Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 505 Who Will Be King

Chapter 505 Who Will Be King

Winter is coming, the weather outside is getting colder and colder, but the atmosphere in Xinyin Capital is getting hotter and hotter.

Because the prestige of Daming has spread throughout the entire continent, envoys from various Indian tribes and tribes rushed over in an endless stream, hungry people from all over the place tried their best to gather here, and more and more civilians came to visit and visit. many.

However, Taichang's rules for receiving envoys were changed. He did not receive envoys in the morning, and he would wait in the main hall for envoys from various tribes to come to worship after noon.

Because he has too many things to do.

Although there is no morning court in the capital of Xinyin at this moment, he usually summons civil servants and generals to discuss matters in the morning.

Early in the morning of this day, Mao Shi arrived, and he summoned the accompanying civil servants and military generals to the meeting hall.

Zhang Yuanfang happened to lead the fleet back from Duke Wen's mansion yesterday afternoon, and this sea route was what he was most concerned about.

So, he was the first to ask: "Yuan Fang, how is it? How is the situation at sea? Is the journey going smoothly?"

Zhang Yuanfang quickly replied: "Your Majesty, as the weather gets colder, the wind and waves on the sea seem to be getting bigger and bigger. The Aegis ship is nothing. The Dragon Tooth battleship and the armed merchant ship seem to be a little bit unable to bear it when they encounter strong winds and waves."

Alas, sooner or later this will happen.

It is impossible for them to run once or twice a year in the best weather, as before, and go back after exploring.

At the moment, there are more and more materials that need to be transported from Dongyang Chengxuan and Daming, and they haven't had time to transport rubber and pure copper. I'm afraid this sea route will be very busy in the future.

With more ships going back and forth this time, the chances of encountering storms at sea will naturally increase. It seems that we need to open up more sheltered harbors.

He thought for a while, and then said decisively: "Panzong, please work hard, lead 240 Aegis ships and [-] Spike warships, and bring [-] soldiers from the Shenji Battalion to carefully investigate the past from Xinyin Capital City. As long as the harbor is suitable for the fleet to dock, leave an Aegis ship, twelve Spike warships, and five thousand soldiers of the Shenji Battalion, let them build a little dock for the ships to dock back and forth, preferably every less than a day A stop like this will be built for a long distance.”

The amount of this project is a bit large, and there must be enough materials.

However, the materials for the new capital city of Yin seem to be insufficient.

Qi Panzong thought for a while, and then said cautiously: "Your Majesty, the cement and steel materials in the warehouse seem to be a little insufficient. Will you take them all to build the port terminal?"

Alas, these things are still far from enough!

Taichang thought for a while, and then sighed: "You can't take all of these, because the Indian tribe may build a city next time. How about this, you pay half of it first, and let them start working first. I will call you two more." Ten armed merchant ships, you take them to Wen Guogong’s mansion or nearby state capitals to collect some materials, return and send them to the docks one by one.”

When Qi Panzong heard the words, he quickly cupped his hands and said, "I will understand at the end."

Taichang nodded slightly, then waved and said, "Go to the map."

Hearing this, Wang Chengen quickly unfolded an up-to-date map of the North American continent carefully in front of him.

At this time, Ming's reputation had spread, but all the Indian tribes on the North American continent had more or less sent envoys to pay tribute, so they already had a general understanding of the overall situation in the North American continent.

On the map, the distribution of the forces of all parties is almost completely outlined.

The northernmost part is the territory of the Eskimos. Those places are so cold that the colonists don't want to go, so let's not worry about it for the time being.

Then, down the west coast were the Algonquian tribes they first came into contact with.

Because of luck, this tribe has not been invaded by colonists, so it has the largest population and the largest territory.

Next is the territory of the Sioux. The territory of the Sioux basically extends from the south of the Algonquin tribe to the governorate of New Spain.

At this moment, the Spaniards must not dare to print the ideas of the Indian tribe anymore, so the Sioux people are relatively safe.

