Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 529 Protection

Chapter 529 Protection
The dawn of the morning has just emerged from the sky, and the city of South Lakota seems to be still in a deep sleep, overflowing with tranquility.

At this time, the lights in the handsome tent were already brightly lit, and a group of civil servants and military generals had already stood respectfully outside the tent door, quietly waiting for the emperor to call.

Taichang is still very diligent. Even though he is in the North American continent, he does not relax at all. He opens the morning court when he can, and makes a morning call if he does not have the conditions. He does this almost every day.

The accompanying civil servants and military generals are also used to it, and they get up early every day.

This is also the key to the longevity of a dynasty.

If you feel invincible once you enter the prosperous age, and start to relax, and the king will no longer go to court early, then something will happen sooner or later.

This world is like this, if you don't strive for self-improvement, people will surpass you sooner or later.

At ten o'clock, Wang Chengen sang loudly, and a group of civil servants and generals hurriedly bowed to enter the account.

After the mountain call, Taichang raised his hand slightly to signal for the courtesy to flatten his body, and then asked: "Wen Zhao, the city wall has been completed."

Cao Wenzhao hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Go back to the emperor, all the work was completed yesterday afternoon."

Taichang nodded slightly, and then asked again: "How many carriages have you made?"

Cao Wenzhao reckoned, "There are roughly five hundred vehicles."

Taichang nodded slightly again, and then asked Peng Bin, "Yanru, have all the civilians in Scott's department moved into their new homes?"

Peng Bin hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Yes, Your Majesty, all the civilians in Scott's department have moved into their new residences in the south of the city."

Taichang asked again: "Are there any remaining new houses?"

Peng Bin said without hesitation: "After all the civilians in Scott's department have moved into the new house, there are still about [-] houses left, and another [-] houses will be completed tomorrow."

That's about it.

Taichang said to Cao Wenzhao again: "Go and discuss with the head of the country, find a tribe with more than a thousand people nearby, let them prepare today, and move here tomorrow."

Cao Wenzhao hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "The general will understand."

Taichang thought for a while, then waved his hand and said: "Okay, everyone go to work, Yanru, you follow me to the city wall to have a look."

After that, he also stood up and led Peng Bin to the city wall.

Soon, orders were heard from the camp in the north of the city. The soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion and the young and strong of the various tribes of the Sioux were all dressed neatly, and quickly ran out of the tents, and kept heading towards the school field in the middle of the camp. gather.

In less than a quarter of an hour, more than [-] people had assembled and formed neat square formations one after another in the school grounds.

Immediately afterwards, the generals of the Shenwu Battalion led the phalanxes one by one and began to practice.

At this moment, the young and strong of the Sioux tribe can already understand all kinds of simple orders. Although the tactical actions they make cannot be said to be uniform, they already have a little bit of the style of the Ming army.

Taichang looked at it silently for a while, and then asked: "Yanru, is it okay for them to build an ordinary courtyard by themselves?"

Peng Bin nodded repeatedly and said, "No problem, the courtyards they built are almost the same as those built by the soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion."

Hearing this, Taichang thought for a while, then pointed to the four city gates and said: "Then you take half of the people to build a cross-shaped commercial street in this city, and teach them to build a two-story store. As much as the sky can build, it is estimated that we will leave in a short time."

Peng Bin hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

The reason why Taichang said this was because he had received a report that the Spanish merchant ships had already assembled towards the capital of Western Yin. Daming had to send a naval fleet to escort them back to the Spanish mainland according to the original covenant.

After all, this was the first time such a thing happened. Sun Chuanting couldn't make a decision about how many ships, how many troops to send, and who to send to Europe. He had to go there himself.

In fact, there is not much to do here, because the city walls and docks have been built, and the folk houses will be built by themselves. At most, there will be a commercial street or something, and it will not be used for a while. It is almost enough to teach them how to build it. up.

Taichang explained in detail, and arranged for the generals who stayed here. After the people from the first nearby tribe migrated to settle down, the commercial street also built a few rough model small second floors. Then he took a group of accompanying civil servants, military generals and concubine Su on the Spike warship and headed straight for New Liaoyang City.

The Spike warship went down the river for thousands of miles in a day. In the afternoon, the fleet arrived at Xinliaoyang City, which is located a little north of the mouth of the Xinliao River.

Probably because the estuary of the Xinliao River is a plain created by river water, and it is impossible to build a deep-water port under the silt of the river. Therefore, Lu Xiangsheng located the port and the city at a relatively high-lying place on the main road of the Xinliao River.

At this moment, the new Liaoyang City was not yet completed, but the port wharf had already been built, and his flagship and accompanying guards, including the Aegis Ship, Dragon Tooth Warship and Spike Warship, all stayed here.

He just boarded the flagship and glanced at the progress of New Liaoyang City, and asked Lu Xiangsheng to explain to his generals, and then he took Lu Xiangsheng and set off together.

Because the capital of Western Yin was more than three thousand miles away, they had to travel by sea day and night, so he set off directly.

Anyway, the top floor of the flagship was decorated like a palace, and he was used to resting on it, and spending the night in the unfinished New Liaoyang City was actually similar to spending the night at sea.

The fleet sailed at sea for almost three days and three nights. On the afternoon of the fourth day, they finally rushed back to the capital of Western Yin.

The port wharf of the capital city of Western Yin had already been built before they set off. At this moment, the long and narrow port wharf is full of ships of the Ming Navy and large Spanish sailing ships.

This time it was probably because of the protection of the Daming Navy Fleet, and Cordoba also became ruthless. He almost summoned all the more than forty large merchant ships that Spain stopped at various ports on the east coast of America, and even sent Several buildings, boats and gunboats were put together.

In other words, at this moment, there are a total of fifty large sailing ships with two thousand materials parked in the port of the capital of Western Yin.

If it had been the time when Ming hadn't started building large warships, he would have been stunned to see so many large sailing ships.

At that time, they were envious of the twelve large sailing ships of the Spanish ocean-going fleet.

At this moment, they saw fifty large sailing ships but felt nothing at all.

Today is different from the past. The Daming Navy fleet now has more than fifty Aegis ships. Fifty large sailing ships are really nothing in their eyes.

Taichang turned the binoculars and slowly glanced at the large Spanish sailing ship, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

Over the past few years, Daming has finally caught up.

At this moment, the strength of the Daming Navy has far surpassed that of the Spanish Navy, and their merchant ships need their protection.

He was looking at other ships, and the people on the Spanish ships were naturally also looking at this fleet slowly entering the port.

To be honest, the Spaniards were dumbfounded.

Because they had already heard before they came that the navy of the Ming Empire had a total of eighty or so large warships, and there was only one such huge warship as the Dreadnought.

In the past few days, they saw about eighty large warships in the port, and there was also one giant warship.

Unexpectedly, suddenly another fleet came over, another giant warship appeared, and there were more than forty large warships.

How many large warships and giant warships does the Ming Empire have?
(End of this chapter)

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