Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 561 Completely fell into the pit

Chapter 561 Completely fell into the pit
To be honest, what Xu Yunzhen said was true.

At least, there is no problem in terms of quantity. At first, Lu Xiangsheng didn't even notice the problem.

He was even wondering, didn't we buy these things from the Spaniards at our expense, why did they become gifts from the Spaniards?
As a result, when he heard the silver and gold behind him, he immediately reacted.

Xu Yunzhen was fooling others with the real amount.

If people go to check, all the quantities seem to be fine, Xu Yunzhen just confused the business relationship.

In fact, it was Daming who bought so many things from Spain with silver and gold, but in this guy's mouth, everything, including silver and gold, was brought out by Spain and asked Daming to sell!

These, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and France, which are the anti-Habsburg alliance, must not be able to find out. The numbers are all matched. Even if they try to check, they will probably think it is true.

As for who gave it to whom, even if the Spaniards honestly said that the Ming Empire sent silver and gold to buy things from them, as their enemies, would the Netherlands, Britain and France believe it?
Such a thing, as a hostile country, would definitely not believe it. They all thought that Spain had fooled the Ming Empire over.

If the Spaniards were really willing to pay such a high price, then the Ming Empire would really fight the Anti-Habsburg Alliance!
At least, Minuit thinks so.

He was stunned for a while, then swallowed, and asked with difficulty: "Spain is really willing to pay such a high price for you to send troops?"

Hahahaha, just waiting for you to ask.

Xu Yunzhen raised his foot without thinking: "Of course it's true!

You should also know that they don't have so many ships, and it is difficult for them to transport these materials back to the continent.

We also drive our boats to pick up things from others.

Anyway, they can't bring them back to Europe, as long as we pick them up, they will give them to us. This year, we have almost taken all the things he promised.

You see, the soles of my shoes are not made of rubber. The soles of all soldiers, including those of Indian tribes, are also made of rubber.

Also, the swords, guns, shields and armor of the hundreds of thousands of Indian tribesmen were all smelted from iron ore produced by the Spaniards.

Do you think we don't need to spend money to send troops?

Do you think our soldiers don't need to eat?

Do you think our muskets and cannons are not made of copper?
The Spaniards did not provide us with these things. Where did we get the money to send troops, where did we get the food to feed so many soldiers, where did we get the copper to make so many guns? "

When Minuit heard this, his face immediately became serious.

He finally understood why the Spaniards were willing to pay such a high price for the Ming Empire to take action.

The Spaniards are not just as simple as having no ships, Spain not only does not have many ships, but also faces their looting all the time.

It is really difficult to transport things from the American colonies back to the continent.

In this case, they might as well give it to the Ming Empire and ask the Ming Empire to help.

It seems that all this is true!
Xu Yunzhen could tell by looking at this guy's expression that this guy had been fooled.

Continue to fool!

After he finished speaking, he winked at Zhang Zhiji again.

This means, I said I'm tired, it's your turn.

Zhang Zhiji immediately went on to fool around: "Do you think we made a lot of money?
Let me tell you, we didn't make much money at all.Don't you know how barren this North American continent is?

Have you found any gold or silver here?
Have you found any minerals here?
Don't you see how poor the Indian tribes are here?

If there are abundant resources here, how can they be so poor?

Do you know how much grain and how much gold and silver it costs us to feed so many soldiers and their families of Indian tribes?
Do you know how much rubber, how much copper, how much iron ore it takes us to make weapons and daily necessities for them?

If you do the math, there are 60 million Indian tribe soldiers and 600 million civilians. We have to spend as much food and gold and silver to feed them.

Also, how much food and gold and silver did we have to spend to feed the 50 million soldiers from our Ming Empire?

Do the math, how much we can earn. "

This can't be counted, if you do it, you will fall into the pit and you will not be able to climb out.

Because the premise is wrong, the North American continent is rich in resources, not only do they not need to spend money to feed the Indian tribes, but they can also make money!

Question, Minuit was fooled by Xu Yunzhen and Zhang Zhiji, so he really couldn't help his inner curiosity, so he calculated it.