Next is the central and eastern regions.

If you look south from the northernmost point on the East Coast, the first large tribe is the Iroquois.

However, most of their territory was taken away by French and Dutch colonists.

Next came the Cherokee tribe, whose territory was mostly lost to the Dutch and British colonists.

Finally, a large area in the southeast is the territory of the Apache tribe.

Originally, the Apache tribe was almost beaten by the Spanish colonists and British colonists to move to the northwest. Fortunately, Daming helped them regain half of their territory, and they can still survive in the southeast for the time being.

However, most of their territory is still in the hands of the British.

In addition, there are some small and medium-sized tribes, because their territory is too far away from the capital of Xinyin, and they don't describe the size and location of their territory very clearly. For the time being, they only have rough marks and have not divided their spheres of influence in detail.

That's roughly what they learned.

The main forces on the North American continent are the Algonquin, Sioux, Iroquois, Cherokee, and Apache tribes, the five major Indian tribes, and the four major European colonists: Spain, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and France.

Taichang looked at the east coast of North America, and couldn't help but sigh slightly.

If they ran from the capital of New Yin to help the Iroquois, Cherokee, and Apache tribes deal with the Netherlands, Britain, and France, they would have to run at least eight or nine thousand miles!
With such a long distance, without enough cavalry, he really couldn't help others.

However, he is not going to pull over the hundred thousand cavalry from the Shenwu Battalion.

Because the Netherlands, Britain, and France all have muskets and artillery, the cavalry of the Shenwu Battalion will suffer heavy casualties when fighting against them.

He didn't need to bring the precious cavalry over as cannon fodder. He still wanted to support the Indian tribes here, give them some support, and help them drive away the Dutch, British, and French colonists.

The question now is how to support these Indian tribes.

Taichang stared at the map for a long time, and then sighed slightly: "Now, there are too many Indian tribes and tribes on this continent. There are more than ten tribes, large and small. There are even thousands of them. We must find a way to integrate them and turn them into vassal states, so as to help them develop slowly. Otherwise, we will not be able to start with such a mess. "

This is true, there are too many forces, and they really can't do it.

Just like the Algonquian tribe closest to them.

This large tribe is divided into hundreds of tribes, large and small, how can they help others?

Now they can only help the first contact, the Albena tribe which is the closest to the capital of New Yin. As for the other tribes, they have to take care of them one by one, it will be really exhausting!

Lu Xiangsheng frowned and pondered for a while, then suggested: "Your Majesty, why don't we let them divide their tribes into vassal states first?"

Naturally, Taichang has also considered this, and the problem can't be solved like this.

He shook his head slightly and said: "It is definitely not possible to establish a vassal state by dividing tribes. First of all, their tribes vary in size, and the largest tribe is estimated to be dozens of times larger than the smallest tribe.

Such a division would definitely not work. The strength of the divided vassal states would be too great. At that time, if the big vassal states wanted to bully the small vassal states, they would be wiped out casually.

And more importantly, who will I make king?
Have you ever thought about this, it seems that it is not appropriate for me to designate anyone as king! "

Sun Chuanting immediately suggested: "Your Majesty, why don't we divide them according to their tribal alliances? For example, the Sioux people have three major tribal alliances. Dividing them into three vassal states should be about the same. As for the small tribes, you can also Tribal alliances of other tribes, so that there will be no imbalance of power."

This is fine.

The question is, three vassal states have to be named three kings, isn't this even more frustrating?

Taichang simply said: "It's okay to divide the country according to the tribal alliance. The question is, who will be the king? These three kings, do you have any candidates?"

Uh, this, who knows!
They don't live with other people, so how do they know who has more prestige and who has less prestige.

All the ministers frowned when they heard the words, and fell silent in thought.

This is really a headache, who should be named king, should they choose by themselves?
Just kidding.

This will definitely not work. If they want to choose by themselves, they must fight.

(End of this chapter)

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