Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 523 Jinshan

Chapter 523 Jinshan
Why is San Francisco called San Francisco?

That, of course, is because there are gold mines here.

In fact, for a long time, San Francisco was not called San Francisco, but directly called Jinshan.

It was only later that gold mines were discovered in Melbourne and it became a new gold mountain, so this place became San Francisco.

Of course, Hu Yafei didn't know this, he only knew that there was likely a large gold vein under this mountain.

As for why such an obvious gold vein has not been discovered, the reason is actually very simple.

Because there are not many people in the Indian tribe, especially in places like this without forests, it is even more inaccessible. Even if someone comes, they will not be bored digging down with a hoe.

By the way, the Indian tribe didn't have a hoe before, so it was almost impossible to dig nearly a foot deep in this place mixed with rocks.

They did bring hoes and shovels.

The question, to dig or not to dig?
Discovering a gold mine is a good thing, but if you are not careful, it is very possible to get killed.

Hu Yafei held the stone and looked at it for a while and then stopped moving. What's going on?
Wang Shunfeng couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, Mr. Hu, is there something wrong with this stone?"

There is nothing wrong with this stone, but I am afraid that people have problems!

Hu Yafei shook his head slowly, and then said solemnly: "Master Wang, will this Indian tribe be interested in seeing Cai?"

Looking for money?

What kind of inexplicable words are these?
Wang Shunfeng said inexplicably, "What kind of money do you see?"

Alas, this kind of thing is really dangerous sometimes. To put it bluntly, can it be done?

Hu Yafei thought for a while, and simply whispered in his ear: "Gold!"

He was even afraid that the dozen or so sailors who followed him would not be safe.


Wang Shunfeng seems to understand that there may be gold mines here.

How do you say this?

He thought for a while, and then said seriously: "They shouldn't be interested in wealth, because they don't have much use for gold and silver. They can only use them as accessories except to buy things from us. Don't worry, they still have money. She is very kind, and she should not be ill-intentioned towards us because of such a trivial matter."

Is this still trivial?

You have no idea how much gold is down here.

Hu Yafei said in a low voice again: "Then what about these sailors?"

Wang Shunfeng said without hesitation: "Don't worry, they are all from the regular military guards, and they are very disciplined."

Well, then dig!

Hu Yafei gritted his teeth, then pointed to the hillside densely packed with dark red stones and said, "Dig down a foot or so and have a look."

When more than a dozen naval officers and soldiers heard this, they picked up their hoes and shovels without hesitation, and walked over to dig.

This place mixed with rocks is indeed very difficult to dig. Fortunately, there are so many of them, so digging is not slow.

The deep reddish-brown stones seemed to have changed color after they dug less than a foot. One end was red and the other was black, as if scorched by fire.

This is an absolute gold mine.

Hu Yafei quickly raised his hand and said, "Stop."

Immediately afterwards, he said to Wang Shunfeng: "Tell them, don't spread the word beforehand, we have to report to the emperor for a decision."

Uh, why are you so careful?
Doesn’t this gold have to be refined before it can be used?

Even if the people here see the golden sand, they won't be surprised, and they don't know how to refine gold.

Wang Shunfeng helplessly said to the guides of the two Indian tribes: "When you see anything, don't go back and tell others, understand?"

The two guides nodded repeatedly, pointing to the sky and the earth, and promised not to talk nonsense.

Seeing this, Hu Yafei said to the dozen or so sailors: "You too, don't let this matter out."

In fact, more than a dozen naval officers and soldiers also knew that there might be gold mines here.

Naturally, it is impossible for them to spread the word.

Because they are serious guards, their origins are clear, and several members of the military department in their family know that they dare not do things that violate the law and discipline.

More than a dozen soldiers nodded and said: "Don't worry, my lord, we won't talk nonsense."

After hearing this, Hu Yafei pointed to the hole they dug and said solemnly: "Turn it over carefully with your hands to see if there are any gold nuggets underneath."


