Chapter 562

Minuit really fell into the trap, including Prince Condé and Earl Black, who were fooled by Zhang Zhiji and Xu Yunzhen.

This is not because they are stupid, the main reason why they were fooled was because what they saw and heard was similar to what Zhang Zhiji and Xu Yunzhen said.

They all believed that this was the case, so how could they doubt it?

The Ming Empire was a helper invited by Spain, and they certainly would not doubt that.

They had heard the news of the alliance between the two countries a long time ago, and it was normal for Spain to pay a certain price to ask the Ming Empire to send troops to deal with them.

This is also the most commonly used routine in European countries. If they can't do it, they will pay for help. They have done this kind of thing more than once, so how can they doubt others.

As for how much Spain paid, this is actually not the point. The point is that the Ming Empire sent troops, and they all fought in front of them.

Now, what to do?

It seemed impossible for them to fool the Ming Empire into retreating.

Not to mention anything else, the Ming Empire would not retreat just because of the millions of Indian troops.

Just kidding, with millions of troops in your hand, if you want them to retreat, it will be considered good if they don't beat you.

As for whether they will be fooled into attacking Spain's colonies in the south, it's hard to say.

In a word, they intended to harm others and ended up harming themselves. They wanted to fool the Ming Empire but were fooled by the Daming Empire.

At this moment, they were all stunned for a moment.

Minuit thought about it carefully, and then discussed with Prince Condé in a low voice for a while, then got up and said: "Let's talk about this today, we hope you will not be deceived by the Spaniards and join us in the anti-Habsburg alliance." Desperate."

Hahahaha, idiot!
Looking at the backs of these idiots, Zhang Zhiji and Xu Yunzhen couldn't help showing sinister smiles.

Can the Spaniards fool Daming around?
These European barbarians have fallen into the pit, and Da Ming is the leader of all this!

Of course, if you want to dominate everything, you must have the strength to dominate everything, and it is useless to just rely on lip service.

The Daming Fleet has already arrived at the Delaware Tribal Alliance, which is less than five hundred miles away from New Amsterdam.

Lu Xiangsheng, Zhang Zhiji, and Xu Yunzhen had just finished talking with them, and when they returned to the camp, Sun Quan was already waiting for them there.

After a few pleasantries from everyone, Sun Quan couldn't help asking: "How is it going, how did the talk go?"

Zhang Zhiji said with a little pride: "These European barbarians are so easy to deceive, they should have been fooled."

That's it.

Sun Quan thought about it again, and then said decisively: "How about some of you go to the Delaware Tribal Alliance with me, and talk to the emperor about the negotiation situation in detail."

The emperor is here, so naturally he has to report it.

Zhang Zhiji and Xu Yunzhen just discussed for a while, and Xu Yunzhen followed Sun Quan on the road.

At this moment, the post station from the Delaware Tribal Alliance to the coalition camp had long been connected, and the two rushed all the way to the Delaware Tribal Alliance that afternoon.

There happens to be a big bay here, and the Daming Navy fleet is hidden in the bay.

On the flagship, Taichang listened to Xu Yunzhen's detailed introduction of the negotiation situation, asked a few more questions, then frowned and pondered.

By now the Dutch, British and French should have been fooled.

They may point the finger at Spain.

However, the colonial people here will definitely not hand it over to Daming.

How to do it?

This will completely drive them out of the North American continent, and it is really difficult to not stimulate them to concentrate on fighting with Daming.

Taichang frowned and pondered for a while, and then said solemnly: "Bo Ya, do you think twenty Aegis ships can withstand the artillery bombardment of more than ten buildings, gunboats and bastions?"

Sun Chuanting heard the words, thought about it carefully, and then analyzed carefully: "The artillery of the European barbarians is still loaded in the front, and it will take a certain amount of time for them to reload the ammunition. They fire one round, and we can fire three rounds at least." .

Moreover, under the continuous bombardment of thousands of shells, if their gunners did not hide, they would definitely suffer heavy casualties. It is estimated that their artillery could not withstand ten rounds of bombardment, and all of them would be abolished.

Calculated in this way, our Aegis ship can withstand up to three rounds of attacks.

With the power of their artillery, the [-]-pound cannon can deform the basalt armor at most, and it is impossible to blast through the basalt armor.

And even if their 24-pound guns and 36-pound guns can smash through the basalt armor, they must be able to hit.

Weichen felt that it shouldn't be a big problem for twenty Aegis ships to withstand the bombardment of more than ten buildings, gunboats and bastion artillery.

It is possible that several Aegis ships will be damaged, and it should be unlikely to be sunk.

Anyway, we have enough spare basalt armors, and we will replace all the deformed basalt armors, and repair them again, and there should be no problem. "

That's it.

Hearing this, Taichang said without hesitation: "That's okay, immediately send an order to ask Jiandou to prepare. We will lead [-] Aegis ships and [-] building gunboats to attack that New Amsterdam tomorrow morning." , let’s beat them up before we talk.”

When Sun Chuanting heard the words, he quickly dissuaded him: "Your Majesty, why don't you let me lead the fleet to go, and you can just sit here."

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help smiling and said: "What are you afraid of? Their artillery can't penetrate the armor of the dreadnought, and the speed of the sailboat can't catch up with the dreadnought. If there is danger at that time, we won't be able to retreat completely." Any problem. Don't worry, with their strength, they can't threaten us, I just don't want them to know the specific strength of our naval fleet."

Well, there are also [-] Aegis ships, [-] building gunboats, and hundreds of Spike warships as backup. With the armor of the dreadnought, there must be no problem returning here safely.

Sun Chuanting thought for a while, and then asked: "Your Majesty, do you want me to drive the car over?"

His car was also a dreadnought, and he thought that he could help Taichang block it if it was really dangerous.

But Taichang shook his head and said, "No, no, we can't let them know that almost invincible warships like dreadnoughts are mass-produced."

Early the next morning, Taichang headed straight for New Amsterdam with twenty Aegis ships and twenty gunboats, and they arrived near the mouth of the Hudson River at about noon.

To be honest, the forty or so huge ships are not that scary. Minuit was only taken aback when he saw the Daming Navy fleet, but he was not panicked yet.

On the watchtower on the second floor of the bastion, Prince Kong Dai even said with a little envy: "The flagship of the Ming Empire is really majestic, it looks like a giant sea monster from a distance, if I can have such a A car would be fine."

You are afraid that you are dreaming, we, the Netherlands, cannot build such a large warship, let alone you, France.

Minuit didn't taunt him face to face, he just said indifferently: "I heard that this is the emperor's car of the Ming Empire, and it seems that the entire Ming Empire only has this one."

This means, stop dreaming.

The Ming Empire must have spent a lot of effort to create such a car for their emperor, and you are not an emperor.

Prince Kong Dai couldn't help but wondered: "What is the emperor of the Ming Empire doing here? Could it be that he wants to lead a fleet to attack here?"

This is unlikely, right?

To be honest, none of them thought that Taichang would do anything.

After all, there are more than forty warships on their side, and they also have a bastion as a support.

If they knew the terrifying defensive power of the aegis ship, they probably wouldn't think so.

Unfortunately, they don't know yet.

(End of this chapter)

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