Chapter 563
In the port of New Amsterdam, more than forty warships from the Daming Navy Fleet have arrived at a position about ten miles away from the port terminal.

However, the Dutch didn't respond much, and even their warships didn't leave the port pier to stop them.

They probably all think that the warships of the Daming Navy fleet are unlikely to attack them.

After all, there are hundreds of huge ships parked at the port terminal alone, and more than 40 of them are warships.

Although this strength may not be able to beat the more than [-] large ship gunboats of the Daming Navy, but with the coastal defense guns on the bastion, there is still no problem in defense.

At least, both Minuit and Prince Condé think so.

They even believed that if the Daming Navy fleet launched an attack, it would be courting death.

You know, the 36-pound gun is not a joke. As long as it hits just right, the gunboats of the buildings and boats can shoot through each other with one cannon.

The 24-pound gun is not a vegetarian, and the Louchuan gunboat will be sunk after eating a few rounds of the 24-pound gun.

This bastion is equipped with several 36-pound guns, and more than ten 24-pound guns. How many rounds of bombardment can the forty-odd warships of the Daming Navy Fleet withstand?

Taichang couldn't help crying and laughing when he saw the Dutchman's posture.

These guys are really ignorant and fearless!

He was just showing weakness to the enemy, and these guys actually thought they were too weak to attack.

How about this?
People didn't guard against them, so he ordered the Aegis ship to bomb wildly, isn't it a bit too much?
He thought about it for a while, and then ordered decisively: "Order, order the Aegis ships to line up, and concentrate their firepower to bombard the dozen or so buildings and gunboats before attacking the bastion."

He was ready to catch him and beat him up, and he couldn't stop beating him just because he didn't respond.

The robbers just give in to their fists, if they don't catch these colonial robbers and beat them up, they won't be convinced!
After waving the flag for a while, the twenty Aegis ships immediately lined up and headed straight for the port pier.

This is an attack formation!

Seeing this, Minuit quickly ordered: "Hurry up, send the order, all the artillery is loaded with ammunition and ready to fire."

He really didn't expect that the Ming Empire would dare to attack them with only more than forty buildings and gunboats, and they only came up with half of the buildings and gunboats.

Is this crazy?
Of course he knew that the twenty or so large boats and gunboats that came up were all wearing iron armor.

The problem is, they have tried the iron armor, but it doesn't work!
They have already tested that if the cast iron plate armor is too thin, it will not be able to withstand the bombardment of the shells. Once the shell is shot down, even the wooden board behind the cast iron plate armor will burst.

If it is to withstand the bombardment of shells, the thickness of the cast iron plate armor must be at least a few inches. In this way, the weight of the armor will exceed the load capacity of the battleship, and the battleship will sink without opening.

So, after they tried it, they gave up the idea of ​​producing ironclad battleships.

Just kidding, it's useless to put on a thin iron plate, why bother?
He really didn't know where the confidence of the Ming Empire came from.

He can know the approximate displacement of this kind of warship just by looking at its volume, and based on the displacement, the armor on the battleship must not be a few inches thick.

In other words, this kind of ironclad warship simply cannot withstand the bombardment of shells.

At least he thought so.

How did he know that the armor on Daming's armored warships was not ordinary cast iron plate armor at all.

The basalt armor is a steel armor die-cast from steel plates, and its toughness and strength are simply not comparable to ordinary cast iron.

No way, at this moment European countries have not started to study steel, they simply can not imagine how high the toughness and strength of steel armor.

In short, Minuit was a little confused at the moment, and he even forgot to let the 36-pounder and 24-pounder be the first to bombard.

His mistake can be said to be fatal, because in the entire bastion, including the gunboats in the port, the only Thor cannons with a range of more than 36 catties are the dozen or so 24-pounders and [-]-pounders.

Moreover, only these dozen or so giant cannons can blast through the armor of the Aegis ship.

He actually wasted the opportunity of such a round of shelling for nothing. After that, he basically had no chance.

Soon, the Aegis ship was less than five miles away from the port wharf. "Boom boom boom", huge artillery roars sounded one after another, and the shells rained down on more than ten buildings and gunboats.

What would happen if thousands of shells hit more than a dozen buildings, ships, and gunboats?
The result was quite tragic. Even if the hit rate of the shells was less than 200% at this moment, more than [-] shells were eaten by more than ten building boat gunboats, and more than ten or twenty huge holes were smashed into each building boat gunboat. , the people inside don't know how many people were killed and injured.

Seeing this, Minuit immediately howled, "Quick, fire, fire!"

"Boom boom boom", there was also a burst of artillery roar on the two-story bastions.

However, even if they had been prepared and knew that the Ming Empire was likely to attack them, they didn't have two hundred cannons in the bastion, and most of the two hundred cannons were twelve-pound cannons.

The range of the [-]-pounder cannon can reach the Aegis ship, but even if it hits it, it's useless. The basalt armor on the Aegis ship is enough to withstand the ten-jin shell.

As for the other dozen 36-pound guns and 24-pound guns, without adjusting the angle, the shells flew a few miles behind the Aegis ship.

Not to mention the high-rise gunboats and ordinary warships at the port docks, the range is not as far as the Aegis ships, and they can't reach them even when they fire.

Therefore, after a salvo, the twenty Aegis ships were almost unscathed.

Seeing this, Minuit couldn't help being dumbfounded.

How can it be?

Before he could figure it out, the twenty Aegis ships roared again.

"Boom boom boom", more than ten buildings and gunboats were once again submerged by the rain of shells and water jets. When the water column fell, these ten or so buildings and gunboats were already horrible, and each of them had at least [-] to [-] big holes!

How many shells can the Louchuan gunboat eat at this time?
According to records, the Dutch had a large gunship that ate more than 50 shells and had not been sunk.

Of course, this is the highest record, and it is basically difficult for ordinary building gunboats to survive after eating thirty or forty shells.

Therefore, at this moment, more than ten buildings and gunboats have begun to sink.

Seeing this, Minuit couldn't help showing a hint of panic in his eyes.

How is this fight going?
Their Louchuan gunboats couldn't withstand other people's volleys at all, and even if their Louchuan gunboats were shot, nothing happened!
No, the shells of the 24-pound and 36-pound guns must not be able to hold them, they just didn't aim.

Thinking of this, he howled quickly: "Quick, load the ammunition, aim, aim."

While the gunners in the bastion were busy, twenty Aegis ships opened fire again.

"Boom boom boom", more than a dozen sinking buildings and gunboats were once again submerged by shell rain and water jets.

This time, after the water column fell, more than a dozen buildings and gunboats almost sank by half.

Seeing this, Taichang couldn't help curling his lips.

The Dutch commander was too bad. He just watched the gunboats being bombarded like that, and didn't think about it at all.

In fact, it's not that they don't have the ability to fight back at all.

As long as hundreds of ships swarmed up, surrounded twenty Aegis ships, and tried their best to meet them, they could still cause them a lot of trouble.

This is also the only chance on the opposite side.

He really didn't expect that the Dutch commander couldn't even think of this.

In fact, he wronged others.

The reason why Minuit performed abnormally was mainly because he didn't know the performance of the Aegis ship, and he didn't know the toughness and strength of the Aegis ship's armor.

Moreover, the attack speed of the aegis ship was too fast, so fast that he didn't have much reaction time.

By the time he reacts, it will be too late!

(End of this chapter)

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