Chapter 500
Governorate of New Spain, Columbia stronghold, top floor of the castle.

Captain Andres stood there with his hands behind his back, looking at the endless ocean, his heart was in a mess.

In fact, he was originally a second lieutenant, but he was the day before yesterday.

He was in charge of the supply point in the north at the beginning, and there were only 30, no. [-] people under him.

It's different now, the entire Columbia stronghold is under his responsibility, and he is the head here.

The captain means the leader, and this military rank at this time represents the leader of a stronghold.

At least, that's what it means in Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands.

His dream once was to become a captain and command a stronghold.

Now, this dream has suddenly come true, but he doesn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

Because this stronghold is about to be taken away by the Indians or people from the Ming Empire, and his task is to take everyone in the stronghold to the south!

This is a secret order given to him by His Royal Highness the Vice King himself.

When His Royal Highness told him these things, he really couldn't laugh or cry.

He felt that his task was to act, to play a scene of defeat and escape.

As for why this scene was played, he was very clear about the reason, because Zhang Zhiji and Xu Yunzhen had asked him to be their guide when they went to Mexico City.

He was also there when the Deputy King went down to negotiate with His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Empire.

He was watching silently all the way.

His Royal Highness the Vice King reached an agreement with the emperor of the Ming Empire to return the territory that originally belonged to the Indian Sioux and Apache tribes to them in exchange for a lot of money from the Ming Empire.

That's a lot of money, more money than a large merchant ship can hold!

Perhaps, it was precisely because he knew all this that he was promoted to captain, let's play this scene.

Alas, I don't know whether it will be a reward or a punishment after the performance.

He was sighing to himself, when a black spot suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea.

Hey, there is a boat!

He raised the binoculars to look, and the whole person was stunned.

This is a warship of the Ming Empire. He returned here on this kind of warship back then, so he recognized this ship at a glance.

Question, why is there an elder of an Indian tribe on this warship?
What is the Ming Empire trying to do?
Could it be that you let an elder of an Indian tribe take over this stronghold!

It's a little too much for you to do this, right?

How can I play this play!
How do you let me escape?

I was scared by a native Indian and ran away with hundreds of people?

This kind of thing will make people laugh to death!
Fortunately, the ship did not head towards the pier of their stronghold.

Far away, the ship turned into the big river north of the stronghold.

Those who buy cakes, the Indians are coming!
He reacted after a little thought.

This ship is to send back the elders of the nearby Indian tribes, and then gather people and horses to "attack" the stronghold.

It seems that you have to prepare quickly, or it will be too late.

He hurried down and yelled at the lazy soldiers: "Hurry up and pack up your things, what are you waiting for, the Indians are about to call."

Uh, as for being so scared?
It seemed that not many people in the entire stronghold listened to him.

There is no way, he has just been promoted for two days. He used to be an unlucky guy who was in charge of the supply point in the north. The military rank here used to be much higher than his.

Moreover, as soon as he was promoted, he immediately ordered everyone to pack up and prepare to run.

How did a coward like you get promoted?

It's not that people from Indian tribes have never come to attack, so why run away?

What are the natives with sticks and stones to fear?

Not many people in the entire stronghold really listened to his new captain, and everyone seemed to look down on him as a "coward".

How to do it?

If these guys don't run away by then, it will be in big trouble.

His Royal Highness the Deputy King gave him a secret order not to resist, and if he saw someone attacking, he would run away with him immediately!

The problem, he still can't explain to these people.

Because His Royal Highness forbids him to reveal this matter.

If there are too many people who know about this kind of thing, it will be troublesome to poke His Majesty the King.

His Royal Highness the Vice King will definitely be dismissed by then.

It's possible that he, the captain, was dragged out and chopped down!
The question is, these people just don’t listen to him, what should we do?

Fortunately, at this time, his former deputy Anthony couldn't help but ran up and asked: "Boss, why are we running? The Indians don't seem so scary, no matter how many people they come to attack the stronghold, they are here to die. !"

