Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 501 A Good Chance to Show Your Face

Chapter 501 A Good Chance to Show Your Face
The Spanish invaders actually ran away!
Red Bull led the warriors of the clan and rushed into the Colombian stronghold to take a look, and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

At this moment, the entire stronghold is in a mess, and there is no trace of an intruder.

To be honest, she was also taken aback when she heard the dense sound of musket guns and the roar of artillery.

She thought it was an intruder firing inside the stronghold.

Fortunately, no one around her was injured, and no shells fell around them.

The intruders didn't fire at them, so why are the muskets and artillery roaring so dense?
It is very likely that Daming's reinforcements fought with them first!

No matter what, Daming came to help them regain their territory, and it would be shameful for her to hide away if they were all involved.

So, she bit the bullet and led the warriors of the clan, rushing straight towards the invader's stronghold.

Then, they rushed in so inexplicably.

After this battle, she was stunned.

The Spanish invaders were out of sight, and she managed to figure it out.

After all, the one-horned elders have said that all the chiefs have settled with the Spanish invaders.

If the intruder obeys the agreement, he will not resist, but will run when he sees them.

So it's no surprise that the intruders ran away.

Question, why didn't Ming's reinforcements see any of them?

Wasn't there a lively fight here just now?
At this time, Lu Xiangsheng had already rushed to the temporary pier with the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion and boarded the boat.

Their task was to fire a few rounds of empty guns first, to test it out, to see if the Spaniards would run or not.

If the Spaniard runs away, forget it.

If the Spaniards don't run, help the Milikaki tribe to fight in.

Fortunately, the Spaniard ran away according to the agreement, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

They also had to build a temporary pier on the river bank to cross the river to support.

I have to say that this time the emperor took a little risk in doing so.

Of course, he didn't dare to say that in front of Taichang.

After returning to the flagship, he just bowed his hands and said: "Your Majesty, the Spaniards have withdrawn as promised, and the people of the Milikaki tribe have already rushed into the stronghold."

Well, they are acquainted.

The reason why Taichang did this was because he guessed that the Spaniards would not dare to tear their faces.

If the Spaniards here dare not retreat, he will really lead the warships to show them the firepower of the Ming Navy fleet.

As for whether he would turn his back on him after he tore his face and rushed forward to beat him up, he wasn't worried at all.

If Spain dares to turn against Spain after seeing the firepower of the Daming Navy Fleet, it would be a brain flood.

The allies whose brains are flooded are the so-called pig teammates.

Pig teammates can't have it. If the Spaniard is so stupid, he will consider changing an ally.

Fortunately, the performance of this ally so far is not bad.

He didn't have to think about the trouble of changing allies.

What he has to consider now is how to help the Sioux regain all their territories.

He just came here to try this stronghold, and the result was not bad. The garrison here really ran as agreed.

But helping the Sioux regain all their territory is still a bit troublesome.

Because the territory of the Sioux tribe is too large, and the Spaniards have established more strongholds in the territory of the Sioux tribe.

The stronghold by the sea is a little bit easier to say, he just led the fleet and brought the infantry of the Shenji Battalion there to support others.

This inland stronghold is a bit troublesome.

Because the water and land transportation in the North American continent is too underdeveloped at the moment, especially on the west coast, there are not many rivers that can pass the Spike warships, and they didn't bring enough war horses.

This is a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles at every turn, and it takes a lot of effort to run over!

The problem, he had to send someone to suppress the formation.

This time, he helped the Sioux regain their territory in order to establish their reputation.

In case the Spaniards in any stronghold lost their minds, instead of retreating, they beat the Sioux who ran to recover the stronghold to heavy casualties, which would damage his reputation.

Oh, what a hassle!
Thinking of this, he sighed slightly, and then waved his hand and said: "The order, the fleet sets sail, and docks at the port built by the Spaniards."

Soon, the huge fleet slowly entered the port of the Columbia stronghold.

The Sioux people in the base were shocked when they saw it.

It's not that they haven't seen the Spanish ships.

The problem is that when the Spaniards have the most ships, more than a dozen ships appear at the same time. Although they look majestic, they are not shocking.

This Ming's fleet is also too terrifying. When it enters the port, it is like a terrifying monster. It is so large that it is scary.

Especially the huge ship at the beginning, it is just like a castle on the sea!

Seeing the huge ship slowly approaching the pier, Elder One Horned hurriedly said to Red Bull, "Everyone's chief may want to see us, or else, let's hurry over."

Hearing this, Red Bull quickly waved his hands and said, "The elders and chiefs follow me, and the others are waiting here."

After she finished speaking, she brought a group of elders and chiefs to the edge of the pier on horseback, then flew off the horse, led a group of elders and chiefs to the pier, and waited there respectfully.

The etiquette of these meetings has been introduced to them by the one-horned elders in detail.

Everyone's chief is the savior of their Sioux people, so they naturally dare not neglect.

Taichang actually didn't want to get off the boat, but he did him such a big favor, and if he didn't go down to meet these people, he seemed to be blind to this great opportunity to show his face.

No way, sometimes for the sake of fame, you have to pretend.

Soon, the hatch on the bottom of the Dreadnought opened.

As soon as Taichang boarded the pier with a group of generals, a burly woman brought the one-horned elder and others to the ground and respectfully said: "Red Bull, the head of the Milikaki tribe, pays homage to all the chiefs."

Well, this etiquette is learned very well.

problem, the name.

Red Bull?

After hearing Chen Siming's translation, Taichang couldn't help showing a strange look on his face.

Uh, how should I say this name.

It seems that they really need to follow Daming's habit of naming people and places, otherwise, it sounds too weird.

He nodded slightly, raised his hands to get these people up, and then said majesticly: "Well, you cooperated very well this time, and you fought bravely. Everyone has worked hard."

Uh, we only ran for a day.

If it is hard work, it is indeed a bit hard.

This battle is brave, how can I say it?

We simply fight with others!
Red Bull hurriedly said respectfully: "It is all thanks to the chiefs of all the people who helped us drive away the invaders. We Sioux people are very grateful."

Well, it seems that the chiefs of these tribes are relatively smart and relatively directors.

If it is a group of unreasonable people or even a white-eyed wolf, then you can't help others. Not only will it not do any good, but it will cause yourself a whole lot of trouble.

Taichang nodded in satisfaction, then waved his hand and said, "Come here, let's have a look."

A team of Jinyiwei disembarked immediately and placed a lot of things in front of Red Bull and the others.

If the original subjects of the Ming Dynasty saw these rewards, they would probably be stunned.

What rewards did Taichang give to people?

Iron pots, food, spices, cloth, porcelain, etc., are in a mess.

The cloth, porcelain and spices are nothing more than normal, what are the other messes?

When Hong Yun and the others saw it, they were too excited.

These are the good things they dream of!
Especially the big iron pot and the spices. When they heard the unicorn came back and talked about the delicious soup made by the Ministry of Albena with these two things, they were so envious.

They really didn't expect that the chief of all these people not only helped them regain their territory, but also rewarded them with so many good things.

Red Bull was so moved that he didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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