Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 536 Indian Allied Forces

Chapter 536 Indian Allied Forces

Outside the city of Xinliaoyang, in the camp.

Zhang Huanchuan looked at the tens of thousands of young and strong Apache tribes in front of him, with no expression on his resolute face.

In two months, it is not an ordinary task to train these rookies who don't know how to use swords and guns to the point where they can kill the enemy on the battlefield.

These young men don't even know how to line up now, so they stand together in a mess.

Moreover, many of them held a knife in one hand and a gun in the other, with shields hanging on their backs.

Such a rookie would give most people a headache just looking at him, but he didn't even frown.

Perhaps, this is the reason why he was promoted from President Qian to general within a few months.

Because he is indeed good at training the new recruits of these Indian tribes.

He just glanced around and said loudly: "If you want to drive away the intruders and regain your territory, then you have to obey my orders and practice hard. I will only say the rules once. If anyone doesn't obey the orders, he will be punished." Just go back to your tribe and let someone else be the hero who drove the invaders away."

The young and strong of the Apache tribe naturally couldn't understand what he said at the moment.

Fortunately, he has an interpreter from the Ministry of Rites by his side.

As soon as Tong Shi translated his words, the young and strong faces of these Apache tribes suddenly showed solemn expressions.

Obviously, they all want to be heroes, and they don't want to go back to their tribe.

Zhang Huanchuan nodded slightly, and then said loudly: "Now, listen to the order, spread out, and those who live in the same tent stand together, don't all crowd together."

This order is still very simple. Those who live in the same camp are basically from the same tribe, and they must know each other.

However, it takes some time for 1 people to be divided into two thousand piles, especially for these newcomers who have not been trained.

It took them nearly a quarter of an hour to spread out, and they were faintly divided into two thousand groups of five.

There was still no expression on Zhang Huanchuan's face, until everyone stood up and stopped moving, then he continued to speak loudly: "Now, assign a captain to each of you in the tent, and teach you how to line up and how to use it. Weapons, how to kill the enemy, you have to learn hard."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand directly, and the two thousand soldiers of the Shenji Battalion behind him immediately stepped forward, each picked a bunch of young and strong Apache tribes, and then began to dress them up, teaching them how to tie their spears When it is pulled out, how should the black iron knife be retracted, how should it be pulled out, how should it be held, how should the shield be held, and so on.

Zhang Hengchuan waited for a while, until the weapons held by all the young and strong members of the Apache tribe seemed to be in order, and then he ordered loudly: "Line up."

This was the first order he issued, and the young and strong of the Apache tribe didn't even know what it meant to line up.

The two thousand soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion could only coil them into formations one by one like puppets, and then slowly align with other formations.

The drill was so troublesome at the beginning. In the north of Xinliaoyang City, the camps of the ten Apache tribes had to wait for several days before a rather neat roar gradually came out.

At this time, nearly [-] civilians from the seven major tribe alliances of the Apache tribe were picked up by warships and horse-drawn carriages, and lived in work sheds in Liaoyang City.

To be honest, the inside of this work shed is quite simple, there is not even a bed at the beginning, because there are too many people, Taichang can only order the soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion to saw some wooden boards for them, and then put a layer of bricks on the ground, and then Spread a thick cloth, which is considered a simple floor.

As for bedding and pillows, there is no time to make them. We can only distribute horses, cotton and needles and threads to them, and let them learn how to make them by themselves.

The only thing Taichang can guarantee them is sufficient food supply, enough fish and shrimp, and meat. The soldiers of the Shenwu Camp can't go hunting every day, and there are not so many prey nearby, so he can only give them a meal occasionally.

In his opinion, this kind of life can only be regarded as barely passable, but the civilians of the Apache tribe feel that this life is already quite good.

Because they used to live a life of fear and fear.

They have been beaten by the Spaniards and the British for decades, and most of them haven't lived a stable life since they were born until they entered Liaoyang City.

How safe is Liaoyang City, surrounded by city walls, protected by more than [-] troops outside, and dozens of huge warships parked at the port, they don't have to worry about intruders suddenly appearing in front of them up.

It can be said that this alone makes them feel quite good.

As for being able to eat every meal and not having to worry about food at all, if it was put in the past, they would hardly have dared to think about it.

They basically lived by hunting in the past, and the territory was getting smaller and smaller, and the prey was getting less and less. It was common for them to be hungry, and many of them hadn't had a few full meals since they were young. What about rice?

In addition, this work shed is much better than the thatched house they used to live in, especially in this hot day, it is bright and cool, and there is no need to worry about heavy rain outside and light rain inside, this is already the best house for them up.

Even, the Apache tribe later formed such a custom that each tribe would build such a large work shed, and everyone would gather in it to discuss anything, and in hot weather, everyone would gather in it to eat and chat whenever they had time. .

The reason why they formed this custom may also have something to do with the tribal alliance conference held in Taichang.

Because the Indian Union Army was born in this conference, and it was in this conference that the Indian tribes united and drove away the colonists.

Taichang also took great pains in preparing for this conference. He not only gathered the chiefs of all the tribes of the Apache tribe together, but also brought together the chiefs of the three major tribal alliances of the Sioux tribe and the six major tribe alliances of the Algonquin tribe. Many great elders, even, he ordered people to pick up the chiefs of many big tribes of the Cherokee and Iroquois tribes.

He also specially ordered someone to decorate a large work shed in the city. On both sides of the walls nearly one person high, the flags of various ethnic groups were hung, and on the wall facing the gate was a huge map of North America.

Early in the morning, just as the sun had just risen, he summoned all the chiefs and great elders to the large work shed that had been arranged.

After a group of chiefs and great elders went down the mountain under the guidance of the Ministry of Rites and shouted long live, he picked up a long pole, pointed to the red, green and blue areas on the map and said: "I called everyone here today, just to talk to everyone. Discuss how to drive out or eliminate these intruders!"

All the chiefs and great elders were excited when they heard the words.

After decades, they finally waited for this day.

Taichang then pointed to the black dot in the red, green and blue area and said: "Everyone should know that these invaders like to build fortresses, and the most effective way to attack fortresses is to organize an army ten times larger than the defenders to besiege in all directions."

This is actually in "Sun Tzu's Art of War", ten is to surround it, and five is to attack it.

Of course, the chiefs and elders had never read "The Art of War", but they all believed that what all the chiefs said was correct.

Therefore, they all nodded in agreement.

Taichang then drew a circle in the red, green and blue area with a long pole, and then solemnly said: "To take back such a large area, a large number of troops are needed. The problem is that each of your tribes can send out hundreds of thousands at most. Centaur, and these three invaders are now in an alliance, if a single tribe goes to attack the invaders, it is very likely that they will be besieged by them, so you must form a coalition and maintain superior strength at all times to prevent others from besieging."

Thus was born the Indian Union Army.

As for how to form the coalition, Taichang naturally had already thought about it.

(End of this chapter)

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