Good question!

Andres pretended to be exasperated and shouted: "You know what, the Indians now are different from the original Indians, because the Ming Empire sent them a lot of muskets and artillery. How powerful do you think you are? Thousands of Indians Thousands of Indians are coming with muskets and cannons, can you stop them?"

Anthony heard this and couldn't help being surprised: "Really?"


what happened?
I want you to take it as real even if it is fake!

Andres simply raised his hand and pulled his arm to turn him around, then kicked his ass, and shouted: "If you don't want to die, hurry up and pack your things, when the time comes, tens of thousands of Indians will kill you." If people surround it, they will die!"

For those who bought cakes, they killed an unknown number of Indians. If they were surrounded by others, the result would be unimaginable.

When Anthony heard this, he hurried back to his barracks and quickly packed it up.

The effect of his move is still obvious.

Throughout the stronghold, everyone who heard his roar ran back to pack their things.

Seeing this, Andres couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

Early the next morning, Milikaki Tribe.

As soon as the sky was dawn, shouts urging the warriors of the clan to gather resounded throughout the settlement.

Soon, more than 500 warriors were neatly arranged in the middle of the tribe with their "weapons".

A group of elders and chiefs lined up at the front of the team on horseback.

Chief Red Bull looked at the warriors in the clan, and then at the elders and chiefs, a complex look flashed in his eyes.

Can such a small force really take down the invaders' stronghold?
After thinking about it, she gritted her teeth and waved: "Warriors, it's time to counterattack, come with me!"

After that, she took the lead in rushing towards the intruder's stronghold.

Seeing this, several elders and chieftains hurriedly rode their horses and followed.

The more than 500 warriors chanted and rushed out without hesitation.

At this time, Taichang raised his head to look at the sky at the pier of Xinyin Capital City, thought for a while, then waved his hand and said, "Let's go."

Soon, the Dreadnought left the port with [-] Aegis ships, [-] gunboats, and nearly [-] Spike warships, and headed south.

Andres would probably be shocked to see this battle.

Is the Ming Empire real or fake?

If it is fake, do we need to drive so many warships?

If it's true, then they won't be smashed into scum!

Fortunately, he can't see it.

Because Taichang stopped the fleet when he saw the mouth of the Columbia River from a distance.

After all, this is acting. If the warships of the Daming Navy go directly to attack the stronghold of the Spanish allies, it will be ruined.

If Cordoba cooperates with him obediently, there is no need for him to tear himself apart, right?

After thinking about it, he ordered someone to build a temporary pier for the Spike warship on the nearby coast, and then let Lu Xiangsheng bring a large number of infantry ashore, and sneaked into the forest on the other side of the Spanish stronghold to wait.

The sun was almost setting, and the sky was getting a little dark. The troops from the Milika base of the Sioux tribe finally rushed to the vicinity of the stronghold.

Seeing this, Lu Xiangsheng immediately put down the binoculars and ordered loudly: "Aim at the Spanish stronghold and open fire."

"Papa, papa, papa", a burst of gunfire immediately rang out.

Still, they were firing their guns.

The forest where they are located is still several miles away from the stronghold of the Spaniards, so naturally they cannot be hit.

On the sea in the distance, Taichang heard gunshots, and he ordered without hesitation: "Fire."

"Boom boom boom", another burst of violent artillery roar sounded.

At this time, there was no need for Andres to yell. The faces of the people in the Columbia stronghold changed greatly in fright, and they followed him and ran south.

The Indians really started a big counterattack, and they didn't know how many people rushed over from a distance. The dense sound of muskets and artillery was enough to prove that they really had muskets and artillery, and the number was much larger than them.

If you don't run in this situation, you'd be an idiot.

You know, there are tens of thousands of Indian tribes, which are scary.

Once people have enough muskets and cannons, the hundreds of them will not be enough to fill their teeth!

(End of this chapter)

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