Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 503 This is a Misunderstanding

Chapter 503 This is a misunderstanding

In the central part of North America, on the Nebras prairie, more than a thousand cavalry are galloping on horseback.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes sounds so majestic on the deserted prairie, and there is a sense of loneliness in the majesty.

This was originally the territory of the Sioux people.

It's a pity that all the tribes on the grassland have been killed by the invaders, and there are very few tribes that can stand firm here.

Moreover, in order to avoid the large-scale attacks of the invaders, the tribes who stood here basically hid themselves in the valleys on the edge of the grassland, so the grassland was deserted.

The sun was sinking to the west, and there happened to be a small river about ten feet wide in front of it. Seeing this, Liu Shuochuan, the general of the Shenwu Battalion who led the army, immediately raised his hand and said loudly without hesitation: "Stop advancing, camp by the river."

"Yu." A burst of yelling sounded, and more than a thousand riders slowly slowed down, faintly gathering into a square formation.

Immediately afterwards, everyone got off their horses almost at the same time, took out their tools or tents, and quickly scattered in all directions.

The movements of these Shenwu Battalion soldiers are like flowing clouds and flowing water, setting up brackets, putting up beams, covering tents, and nailing the four corners, all done in one go.

Soon, a circle of square tents was set up.

Immediately afterwards, more than a thousand soldiers were divided into several groups, and began to build stoves and bury pots, dig wells to store water, and chop firewood to make fire.

Liu Shuochuan raised his binoculars to scan around carefully, and took out a fine compass to look at the direction. Then he got off his horse, took down weapons, maps and other objects, and then walked quickly to the tent that had been built.

They all brought standard five-person tents, and the space inside was relatively large. He was the chief general, so he was alone in the tent, and the small table, the four treasures of the study, etc. in the tent had already been set up for him.

He directly spread the map on the small table, picked up a brush and drew it carefully for a while, and then said loudly: "Crazy Horse and Tongshi."

Crazy Horse is not a crazy horse, he is a famous chief of the Sioux Organa tribe.

He had led thousands of Sioux warriors to battle the invaders on the Nebraska Prairie for several months before, so he was quite familiar with the terrain here.

Moreover, he is still young and has great development prospects.

Therefore, he was elected as the guide of the Daming Middle Army, and at the same time, he also learned regular marching and combat from General Liu Shuochuan.

This army in the middle is actually what the Sioux people called it. In their view, more than 1000 cavalry is already an army along the way.

Daming naturally wouldn't call it that. Compared with the Iron Cavalry of the Hundred Thousand Divine Martial Battalion, this cavalry is nothing at all.

There is no way, it is too troublesome to transport war horses across the sea, and many war horses were rewarded to the envoys of various tribes in return for tribute.

At this moment, they can also gather more than four thousand riders, and the two groups of men and horses as support only have more than a thousand riders.

However, their equipment is still quite sophisticated.

Because they only wore a piece of light black iron armor, neither the men nor the horses had heavy armor, so the horses could carry more weapons and supplies.

These more than a thousand riders not only have a black iron knife, but also equipped with hundreds of crazy god flintlock guns, hundreds of iron shields, hundreds of spears, and camp pots and pans are all available.

Crazy Horse really never thought that the cavalry could have such a configuration.

There are not only iron armor, iron shields, machetes, spears, but also muskets, and hundreds of muskets with unusual precision.

He also did not expect that the military discipline mentioned by Daming could be so strict.

When these Ming troops marched, they were meticulous. No matter what order was given, once it was issued, it was carried out immediately, without any hesitation, and no one said a word.

There is also the progress of the march and the route of the march.

With a map in hand, there is basically no need to ask him how to get there. He only needs to confirm the location every day.

He respectfully followed Tong Shi into the camp, and habitually looked at the map.

Sure enough, they even marked the nearby creeks and mountain peaks, and the marked positions were even more accurate.

Liu Shuochuan also confirmed habitually: "This is almost the center of several strongholds in the middle of the Spaniards, right?"

Crazy Horse nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, General, it takes less than a day's journey to hit a horse from the closest base to the invaders, and it takes less than three days to hit a horse from the farthest base."

