Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 525 South Lakota

Chapter 525 South Lakota
On the surface of the sea not far from the mouth of the Mississippi River, densely packed ships of the Great Ming Navy are moored in a huge square formation.

On the leading flagship, Taichang turned the binoculars and scanned carefully, then raised his head and said: "Jiandou, this place will be called Xin Liaohe from now on, you need to find a suitable place near the mouth of the sea to build a large port and City to facilitate material transfer."

Well, this place is indeed a bit like the mouth of the Liaohe River. They are both big rivers running north-south, with endless plains on both sides.

The question is, it is a large city and port, where are so many people coming from?

Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help wondering: "Your Majesty, we only brought over 10 horses in total, and you said that each of the nine cities of the Sioux Three Kingdoms must send at least 1 horses, so there will be at most 1 horses left here." There are tens of thousands of people, and we don’t know how long it will take to build large cities and ports.”

No way, people are needed everywhere right now.

Taichang was rather helpless and said: "Anyway, it will take a few days to transport food to Veracruz, and it will also take a few days for the Spike warship I brought to deliver the goods to return.

You can keep 9 people here first, try to build the port as much as possible, and then distribute 8 people to the other eight cities.

As for the construction of a large city, you can recruit the young and strong of the Apache tribe to help.

They don't need money to work right now, you just need to distribute food to them.

We have no shortage of food, so why does Cordoba still owe us more than 800 million shi of food? You give 100 million shi of food to the young and strong of the Apache tribe, which is enough to build a large city here. "

Well, it seems that's all there is to it.

Lu Xiangsheng hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

Taichang thought about it again, and then solemnly said: "During this time, you still need to send someone to contact the Apache, Cherokee, and Iroquois tribes to spy on the situation of the Dutch, British, and French. And the port is built, we will take them to counterattack."

Lu Xiangsheng cupped his hands without hesitation and said, "I understand."

That's about it.

Taichang waved his hand directly and said: "Okay, I will leave the matter here to you. I will take Concubine Su back to her mother's house. It will probably take a month or two to come here."

After finishing speaking, he took Concubine Su who couldn't wait to get off the flagship and boarded the Spike warship next to her.

After a while, a large number of Spike warships began to disintegrate with the warships, and filed towards the main road of Xinliao River.

It was natural for the empress of the Ming Dynasty to go back to her natal home with some pomp and circumstance. Thousands of Spike warships lined up in the river for hundreds of miles and headed straight for South Lakota City.

South Lakota City is not a city yet.

Because Scott's department didn't have any tools for building the city, and Governor Huang Daozhou didn't have much to share with them.

At the moment, there is only one official from the Ministry of Rites and dozens of soldiers from the Shenwu Battalion leading more than a thousand Sioux warriors to cut trees and burn bricks there.

They had prepared a lot of bricks and logs, and there was room for all the more than [-] people of the Scott tribe to live in the rows of temporary work sheds made of bricks and logs.

The problem is that they don't have cement, so they can't build a city.

This afternoon, just after work was over, Su Qiang couldn't help but came to the temporary pier built with logs, and set up a pergola to look into the distance.

He also misses his daughter. He heard that Daming has already repaired the canal, and his daughter will soon come across the river by boat. However, he has been looking around for several days, but he has not seen any boats. shadow.

Suddenly, a black spot appeared on the river in the distance.

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and when he took a closer look, there were several more black spots.

This should be Daming's fleet, and his daughter is back!

He hurriedly yelled at the people behind him, ordering them to call his woman and child over.

Soon, the row of black dots became clear.

It really is a boat, a lot of big boats.

At this moment, Su Yi was also very excited, because she had already seen her father through the telescope.

It didn't take long for the fleet to arrive at the temporary pier, and at this moment hundreds of people had already gathered in the open space beside the pier.

The warriors in Scott's department had never seen such a large ship, and it was a long, long line of ships that could not be seen at a glance.

They were all amazed there.

Seeing this, the general officer in charge of the etiquette department quickly explained the etiquette to them loudly.

But he saw that the emperor was standing at the bow of the boat.

Soon, the warship docked at the pier, and the official of the Ministry of Rites quickly took the lead and lay down on the ground, saying loudly: "My minister sees the emperor, sees the empress."

The springboard had just been set up, Taichang hadn't had time to disembark, but Concubine Su rushed up to the pier with a few strides, hugging her parents and a tiger-headed child, jumping and jumping excitedly.

Uh, this.

Taichang stepped onto the pier with a few accompanying civil servants and generals, raised his hand awkwardly to those people on the ground, and then stood aside not knowing what to say.

After all, Su Qiang is the head of the clan, he was too excited to see his long-lost daughter, but he forgot everything before he was so excited.

He just said a few words to his daughter in a hurry, and then he was about to pull his woman down to salute.

Taichang quickly stepped forward to support him, and then said to Su Yi who was hugging a baby and kept kissing him: "This is your brother?"

Su Yi nodded again and again: "Yes, Your Majesty, this is my younger brother. I named him Su Meng, how about making him a general in the future?"

Is this fierce general ready to be?
Taichang looked at the strong Su Qiang, nodded slightly and said: "Wen Zhao, teach him when you have time."

Well, this is the emperor's brother-in-law.

Cao Wenzhao hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "The final general will obey the order."

Taichang looked at the warship behind again, then patted Su Yi on the shoulder and smiled, "Why don't we go down first, the things on the boat haven't been unloaded yet."

Hearing this, Su Yi hurriedly greeted his parents and got off the pier.

Taichang also waved his hand directly, and got off the pier with a few accompanying civil servants and military generals and a group of expert guards.

Immediately afterwards, the ships behind came up one by one, and the soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion on top were like ants moving house, forming a long queue, constantly moving the supplies on the ship to the temporary work shed prepared in advance by the general manager.

Su Yi couldn't help but introduced from the side: "This coarse cloth bag contains grain, and the emperor sent us [-] shi of grain to Scott's department."

Su Qiang couldn't help asking: "How much is one hundred thousand stones?"

Uh, this.

Su Yi thought for a while, and then explained: "These two bags seem to be one stone, and one hundred thousand stones is 20 bags."

so much!
Su Yi then introduced: "The muslin bag contains dry goods, and the emperor sent us Scott's department [-] catties of various dry goods."

Su Qiang couldn't help but asked again: "What are dry goods?"

Uh, this is hard to explain.

Su Yi thought about it, and then explained: "Anyway, the food is dried, such as beef jerky or something, there are a lot of delicious food."

Immediately afterwards, she introduced: "The thick paper bag contains spices. The emperor sent ten thousand catties of various spices to our Scott department."

Su Qiang has known about spices for a long time.

However, last time he brought back only one bag.

This time, the thick paper bags were unloaded one after another, and I didn't know how many bags there were.

Then there are black iron knives, iron shields, spears, hoes, shovels, porcelain bowls, saucers, cups, etc., these are tens of thousands.

Taichang even sent tens of thousands of military uniforms to the Scott Ministry.

In the future, the military uniforms of the Indian tribes will be exactly the same as those of the Ming army. Even if he wants to make the European colonists confused whether they are facing the Ming army or the Indian tribe's coalition forces.

(End of this chapter)

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