Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 504 Spread across the entire continent

Chapter 504 Spread across the entire continent
Inside the St. Francis stronghold, Captain Pablo didn't know what to do.

This is really a misunderstanding.

It's not that he doesn't want to follow the secret order of their Vice-Prince to retreat.

Problem, the secret order from His Royal Highness came too late.

He only received the secret order yesterday afternoon, and as a result, the Indians rushed over madly this morning.

There was no other way, he could only order firing to scare people.

Because the time was too short, they didn't even have time to pack their things.

They have been fishing here for a few years anyway, and they have a lot of things, and they can't clean them up in one day.

At this moment, they are almost ready to clean up, but it is getting dark again.

He originally planned to rest for one night first, and get up early tomorrow morning to run again.

Who would have thought that the Ming army would come to support them.

Moreover, these Ming troops who came to support did not say a word, and directly launched a charge!
To be honest, he didn't pay much attention to the Indian tribes, even if they seemed to have such a gun, he didn't pay much attention to them.

After all, they have artillery and castles, and the number of them seems to be no less than that of the opposite side.

In this case, it is no different from courting death if someone rushes over.

Therefore, after he ordered people to fire guns to frighten him, he did not pack up his things in a hurry, nor did he rush to run away.

The supporting Ming army is different.

He saw their equipment through binoculars. They have more muskets than them, and they also have iron shields.

Moreover, people's charging method seems to know the performance of the artillery well.

The artillery is afraid of this kind of scattering and rushing.

In this messy team without any formation, it's not bad to hit one person with one shot.

There are only three cannons in total to the north of them, and it will take time to reload the ammunition. They can fire a salvo at most with this method.

In other words, even if he ordered to fire, he would be able to knock down three people at most.

They rushed over with thousands of people, what's the point of knocking down three?
Moreover, neither side has suffered casualties at this moment, which means that they have not completely torn faces.

If he fired shells to kill two or three people, it would be a complete tear.

At this time, he really didn't dare to tear himself apart completely.

Because everyone came here on horseback, and they didn't have many war horses.

If they completely tore their faces apart, even if they retreated, they would probably still bite them.

At that time, not only will their gains in the past few years be gone, but there are probably not many people in this stronghold who can escape.

He couldn't afford to be responsible for this kind of damage. If only a few people left and ran back, it would be no wonder His Royal Highness didn't chop him up.

Therefore, he hesitated for a while, but still did not order anyone to fire.

So, why did Liu Shuochuan lead people to charge without saying a word?

He was probing, and he was also cutting through the mess quickly.

Because judging from the general reaction just now, people should just want to scare people, and don't dare to hurt people.

Perhaps, people are hesitating whether to run or not.

It would be a waste of time if he didn't charge forward and confront them.

Anyway, there are only three artillery pieces to the north of the house, and a round of salvo can hit at most three people.

He can still bear this loss.

Therefore, he simply launched a charge directly, and at the same time as a test, he also let others understand that if he doesn't leave, it's a real fight!

Sure enough, they all rushed into the range of the artillery, but they still didn't fire.

This proves that people are trying to scare people.

Then he should also give others a little face, just scare and frighten them.

When he led the army to rush to about two hundred steps away from the people, he immediately raised his hands and said loudly: "Gather together, form a shield formation."

"Wow", the thousand or so people who were running around in a mess suddenly gathered in the middle and formed a neat phalanx, and in front of the phalanx, a shield formation taller than a person was formed in an instant, covering the front of the phalanx. and above are blocked.

Immediately afterwards, he ordered: "Musketeer, aim at the nearest door directly in front and fire."

There was a burst of gunshots, and the door closest to them in front of them was smashed into pieces.

Seeing this, Pablo couldn't help being speechless.

People's muskets can hit so far and aim so accurately!
If people aim at a person and hit them, they will be punched with holes all over their bodies in an instant!
Also, people's grasp of this distance is too precise.

They stopped at this distance, their artillery had no shooting angle, and their muskets couldn't reach them at all.

This proves that people are well aware of the performance of their muskets and artillery.

This Ming army is too scary!

Pablo was in a daze, but Liu Shuochuan was a little impatient.

You are not leaving yet, are you?
He decisively ordered: "The shield formation advances ten steps."

"Tap Tat Tat", there was a sound of orderly footsteps, and more than a thousand soldiers shrunk behind the shield formation and advanced ten steps as a whole.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Shuochuan gave another order: "Musketeer, aim at the nearest door on the right front and fire."

There was a burst of gunshots, and the door closest to them on the front right was smashed into pieces again.

Is this urging us to hurry up?

Alas, there is no way, it seems that I can only spend the night outside tonight.

Pablo quickly ordered someone to pull out a piece of white cloth and hang it on the most conspicuous window in the fortress, and then he took everyone in the stronghold, drove the carriage, and rushed towards the south.

Seeing this, Liu Shuochuan couldn't help but snorted coldly.

This battle was really boring, and no one's head could be picked up.

To be honest, if the coach Lu Xiangsheng hadn't specifically explained before the departure, try not to tear his face, he would really rush in and do a wave.

There was no way, he didn't dare to fight back at all, so he could only let him run away.

He just waited outside for about a quarter of an hour, and then he ordered loudly: "Don't disperse the shield formation, go in and have a look first."

"Tat Tat Tat", there was a sound of orderly footsteps, and more than a thousand soldiers pushed into the St. Francis stronghold.

At this time, all the garrison in the fort had run away, and they didn't even have time to lift the artillery down and move it away!

Liu Shuochuan was full of depression, but there was a burst of cheers from afar.

No one in the Sihasa tribe expected that the Ming army would drive away the intruders in the fortress so quickly.

Crazy Horse is holding up the binoculars at the moment, standing there in a daze.

He seemed to understand how to deal with the muskets and artillery of the invaders.

Their previous swarm strategy was just wrong.

They should disperse their rush and prepare some thicker wooden shields. In this way, as long as they can rush to the front of others, they may defeat the invaders even by throwing spears.

Because there are so many of them!
Every time they fought against the invaders, their number was at least ten times that of others.

It's a pity that at that time they were still only able to engage in ambushes and sneak attacks, they didn't know how to disperse the charge at all, and they didn't know how to prepare wooden shields.

After the hasty end of this battle, there were no more accidents. In less than a few days, the other three strongholds of the Spaniards were also taken down.

At this point, the territory of the Sioux tribe has been completely recovered.

When Taichang received the news, he immediately ordered someone to send an order. According to this strategy, he launched an attack on the Spanish stronghold in the territory of the Apache tribe, and first helped the Apache tribe recover a small half of the territory occupied by Spain.

As a result, in less than a month, the small half of the territory of the Apache tribe was recovered.

In two months, he directly helped the Apache tribe and the Sioux tribe regain a huge territory of six to seven thousand miles horizontally and nearly two thousand miles vertically. This record is simply amazing.

Daming's prestige soon spread throughout the entire North American continent.

The people of the Indian tribe don't care whether they fight for real or fake. The most important thing is that Da Ming can help them repel the invaders, defend the territory and even regain the lost territory.

All the tribes and tribes who received the news rushed to send envoys to rush to the capital of Xinyin.

(End of this chapter)

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