Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 571 The Ming Dynasty Added Two Kingdoms

Chapter 571 Daming added another vassal to twenty countries

In the meeting hall on the top floor of the dreadnought, a group of civil servants and generals gathered again.

Taichang glanced around slowly, and then solemnly said: "Everyone, all the territories of the Indian tribes have finally been recovered, and all the colonists have been driven out of the North American continent by us. The goal of our trip to the Americas has almost been achieved. Yes, everyone has worked hard."

Hearing the words, all civil servants and military generals felt somewhat relieved.

It's not easy, they have been exhausted for more than a year.

The North American continent is so big that it is nothing if it is thousands of miles away. Everyone here has traveled tens of thousands of miles.

This is especially true for the generals who command the troops. It is common for them to lead an army to raid hundreds of miles a day. cocoon.

This is all right, the battle is finally over.

Immediately afterwards, Taichang said straightforwardly: "I will go back after the matter here is dealt with, but there are still many things here that need someone to stay and take care of it. If anyone of you wants to go back with me, just say , I will try my best to bring it back."

Who wouldn't want to go home?

When everyone heard the words, there was a hint of longing on their faces.

However, no one took the initiative to say that they wanted to go back.

Because the emperor has said that there are many things that need people to stay and be responsible. If everyone says they want to go back, who will stay and be responsible.

Doesn't this embarrass the emperor?

Everyone didn't want to embarrass the emperor, so those who wanted to go back didn't open their mouths.

Seeing this, Taichang couldn't help but nodded, and said gratifiedly: "Well, very good, everyone is very good, don't worry, I will try my best to arrange people to rotate, no matter what the responsibility is, I will stay here for three years at most. I will arrange someone to take turns."

That's all.

Originally, local officials in Ming Dynasty were rotated every three years. It was normal to stay in one place for three years. Many people present had this experience.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

Taichang continued: "There is also the issue of rewards. I have recorded everyone's achievements, but there is no territory here to award rewards, so I have to go back before I can set rewards for everyone. Please wait a moment. Don't be impatient."

Oh, this means that the emperor will bestow a large number of fiefdoms again!

Everyone heard the words, all of them showed excitement on their faces.

After explaining all these chores, it's time to get down to business.

Taichang asked directly: "Hushan, you went to the Algonquin tribe, do you know how the railway from the capital city of Eastern Yin to Suda city is going?"

Huang Degong hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, the railway from the capital of Eastern Yin to Suda City is being laid at an accelerated pace, and the civilians of the Algonquin and Sioux tribes along the way are all helping, but there are too few soldiers from the Shenji Battalion who can be transferred to the past, and the progress is not very fast. Hurry up, according to the estimates of the officials in charge of the Ministry of Industry, it will take at least a month to fix it."

One month is too late.

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Well, very good.

The next most important thing is to help the Algonquin, Cherokee, and Iroquois tribes form a tribal alliance as soon as possible, which is the vassal state of Ming Dynasty.

Boya, the territory of the six major tribal alliances over the Algonquin tribe is almost divided, right? "

Sun Chuanting hastily cupped his hands and said, "Yes, I have already divided them into almost all divisions. If it wasn't for something later, their six major tribal alliances would have been formed long ago."

Taichang nodded slightly, thought about it again, and then said decisively: "Let the Algonquin tribe form a tribal alliance to Youxuan. Jiandou, you have led the army here for so long. The Iroquois tribe should be more familiar, how many tribal alliances do you think they should be divided into?"

I have to decide this!

Lu Xiangsheng heard the words, pondered for a while, and then carefully said: "The territory and population of the Iroquois tribe are second only to the Algonquin tribe, and the territory and population of the Cherokee tribe are slightly smaller than that of the Apache tribe. Wei I feel that if they want to balance their strength, the Iroquois tribe should be divided into five tribal alliances, and the Cherokee tribe can barely be divided into three tribal alliances."

