronghold dare not retreat, I will help you drive them away. "

Well, if the chief of all people really helped, those invaders would definitely be unable to beat them.

The strength of Da Ming lies here, there are hundreds of thousands of warriors who can fight, and the hundreds of invaders are really nothing in front of Da Ming.

Question, do you have to do it tomorrow?
The one-horned elder hesitated again, and then asked cautiously: "Everyone's chief, I'm afraid it will be too late to do it tomorrow. It will take me nearly three days to go back on horseback. By boat, can I get there tonight?"

Why can't I get there?
Taichang looked at the map, then turned around and asked Zhang Zhiji, "Have you been to this stronghold?"

Zhang Zhiji nodded without hesitation and said: "Yes, Your Majesty, I have been there before, and I was looking for a guide there when I went to Mexico City this time."

Taichang continued to ask: "From here, how long will it take to get there by fast boat?"

Zhang Zhiji thought about it for a while, and then estimated: "About five hours."

It's just dawn at this moment, which is around Mao's time.

Moreover, it was summer at this time, and it was getting dark late. They rushed to the mouth of the river at five o'clock, and then went upstream for less than a hundred miles to the location of the Milikaki tribe. It should be dark in time.

Hearing this, Taichang immediately turned his head and said seriously: "Don't worry, I will definitely send you back tonight."

Then it will be fine.

The one-horned elder nodded quickly and said, "Okay, I'll go back and tell our leader that we will gather all the warriors in the clan to try it out tomorrow morning."

(End of this chapter)

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