Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 572 The whole world is very different

Chapter 572 The whole world is very different

At the port of New Liaoyang City, a huge dreadnought ship was slowly approaching the pier. Taichang glanced at the officials who were welcoming him, with a strange look on his face.

Wen Zhenmeng, the left servant of the Ministry of Rites, Chen Zilong, the left servant of the Ministry of Agriculture, and Xia Yunyi, the left servant of the Ministry of Commerce, all came.

This is not a big deal, the old men and women of the Indian tribe behind them are all wearing brand new Daming official robes!
To be honest, this scene does look a little weird.

Before he said anything, Concubine Su who was beside her said in surprise: "Your Majesty, look, what is that?"

Hearing this, Taichang quickly turned the binoculars to take a look.

My God, this Song Yingxing is so amazing!

What did he see?

It should be said that this thing is very normal in the eyes of later generations, and even, this thing is still a bit backward in the eyes of later generations.

What he saw was actually an iron frame with four hoists, two large sprockets and two large chains.

The combination of these things is a simple crane.

Four people worked together to hoist an iron basket like a container from the Spike Warship, and then, two large sprockets were turned by the steam engine, and two large chains pulled the hoisted iron basket to the shore up.

At this time, simple railroad tracks have been laid on the shore, and the original flatbed cars are parked on the railroad tracks.

As soon as the iron basket was put on the flatbed cart, someone drove a horse and pulled the flatbed cart into the city.

This set of things seems simple, but it has increased the speed of coal loading and unloading by more than a hundred times.

Song Yingxing developed the simplest crane by combining the existing mechanical equipment and chain transmission device.

To be able to develop a crane under such limited technical conditions, this guy is really amazing!
Wen Zhenmeng and the others are actually very good.

After the dreadnought docked at the pier, Taichang had just brought Concubine Su and several civil servants and generals down the hanging ladder. The old men and women of the Apache tribe followed Wen Zhenmeng and the others, bowed their hands and said, "Welcome to the emperor!" , Greeting Madam."

Concubine Su took a closer look and almost missed her foot and fell down the hanging ladder.

She was attracted by the crane just now, so she didn't pay attention to the situation on the pier here.

The chiefs and elders of these Apache tribes are actually wearing the official robes of Ming Dynasty!
What's happening here?
Taichang went down and exchanged a few words with everyone, and couldn't help asking: "Wen Qi, what's going on, the official robes you let them wear?"

Wen Zhenmeng quickly explained: "Yes, Your Majesty, as a rule, all officials of the Ming Dynasty should wear the same official robes as the officials of the Ming Dynasty.

I see that the size of these vassal states is larger than that of the general Chengxuanzhengshisi, but their population is not as large as that of the general state capital. Tribal elders are roughly equivalent to councilors.

Therefore, the humble officials made the decision privately, and matched the official robes of the third rank to the elders of the various countries, and the official robes of the fourth rank to the elders of the tribes, and asked the emperor to forgive their sins. "

This, how should I put it.

People act according to the law, which is right in itself.

Besides, in order for the Indian tribal alliance to truly integrate into Daming and become a vassal of Daming, it is necessary to implement these unified standards.

Thinking of this, Taichang smiled slightly and said: "This is where your job is. If you don't forgive your sins, you've done a good job. You must pay close attention to imparting knowledge."

What this said has both the meaning of approval and the meaning of control.

When Wen Zhenmeng heard this, he quickly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

Taichang patted Song Yingxing's shoulder again and said, "Chang Geng, that crane is well made, how did you come up with it?"

That stuff was really well done.

Song Yingxing said quite proudly: "It's a bit of a coincidence, because the Spike Warship was not specially built for transporting coal, and the loading and unloading of coal is a bit troublesome, so I just thought of making the carriage of the mine cart into a transportable one. , As for the crane, Weichen also suddenly thought of the big shovel of the row of plow excavators, so he thought of pulling it with a chain."

Sometimes, a lot of things are suddenly inspired, and I thought of it all at once.

Of course, this inspiration must be supported by solid basic skills, otherwise it would not be possible to come up with it.

In short, Song Yingxing's crane design is really good.

Taichang smiled again and said, "How about it, has the infantry fighting vehicle been made yet?"

Naturally, this thing has already been made.

Song Yingxing hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "The ministers have already made a batch, Your Majesty, why don't we go and have a look now?"

Also made a batch.


Taichang heard the words, and immediately led everyone to the city with great interest.

Now the city was not what it used to be.

Because the civilians of Xiqi Kingdom and Dongqi Kingdom have already moved out, and many civilians of Nanqi Kingdom have gone out to build farms and pastures. At this moment, there are only more than [-] people in the city, and most of the work sheds are vacant. It was changed into a smelting and casting workshop.

Originally, with fewer people, the living environment should be better.

However, at this moment, the smelting and foundry workshops were mixed with the residences of the civilians in Nanqi Kingdom, and the dust of coal and iron ore was floating everywhere.

The sanitary conditions are getting worse and worse.

Looking at the situation in the city, Taichang couldn't help frowning slightly and said: "The layout of the city needs to be changed. The smelting and foundry workshops must be separated from the common people's residences. Moreover, fences must be built, and trees should be planted to avoid coal mines. and iron ore dust drifts to civilian dwellings."

Uh, this, everyone really didn't expect it.

Song Yingxing quickly discussed with Wen Zhenmeng and others in a low voice.

This matter has to be handled by the great elders of Nanqi Kingdom, because the construction of the new Liaoyang City is entrusted to them at this moment.

After they had roughly discussed the layout, Wen Zhenmeng took a general translator to explain to the great elders of Nanqi Kingdom behind him.

Everyone walked and discussed all the way, and soon came to the place where infantry fighting vehicles and plow excavators were assembled.

My God, there are more than a dozen infantry fighting vehicles parked next to the factory building, which looks like a row of warships.

Song Yingxing really arranged the artillery according to the layout of the battleship.

This infantry fighting vehicle has a cannon at the front and back, and three cannons on each side.

Uh, how do you say this?

When Taichang saw this infantry fighting vehicle, a strange look appeared on his face again.

This thing is completely different from what he had in mind!

He felt that if Daming continued to develop like this, he might become farther and farther away from the picture in his mind.

It seems that the world is going to be led astray by him.

Because the trajectory of many things has been completely different.

He didn't have a huge dreadnought in his mind, nor a huge plow excavator, nor a giant infantry fighting vehicle surrounded by artillery.

As for the scene of a large number of elders and elders of Indian tribes wearing the official robes of the Ming Dynasty, that is even more so.

If this continues, the world will really be different.

Still, that's not a bad thing.

At least, the current Ming Dynasty is developing very well, much better than all European countries.

Aegis ships and dreadnoughts are already invincible in naval battles, and this giant infantry fighting vehicle is probably also invincible in land battles.

Eight cannons, plus rows of shooting holes, I am afraid that even the armored cavalry will have to flee when they encounter it!
Didn't he just want the world to be different?

Didn't he just want Daming to stand on top of the world?

It appears that this dream is gradually being realized.

(End of this chapter)

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