The Sioux was divided into three kingdoms, the Apache tribe was divided into three kingdoms, the Algonquin tribe was divided into six kingdoms, the Iroquois tribe was divided into five kingdoms, and the Cherokee tribe was divided into three kingdoms, adding up to exactly twenty kingdoms.

Daming is equivalent to twenty more vassal states!

The North American continent should be divided into twenty small countries.

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Well, let's do this, Jiandou, work hard to help the Iroquois tribe form an alliance of five tribes as soon as possible. The alliance is formed. Two months, is it enough? Before I go back, I want to call together the elders of the various tribal alliances and give them a lesson."

Two months should be enough.

When Lu Xiangsheng and Sun Chuanting heard the words, they quickly cupped their hands and said, "I understand."

Taichang nodded slightly, and continued: "Next is the issue of defense here. Although the Indian tribe has an army of 50, they are not equipped with muskets and artillery. If the European barbarians organize an army to invade, they probably won't be able to withstand it." , Do you think we should leave the army to help them guard or provide them with some muskets and artillery so that they can guard better by themselves?"

This is really hard to say.

If the muskets and cannons were given to them, it would not be a problem to deal with the European barbarians. If they turned their heads to deal with Daming, it would be troublesome.

When everyone heard the words, they didn't dare to say anything.

No way, no one can afford this responsibility!
Seeing this, Taichang could only helplessly say: "Okay, this is up to me to decide. Originally, I didn't want to equip them with muskets and cannons, but recently Chang Geng developed a sharp weapon, muskets and cannons are here. This kind of sharp weapon is not a big threat anymore, and it’s nothing to equip them properly. Let’s say, there are [-] tribal alliances among the major Indian tribes, and each tribal alliance is equipped with one thousand muskets and one hundred cannons.”

The sharp weapon he mentioned naturally refers to infantry fighting vehicles. In front of real infantry fighting vehicles, ordinary muskets and artillery are really useless.

Taichang immediately continued: "The next step is our own defense. The West Yindu Islands and the Grand Canal to the Sea are very important to us. Improve your defense facilities, and I will leave you one hundred thousand soldiers of the Shenji Battalion, as well as naval ships and sailors, most of whom will stay here first."

Sun Chuanting hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

Taichang looked at Cao Wenzhao and Huang Degong again, and then continued: "There are also gold mines on the side of the Sula Kingdom, the defense of the capital city of Eastern Yin, and the defense of New Liaoyang City. Wenzhao, you work hard and stay in charge for the time being. I will leave you [-] soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion to mine and guard the gold mines, and another [-] soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion to guard the capital city of Eastern Yin and the city of New Liaoyang, and at the same time protect the Indian states. If they are invaded by colonists, you must Mobilize the army to support."

When Cao Wenzhao heard the words, he quickly cupped his hands and said, "The general will understand."

This matter seems to have been explained almost, and then there seems to be nothing.

Taichang thought about it carefully, and then said to Peng Bin: "Yanru, there are five large lakes in the middle of the North American continent. If the river system here can be connected with these five large lakes, then the waterway transportation here will be developed. You stay and take a good look to see if it is possible to build a canal to connect these rivers and lakes."

This is a big project.

Peng Bin thought for a while, and then asked, "Your Majesty, what are the names of these five great lakes?"

Uh, what are the five great lakes called?

Taichang thought about it for a while, and felt that the names were very different from Daming's customs, and it was awkward to say them.

He simply spread his hands and said, "These five great lakes don't have names yet, you all think about what they should be called."

It was a bit troublesome to choose a name, and he felt a headache.

Unexpectedly, Sun Chuanting quickly cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, the great talent of the Zhengde dynasty, the number one scholar Yang Shen said in "Danqian Zonglu. Geography" that Wang Bowen, with the three rivers and the five lakes, said in general the south Lake. One is Dongting, the other is Qingcao, the third is Poyang, the fourth is Pengze, and the fifth is Taihu Lake. How about we add a new word in front of these five lakes and name them accordingly?"


Taichang nodded without hesitation: "Okay, that's it."

(End of this chapter)

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