Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 524 Daming Is Not a Bandit

Chapter 524 Daming Is Not a Bandit
Taichang really did not expect that the materials for building the city, such as cement and steel bars, had not yet arrived, but the news of the gold mine had arrived.

There is a large gold mine on the west coast of Sula!
Some broken pictures appeared in his mind, and he seemed to remember it.

There are indeed gold mines over there, and there are quite a few gold mines.

However, the images of gold mines in his mind seemed to be related to duels and crazy killings.

Gold is something that can really drive people crazy. The rise of the Age of Discovery is simply because of gold.

The legendary East is full of gold. In order to find gold or grab it, the European countries are desperately sailing around the world in sailboats!
This is the essence of the Age of Discovery. The original intention of the colonists running all over the world was to grab gold.

The officials and sailors of the Ming Dynasty are not crazy about gold, because the Ming court has laws, and they know that the mad rush will not end well.

This is roughly the essential difference between Daming and the European countries. Most European countries have bandit genes in their bones. They are lawless and like to rob everywhere, while Daming is not a bandit.

As for the Indians, they are not yet crazy for gold.

It can be said that they don't know how precious gold is.

It is rumored that when the Spanish colonists captured the emperor of the Inca Empire, they asked the subjects of the Inca Empire to pile up a house full of gold to redeem their emperor.

The subjects of the Inca Empire really kept transporting gold to the house designated by the Spaniards. As a result, the house was full of gold, and the Spanish colonists still killed their emperor.

In addition to proving the bandit genes in the bones of continental European countries, this can also prove that the Indians are far from being crazy about gold.

If they were crazy about gold, they couldn't send a room full of gold to the colonists to redeem their emperor.

Taichang stared at the gold nugget in his hand for a long time, then put it down and sighed slightly, then ordered Wang Chengen to fetch the map.

On the west coast of Sula, near the original Spanish stronghold of San Francisco, isn't that San Francisco?

Careless, I didn't think about Jinshan at all at the beginning.

Fortunately, it was discovered by the prospecting officials of the Ministry of Industry, and the matter has not been spread yet.

He stared at Hu Yafei and Wang Shunfeng for a while, then nodded slightly and said: "You guys are doing very well, work hard, and I will add officials to you after this matter is completed. In addition, after the gold is mined, I will give you every People reward 1000 taels."

If you have meritorious service, you should be rewarded, and if you are guilty, you should be punished, so that your subordinates will do things well for you.

Who doesn't like getting promoted and getting rich.

When the two heard this, their faces were filled with joy.

The emperor is good, as long as he has meritorious service, he will be rewarded.

They all bowed their hands again and again and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

Taichang nodded slightly, and then said to Hu Yafei: "You take the sailors who are with you this time to continue to investigate on the west coast of Sula. There should be more than one gold mine there. Also, you and those sailors Said, after the investigation, I will naturally be rewarded."

Upon hearing this, Hu Yafei quickly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

Taichang said to Wang Shunfeng again: "Go and tell the people of the Sula tribe over there that the San Francisco stronghold is temporarily handed over to Daming to guard it. Let them keep quiet about this matter. In addition, you can ask them what they need. What, wait for the next batch of merchant ships to deliver goods, you send a few more ships to that tribe, pay attention, it is a few small ships, not a few big ships."

A large armed merchant ship is worth millions of catties of goods. If a few ships are sent over, it is estimated that the entire tribe can be piled up, and it is not like this.

Hearing this, Wang Shunfeng quickly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

It is necessary to send a reliable person to take charge of this gold mining.

Who to send?

Taichang thought for a while, then said to Wang Cheng'en beside him, "Chuan Boying."

Yuan Shu is the son of Duke Wen. Duke Wen's mansion is huge, fertile land, and rich in fishery resources. It is also the hub connecting the mainland of Ming Dynasty and the North American continent. Their family is definitely not short of money.

People who are not short of money should not have any crooked thoughts for money.

Soon, Yuan Shu came.

