Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 537 The Horn of the Counterattack

Chapter 537 The Horn of the Counterattack

One of the reasons why Taichang summoned the great elders or chiefs of various tribes to form the Indian coalition army was only one of the reasons.

Another reason is that he has been delayed for too long in the Apache tribe.

He has been in Liaoyang City for more than two months now, and it is estimated that he will have to wait at least one more month before the young Apache tribe can go to the battlefield to regain the lost ground.

If calculated in this way, it will take at least two or three years for him to help the Indian tribe drive the Dutch, British, and French out of the North American continent.

This is still an ideal state, that is, when the Dutch, British and French do not increase their troops from the mainland.

If these three countries continue to increase their troops here, then it is unknown when this battle will end.

He doesn't want to spend all his time here, he wants to settle the battle this year.

But if the battle is to be resolved this year, the troops of the other three tribes must practice in advance.

Otherwise, after he helped the Apache tribe regain their territory, he would have to repeat the process, gathering all the Cherokee and Iroquois tribes together, then training their youth, and then leading them to drive off the invaders.

This is too time consuming.

Therefore, he simply called representatives of all the tribes together to arrange things at once.

He then pointed to the Sioux territory and Liaoyang City Road: "Now, the Sioux and Apache tribes have assembled 10 horses, and the weapons and equipment are complete. To be fair, the Algonquin tribe, the Cherokee tribe Both the tribes and the Iroquois tribes gave out weapons and equipment for 10 horses."

The elders and chiefs of the Algonquin, Cherokee, and Iroquois tribes were all excited when they heard the news.

Daming's equipment is all good stuff, they don't have to be afraid of intruders at all with the equipment of 10 horses.

Taichang immediately continued: "In addition, I will send [-] soldiers from the Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion to each of your tribes to help you practice and drive you away from the invaders."

This is great!
With the help of the Ming army, they will soon be able to drive away the invaders.

Taichang then solemnly said: "You have to remember one thing, you must obey the orders, if you don't obey the orders, you will be like a pan of loose sand, and you will not be able to defeat the invaders at all."

This of course.

All the tribal elders and tribal chiefs nodded vigorously, vowing to obey Daming's orders.

Taichang then pointed to Lu Xiangsheng at the side and said: "This is Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of the Ming Army. This time, he will lead you to counterattack the invaders. The coalition forces of all major tribes must obey his orders."

A group of tribal elders and tribal chiefs nodded to Lu Xiangsheng again and again to show that they remembered.

Taichang pointed to Cao Wenzhao again and said: "This is Cao Wenzhao, the commander of the Shenwu Battalion. This time the South Road attack will recover the territory of the Apache tribe. He will command it. Both the Sioux and Apache tribes must obey his orders." Command the battle."

The chief elder of the Sioux tribe and the chief of the Apache tribe nodded quickly to show they understood.

Taichang pointed to Huang Degong again and said: "This is Huang Degong, the commander of the Shenji Battalion. He is in charge of commanding and dispatching the North Road to prepare for the war. The Algonquin, Cherokee and Iroquois tribes must obey his orders and step up their drills to prepare for the counterattack."

The elders and chiefs of the Algonquin, Cherokee, and Iroquois tribes nodded quickly to show they understood.

Next is the distribution of weapons and equipment.

Right now there are only 30 sets of black iron armor, black iron knives, iron shields and long spears. As for the tents, they are all used up.

Taichang pointed directly at the Cherokee and Iroquois tribes on the map and said: "Now, there are still [-] sets of black iron armor, black iron knives, iron shields and spears left here, because the Cherokee and Iroquois tribes are being attacked by invaders. , so, first give them [-] sets each."

The Cherokee tribe and the Iroquois tribe were naturally very excited when they heard the news.

Taichang pointed to the capital city of Eastern Yin again and said, "About a month later, another 20 sets of equipment and tents will be delivered here. By then, we will be able to replenish the equipment for your three major tribes."

The faces of the Algonquin tribe couldn't help showing excitement. A month passed in a flash, and they didn't have to wait too long.

Then there is the strategic arrangement.

Taichang pointed to Carolina and Virginia on the map and said: "This is the territory of the Apache tribe. In about two months, we will organize the Sioux and Apache tribes to attack here. If everything goes well The fighting in the south will be over in about three months."

The chiefs of the Apache tribe all rubbed their hands excitedly upon hearing this.

They will be able to regain all their territory in three months, can they not be excited?

Taichang then pointed to New Amsterdam and New England on the map and said: "This is the territory of the Cherokee tribe. About three months later, the coalition forces of the Sioux and Apache tribes will launch an attack from the south. At that time, the Cherokee tribe will Must be ready to send troops from the west."

The chiefs of the Cherokee tribe naturally nodded when they heard this.

Taichang then pointed to New France on the map and said: "This is the territory of the Iroquois tribe, and this France is also the strongest of the three invaders. About four months later, the Sioux and Apache tribes and the Cherokee from the south, and the Algonquin and Iroquois from the west."

All the tribal elders and tribal chiefs were overjoyed when they heard the news.

If all goes well, they will be able to drive all intruders out of their territory this year.

Taichang tapped the huge New France with a long pole, and said seriously: "I hope that the battle will be over before the end of this year. If it is not possible, we will drive all the French people to the ice and snow in the north."


All the tribal elders and tribal chiefs nodded excitedly, as if they were about to win.

Well, these people seem to be thinking things too simply.

Do you think there is no difficulty at all?
You must know that what you are about to face are European colonists who also have guns and artillery, and they are still hiding in fortresses that are easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Taichang thought for a while, then put down the long pole in his hand, and said solemnly: "You should know what the weapons and equipment of these invaders are. Forts equipped with guns and artillery are the most difficult to attack. Although Da Ming will give fire support , but in the end it is up to the warriors of each tribe to conquer the fortress.

You must explain clearly to the warriors under your command that military orders are like mountains, and there must be no hesitation or retreat on the battlefield. Those who disobey the military orders will be severely punished. "

Upon hearing this, a group of tribal elders and tribal chiefs immediately patted their chests and assured that the warriors under them would definitely obey orders and move forward bravely.

The structure of the coalition, the distribution of weapons and equipment, strategies and tactics, including military regulations and disciplines have all been clearly explained. The horn of counterattack has already sounded, and the next step is to see the truth.

Taichang nodded slightly, then waved his hand and said: "Okay, you all go back, get ready."

(End of this chapter)

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