If calculated according to the price of mercenaries in Europe, there are millions of troops, this amount of money and food seems not enough!

He couldn't help asking curiously: "You don't have much to earn, why do you send troops to help the Spaniards desperately?"

Hahahaha, idiot, fell into the pit.

Xu Yunzhen suddenly said emotionally: "Oh, you don't know, this Indian tribe is really our tribe.

Although they migrated to this continent a long time ago, our emperor can't bear to let them suffer like this!
His Majesty the emperor wants them to have enough food and clothing, and wants them to have the ability to protect themselves.

That's why our emperor, His Majesty, agreed with Spain to exchange these materials and gold and silver for us to take action.

In fact, we have all lost a lot of money in it. Not only did we lose money this year, but we have to continue to lose money next year.

The Indian tribe has millions of soldiers, and we have only equipped 60 to [-] soldiers. "

When Minuit heard the words, he couldn't help but suddenly realized.

Everything else is bullshit.

That last sentence is the point.

The Indian tribe has millions of troops. If all these millions of people were armed, what a terrifying force it would be?
The emperor of the Ming Empire is for this million troops!
Don't think about this kind of thing, if there are millions more troops suddenly, no matter which king or emperor will take action!
Just kidding, the entire anti-Habsburg alliance does not have a million troops.

With such strength, who wouldn't be jealous?

Question, the Ming Empire has already equipped an army of 60 to [-] Indian tribes, what should they do?
Could it be that they are really desperately fighting against the Ming Empire and the coalition forces of these five or six million Indian tribes?
The total strength of the people at the moment is already in the millions, and it is very likely that it will be 150 million next year. Fighting people desperately is looking for death!
It was nothing if the armies of Indian tribes had little equipment.

Question, the Ming Empire equipped the Indian tribes better than their ordinary infantry!

With millions of troops in hand, will people be afraid of them?

Obviously, no!

Minuit didn't know what to say right now.

He whispered to Prince Kong Dai for a while, and then asked helplessly, "Are you sure you won't retreat?"

of course.

Zhang Zhiji asked back: "If it were you, would you retreat?"

of course not!

Minuit froze for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Are you really going to fight our anti-Habsburg alliance?"

Zhang Zhiji looked at Xu Yunzhen pretending to be embarrassed.

This means, it's your turn.

Xu Yunzhen immediately put on a puzzled expression, and asked curiously: "Why are we desperately fighting your anti-Habsburg alliance?
We also want to ask you.

What are you fighting us for?
It's not that you haven't seen that the territory of this Indian tribe really has nothing.

No gold, no silver, no minerals.

It's not like you haven't seen how poor they are.

Our emperor wants them to live better because of the same root and blood.

What are you for?
Can you feed that many people? "

What he said was actually implying that the Indian tribes had already recognized the Ming Empire, and the Ming Empire would not give up the powerful strength of the Indian tribes.

Moreover, this North American continent has no resources.

Under such circumstances, your anti-Habsburg alliance is doing its best to fight our Ming Empire, isn't there something wrong with your brain?

After Xu Yunzhen waited for the translator to finish the translation, he winked at Zhang Zhiji again.

Zhang Zhiji immediately continued to flicker: "I really don't understand why you are fighting us so hard, aren't you anti-Habsburg alliance?
Don't you know how rich the Spanish colonial resources are?
There is gold and silver everywhere, and minerals everywhere!
They have provided us with so much gold, silver and minerals in a year without even frowning.

Think about it, what good is it for you to work hard with us?
The south is the rich continent. There is nothing in the north. Otherwise, do you think the Spaniards would leave the north unoccupied and let you occupy it? "

This means that the north is a barren land abandoned by Spain, and the south is a fertile land.

What are you trying to do with us all the way north?
You might as well go to the south to snatch the Spanish colonies if you are so energetic!
When Minuit heard the words, he actually showed a hint of emotional expression.

Hahahaha, this guy has completely fallen into the pit!

(End of this chapter)

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