Taichang said straightforwardly: "Boying, a large gold mine has been discovered in the west of Sula Kingdom. Go to the capital of Eastern Yin and recruit [-] soldiers from the Shenwu Battalion to guard that area. At the same time, organize the soldiers to mine as much as possible. By the way, you can ask Chang Geng, Ask him to arrange for an official who knows how to refine gold to go directly with you and refine the dug gold ore into gold ingots."

Uh, mine big gold mines!
This is a big deal.

Yuan Shu heard the words, thought carefully, and then asked: "Your Majesty, where will the refined gold ingots be transported?"

This question is really a bit troublesome.

Taichang thought for a while, and then said decisively: "Just transport it here and give it to Boya for safekeeping."

It would be too troublesome to transport these gold ingots back to Daming mainland, so it is better to transport them here and buy a lot of resources from the Spaniards.

For example, iron ore.

North America doesn't seem to have any famous big iron mines, but there are quite a few in South America.

Thinking of this, he asked Hu Yafei again: "Did you find iron ore during this period?"

Hu Yafei shook his head repeatedly and said: "No, Your Majesty, I haven't heard that iron mines have been found there, but coal mines have been found in several places."

Sure enough, the iron ore should be bought from the Spaniards.

In this way, even mining iron ore is saved.

Anyway, this gold was dug out, so it was worthless.

It's just that it seems a bit unfair to the Indian tribe to do so.

If you really think about it, this gold mine originally belonged to someone else, so if you grab someone else's gold mine and dig it all at once, can you do it without giving them any benefits?

Daming is not a bandit, so this kind of thing cannot be done.

Thinking of this, Taichang waved his hand slightly, waved away several people, and then walked towards the bedroom.

At this moment, Concubine Su Su Yi is studying the "Three Character Classic" with a few Wu Yi, seeing her shaking her head, she seems to be learning well.

Taichang waved back a few eunuchs, and then smiled slightly: "Did you know that a large gold mine has been discovered in Sula."

When Su Yi heard this, he couldn't help being surprised and said, "Your Majesty, are we going to South Lakota?"

Sure enough, the Indians didn't know much about the value of gold.

The little girl didn't react at all when she heard about the large gold mine, she was still thinking about going home.

Taichang was a bit dumbfounded and said, "Don't you know the uses of gold?"

Su Yi said without hesitation: "I know, aren't gold and silver used to buy things?"

Well, you have no idea how many good things there are in this world.

Taichang explained in detail: "Gold can buy a lot of things, for example, your favorite beef, a gold ingot can buy at least dozens of cows, and if a large gold mine is fully mined, hundreds of cows can be mined a day. A gold ingot is fine."

Now Su Yi finally understands the value of gold a little bit.

She couldn't help but say: "Your Majesty, what do you mean, a large gold mine can buy thousands of cows a day?"

Taichang nodded again and again and said, "Yes, do you know the value of large gold mines now?"

Su Yi heard the words, thought for a while, and asked again: "So what if I know?"

Good question.

Taichang said earnestly: "You should be regarded as the most honorable person in the Sula country or the entire Sioux tribe or even all the Indian tribes. There are some things that you have to come forward to talk about.

For example, these mineral deposits, all the tribes are not yet able to mine or smelt them, and Daming needs these mineral deposits.

Therefore, Daming can only organize people to mine and smelt it first.

When each tribe develops, they will mine and smelt it themselves, and Daming will return these mineral deposits to each tribe.

Moreover, the minerals mined and smelted by Daming itself will also benefit the various tribes.

For example, Daming will send food, weapons and various daily necessities to various tribes. "

Su Yi heard the words, thought for a while, and then asked: "Your Majesty, do I need to say this?"

Taichang nodded slightly, and then explained: "I still need to talk about these things. You have to let them understand that Da Ming is different from those bandits, and following Da Ming has great benefits."

Su Yi nodded again and again: "Okay, I'll tell you when I go back, by the way, Your Majesty, when shall we go back?"

Uh, this.

Taichang said embarrassingly: "It should be soon, counting the time, the merchant ship going back to fetch the goods should be coming soon."

(End of this chapter)

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