Well, that's about it, just set up a tent here and wait.

At this moment, the other teams were led by envoys sent by the Sioux tribe to attack the Spanish strongholds. It is estimated that the strongholds closer to the new Yin capital city have been captured, and the ones farther away may not have arrived yet.

Of course, the so-called "attack" is basically a fake attack.

That is to put on a show, pretend to attack, so that people have a reason to retreat.

After all, both parties have discussed it, and it is enough to perform a performance, and try to avoid conflicts.

Liu Shuochuan was really conflicted at the moment.

He hoped that everything would go well, that he would take down all the Spanish strongholds within a month and help the Sioux regain all their territories.

However, he wanted to make contributions.

After all, just running around like this without doing anything is of no merit.

More than half a month has passed by now, and the strongholds in the northwest near the capital of Xinyin are probably taken by them, and there are only four strongholds left in the southeast. By this time, no one has come to ask for help. It is estimated that there is no chance to make a contribution this time.

He was sighing secretly, but unexpectedly, at noon the next day, someone galloped here on horseback.

The prairie is extremely quiet, the sound of horseshoes can be heard from a long distance, not to mention the rapid sound of horseshoes must be sent by other teams to find them.

He took the weapon and the map, and walked quickly outside the tent to have a look. Sure enough, a messenger from the southeast direction was galloping here on horseback.

Is this someone's stubborn resistance?
Soon, the messenger came to the camp on horseback, flew up to him, knelt down on one knee and gasped, "Report, General, there are people who are stubbornly resisting at the St. Francis stronghold about two hundred miles southeast. Call for help."

St. Francis stronghold?
Hearing this, Liu Shuochuan unfolded the map and saw a strange look on his face.

This is really a coincidence, it is the nearest stronghold to their camp.

For more than two hundred miles, it took two hours to gallop on horseback.

He immediately ordered loudly: "Lin Chaojie, you lead 50 people under your command to stay in the camp. For the rest, take your weapons and ammunition, get on your horse quickly, and prepare to go."

Immediately afterwards, he ordered to the messenger: "Go, get another horse and lead the way."

Seeing this, Crazy Horse couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Set off without a tent and pots and pans?

When Liu Shuochuan saw his appearance, he couldn't help teaching: "This is as quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit, and the soldiers are extremely fast. Especially in this kind of support operations, there should be no hesitation or a moment's delay."

The accompanying officer was also dumbfounded when he heard this.

What kind of virgin is this, rabbit, how can I explain it to others, such as movement and movement!
Soon, Qian Yuqi set off.

Because they only brought weapons and ammunition, they didn't bring any luggage, and the horses ran very briskly. In less than two hours, they rushed to the vicinity of the St. Francis stronghold.

At this time, hundreds of warriors from the Sioux tribe and hundreds of cavalry from the Shenwu Battalion were waiting about three miles north of the stronghold.

Liu Shuochuan directly rode his horse over and asked the leader of the army here, "What's going on?"

The commander hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "We have already fired shots to signal the people in the stronghold to retreat, but before the people from the Sihasa tribe rushed up, they fired."

Fire before rushing up, these Spaniards, what do you want to do?
Liu Shuochuan raised his binoculars to take a closer look, and then ordered decisively: "Everyone get off their horses, the sword and shield hands are in front, the spearmen and musketeers are behind, and prepare to charge."

There are probably only a few cannons in the castle of this stronghold, and there are only three facing the north. Who can scare anyone with such a piece of rubbish cannon loaded in the front.

Immediately afterwards, he said loudly: "Prepare to charge with skirmishers, and pay attention to avoiding shells."

After finishing speaking, he directly put the binoculars into Crazy Horse's hand, then drew his knife and shouted loudly: "Scatterers, follow me."

"Wow", more than a thousand people rushed out immediately.

However, their formation is not neat at all.

Or rather, they were writhing and running around.

Not only Crazy Horse was dumbfounded, but the Spanish captain Pablo in the stronghold was also dumbfounded.

Is the Ming army crazy? They rushed over and launched a charge. Can they fire or not?

In fact, this is a misunderstanding.

(End of this chapter)

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