Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 528 Colonists

Chapter 528 Colonists

America can be said to be the colonists' paradise.

Because there is vast land, rich resources, and more importantly, the Indians here have basically no resistance to them.

Whether it is the Aztec Empire or the Inca Empire, they are basically primitive countries that cannot be built with cold weapons, let alone other Indian tribes.

This place seems to be a paradise specially created for the colonists, they can simply do whatever they want here, and do whatever they want.

Of course, the paradise is for the colonists. For the Indians here, the colonists directly turned their homes into the abyss of hell.

Without the emergence of the Ming Empire, their tribes, countries, and even civilization would have been destroyed by the colonists.

Fortunately, Daming is here.

Now, Daming has helped the Sioux and Apache tribes regain the territory taken by the Spaniards, and the Spaniards have temporarily stopped their efforts and will no longer invade north.

So, what about the other colonists.

While Lu Xiangsheng was building a city near the mouth of the Xinliao River, he was also exploring the strength of the Dutch, British and French.

The Apache tribe, the Cherokee tribe, and the Iroquois tribe knew that Daming was going to help them regain their territory, so they naturally tried their best to help.

Soon, news from the east coast of the Americas began to continuously flow to the new Liaoyang City under construction, and Lu Xiangsheng also continued to send reports to the South Lakota City.

Taichang also gradually gained a general understanding of the strength of the colonists on the east coast of North America.

At this time, he discovered that the most powerful colonizer on the North American continent is not the Netherlands, nor the United Kingdom, but France.

The British came earlier. Around the 16th year of Wanli in Ming Dynasty, the British established the first colonial stronghold on the east coast of North America, which is the so-called New England.

However, until now, the British had established a total of three colonial strongholds in North America, one was Virginia and the other was Carolina. Between these two strongholds and the New England stronghold, there was a new settlement built by the Dutch. Amsterdam stronghold.

In other words, the sphere of influence of the Dutch and the British was only a narrow area about three hundred miles wide and less than two thousand miles long.

Moreover, at this moment, the British garrison in North America is not many, the total is less than [-], and the Dutch garrison is even smaller, roughly two to three thousand.

The French are in for a treat.

The so-called New French colony they established almost covered half of Canada in later generations, and at this moment their power has almost spread throughout the Great Lakes region, and even began to extend to the Mississippi River Basin, that is, the Xinliao River Basin.

How can France be so powerful? Wasn't France the best in history?

Actually, he was wrong.

The reason why he thinks France is not good is probably because France was defeated by Germany in more than a month during World War II in history.

People in the world may mistakenly think, how strong can such a rookie be?

In fact, France is not good.

At least in colonial times France was not good.

Not to mention the French First Empire, which almost conquered the entire European continent, the Bourbon dynasty is not weak at this moment.

At this moment, France is the core of the anti-Habsburg alliance. It can be said that Spain may not be able to beat France at this moment in fighting on land.

Historically, the Spanish Habsburg dynasty was basically overthrown by the French Bourbon dynasty.

At this moment, the Spanish King Felipe IV is only known as the King of the Earth, and the next French King Louis XIV is directly known as the Sun King!
The country that occupied the most colonies in North America in history is actually not Britain but France.

At that time, New France alone accounted for more than half of Canada, and Louisiana, named after the Sun King Louis XIV, directly accounted for more than half of the United States.

As for why France declined for more than a month before being overthrown by Germany, it is probably because of the common fault of colonists or robbers.

What is the common problem of colonists or robbers?

Simply put, it's a crazy bite!
When a certain colonist or bandit becomes stronger, he will catch and bite whoever he wants.

Biting other colonists or robbers will unite to bite the strongest one down.

Colonial powers in history have basically been bitten down in this way.

For example, Spain.

Spain in the early days of the great voyage was really not ordinary, especially after he swallowed Portugal. It can be said that half of the world is a Spanish colony.

That guy, when he is strong, he really bites like crazy, whoever he catches will bite him.

As a result, the powerful Spain was overthrown by almost all countries in the European continent.

Next is the Netherlands. It was not so strong in its most prosperous period, and its reputation as a maritime hegemony was not fake. Nearly three-quarters of the world's ocean-going ships belonged to them. The strength of the Netherlands at that time can be imagined. And know.

That guy, he catches and bites whoever he catches, and after biting Spain, he bites away from Britain and France.

As a result, it is conceivable that when Britain, France and Spain united, they immediately overwhelmed him.

Next is France.

When the Sun King Louis XIV was born, France was not so strong.

Spain was bitten by them, the Netherlands was also bitten by them, Britain, the Holy Roman Empire, etc. were also bitten by them.

Later, Napoleon, the emperor of the First French Empire, almost stepped on the entire continent of Europe.

As a result, almost all continental European countries formed an anti-French alliance, and rushed forward to bite it to the ground.

Next up is the UK.

Almost everyone knows how powerful Britain was when it was at its strongest.

The empire on which the sun never sets was not invented. At that time, British colonies really spread all over the world.

As a result, he was defeated by his American colonies.

At that time, the total strength of the United States was only more than 1 troops, while the United Kingdom sent a full [-] troops.

In the end, it was the empire on which the sun never sets that was defeated!


Because all European countries are supporting the United States!
It is said that during the War of Independence, France sent more troops than Britain. France directly sent more than [-] troops to help the United States fight Britain, the Netherlands, and Spain. Revenge is coming.

As a result, the empire on which the sun never sets was bitten like this.

That's how the colonists are, when they go crazy, they bite, no matter who you are!
For the sake of profit, even the sworn enemies can join forces, and even the closest allies are willing to speak out.

The situation at the moment is that Spain, the old hegemon, has already set in the sunset, and European countries such as the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and France are rushing to bite.

And the most powerful of these countries is not the Netherlands, but France.

Because no matter how many Dutch gunboats, warships and armed merchant ships there are, they can be powerful at sea.

On land, the strength of France is almost catching up with Spain, and the Dutch are nothing at all.

You know, the Spanish army at this moment has a standing army of 30, while the combined navy and army of the Dutch are less than [-].

As for France, the army has at least more than 20!
Taichang looked at the situation in North America and understood it. The Netherlands and the United Kingdom didn't seem to be enough. Their biggest enemy at this moment should be France.

Because France has more colonies in North America than the Netherlands and England combined.

This is the embodiment of people's strength.

The colonists are like this, size is determined by strength, the stronger the strength, the more territory it occupies.

In other words, the stronger the strength, the more benefits you will get.

If you disagree, he will bite you!

(End of this chapter)

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