How can it be?

Isn't all this gold refined from sand?

More than a dozen naval officers and soldiers were stunned for a moment, and then they lay down on the ground and searched carefully.

There's real gold nuggets down here.

It is rumored that in history, it was because a mill employee accidentally discovered gold nuggets near the mill that California set off a gold rush.

At that time, there were only more than 1 colonists here. As a result, within a few years after the discovery of the gold mine, the number of colonists here skyrocketed to hundreds of thousands.

The colonists are crazy about gold mines because they are used to robbing them, and they even rob their own people!
During the California gold rush, it is unknown how many people died because of the gold mines.

So, what will happen after Daming discovers a gold mine here?

More than a dozen naval officers and soldiers rummaged on the ground for a while, and found several golden beans the size of soybeans, and one person even found a gold nugget as thick as a finger.

However, there was no madness on their faces, they were just a little surprised.

Hu Yafei was also a little surprised, how big a gold vein is here?

He thought for a while, then raised his hand and said, "Don't flip over, come up."

Hearing this, more than a dozen naval officers and soldiers quickly climbed up from the pit.

As soon as Hu Yafei stretched out his hand, more than a dozen sailors and soldiers honestly put all the golden beans and gold nuggets on his palm.

He took a closer look at the gold, thought about it carefully, and then said decisively: "Fill this hole, let's go back to the capital of Eastern Yin first."

Hearing this, more than a dozen naval officers and soldiers waved their hoes and shovels to fill the dug hole tightly, and then followed Hu Yafei and Wang Shunfeng to the capital of Eastern Yin.

On this journey, they rushed for two days and three nights, and finally returned to the port of the Eastern Yin capital.

When they got here, Hu Yafei and Wang Shunfeng didn't stop there. After landing, they borrowed two horses from the soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion here and headed straight to the train factory in the east of the city.

It is still very cold in the capital of Eastern Yin at the moment, but the construction site of the train factory is in full swing.

Song Yingxing, the right servant of the Ministry of Industry, is directing tens of thousands of soldiers to build factories here.

Seeing Hu Yafei and Wang Shunfeng running over on horseback, he couldn't help asking curiously, "Did you find iron ore or coal?"

Hu Yafei quickly shook his head and said, "My lord, we haven't found any coal or iron mines."

The iron ore and coal mines have not been found, why are you running back in such a hurry?
It's so cold today, you guys still come here on horseback?

Song Yingxing couldn't help being surprised and said, "Did something serious happen?"

Really big deal.

However, with so many people outside, it's hard to tell.

Hu Yafei said cautiously: "My lord, there are so many people with mixed eyes, can I take a step to speak?"

What the hell happened?

Hearing this, Song Yingxing led them to his temporary study with a puzzled face, and then spread his hands and said, "Tell me, what's the matter."

Hu Yafei quickly took out a cloth bag from his bosom, carefully put it in his hand, and said solemnly: "My lord, I found a gold mine, a very big gold mine."

Gold mine?

Ask you to find iron and coal mines, and you have found gold mines!

This kind of thing really makes people don't know what to say.

Song Yingxing casually opened the cloth bag and took a look, and couldn't help showing surprise on his face.

There are lumps of gold in this gold mine!

He hurriedly asked: "How big is this gold mine, have you found out yet?"

Hu Yafei shook his head slightly and said: "No, I was afraid of accidents, so I didn't conduct a comprehensive investigation. However, according to the landforms and the compass' response, there are at least a few golden mountains there."

My God, how many gold mountains!

This matter must be reported to the emperor immediately!

The problem is, he's not free right now.

Song Yingxing thought for a while, tied the bag directly, and stuffed it back into Hu Yafei's hand, then said decisively: "Have you seen the Longya warship at the port, get on the Longya warship quickly, and report to the emperor in Western Yindu."

(End of this chapter)

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