Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 593 A Different Life

Chapter 593 A Different Life
The scenes of Dorgon and Xiaozhuang were all badly filmed. I don’t know how many times I filmed them over and over again. Of course, Taichang also watched them.

This kid is a master who loves beauty but not country.

If he wants Jiangshan, it is not difficult.

Although this country cannot be said to be easy for him, but after Huang Taiji's death, as long as he gritted his teeth and gave it a try, the country would definitely be his.

Unfortunately, he gave up this rare opportunity for the woman he loves

Of course, filming inevitably has elements of fiction in it, and what actually happened in history is certainly not as bizarre as your twists and turns in the film.

However, there is no doubt about one thing. In history, it is not difficult for the regent to seize the country.

So, what made this kid give up his Ninth Five-Year Supreme position?
If it was really because of that woman, this kid might be able to take advantage of it.

Taichang thought about it carefully, and then said with inexplicable emotion: "You are about the same age as Jian'er, and Jian'er is still playing around at the moment, why did you come to the battlefield?"

Do you think I want to go to the battlefield?
Every time I go to the battlefield, I almost die, okay?

Who wants to go to the battlefield to seek death!

Dorgon said helplessly: "Military orders must not be disobeyed, this is not a matter of whether I want or not."

Taichang sighed again inexplicably: "Oh, what are you talking about building slaves? Do you still want to win the world?"

What does this have to do with me?
Dorgon still said helplessly: "This is not something I can decide."

Taichang asked inexplicably again: "Do you want to stay with the woman you love for the rest of your life, or do you want to conquer the world and compete in the Central Plains?"

Beloved woman?
Dorgon heard the words, the whole person is not well.

He does have a woman he loves, moreover, she is the kind of woman who loves each other.

It's a pity that his beloved woman has been snatched away by Huang Taiji!

Seeing his stupid look, Taichang asked again: "Why, don't you have a beloved woman yet?"

I have got.

so what?
Dorgon's mind was in a mess for a moment, he thought for a while, and then couldn't help but sadly said: "I can't stay with the woman I love forever."

What is the emperor doing?
Taichang's performance is really a bit baffling.

He actually talked about women with a captured enemy general here!

Question, this captured enemy general really foolishly told the emperor about his beloved woman!

Seeing this, all the civil servants and generals were dumbfounded.

What happened to these two people?

But Taichang said with great interest: "Oh, why can't we stay together forever? Don't worry, as long as you are honest, I really won't do anything to you. Moreover, I will let your family members be captured later. They reunited with you."

Dorgon shook his head and murmured: "She is not my concubine."

Oh, it has been snatched away by Huang Taiji.

Taichang pretended to know nothing: "You are not married yet, what's the matter, I will help you. Tell me, what is the name of your beloved woman, and I will order someone to send her to you when the time comes."

Well, it's not a question of whether you're perfect or not.

Dorgon closed his eyes, and said with pain on his face: "She has become Huang Taiji's side Fujin."

This kid actually cried.

How wronged are you?
Taichang pretended to be wrong: "Well, you don't seem to care much about this, I mean she was married."

What does this mean?
Hearing this, Dorgon opened his eyes in shock.

He seemed to understand.

Taichang may not kill him, but Huang Taiji is dead!
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but hopefully said: "Of course I don't care about this."

Very good, want it?
Just say what you want!

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Just don't care about this, tell me, what's his name."

When Dorgon heard the words, he couldn't help but said infatuatedly: "Her name is Bumbutai, which means noble person from heaven in Mongolian."

Well, it seems that this kid is really a master who loves beauties but not country.

very good!

Taichang thought for a while, then solemnly said: "I can give her to you, but you have to promise me one condition."

Really hopeful!
When Dorgon heard this, he couldn't help but excitedly said: "What conditions, you say."

Have you used them all?
For a woman, you really don't care about anything.

Alas, it seems that this kid is really an infatuated species!

Taichang stared at him, and said seriously: "You should know your identity. If Huang Taiji is gone, someone will definitely come to you and ask you to take the lead in rebelling against Daming. Do you know what to do?"

I'm not going to take this head.

Dorgon quickly explained: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I won't take the lead in rebellion, I just want to stay with Bumbutai for the rest of my life."

This is not a question of whether you want it or not, just that you don't want it is not enough.

Taichang shook his head slightly and said: "You should know that many people have ambitions, and many people are unwilling to be ordinary. This kind of person, even if you don't get ahead, he will find someone else to get ahead."

This means, let me betray my tribe?

Dorgon hesitated and said: "Your Majesty, I can only guarantee that I will not take the lead in rebellion. I have no control over what others think!"

You can't control it, but I can control it!

Taichang stared at him again and said seriously: "Think about it carefully, if you want to stay with the one you love for the rest of your life, it's not enough just to have feelings, you also have to have food, clothes, and a place to live. People follow you to suffer, right?"

You don't mean to ask me to betray my tribe.

Dorgon still hesitated and said: "Your Majesty, once you do some things, you will be criticized by thousands of people. I can't harm my people for my own happiness."

do you care about this
You don't even want the country because of that woman, so what do you care about?
Don't you just need a reason to make yourself feel at ease!
Taichang thought for a while, then murmured: "You should know that an ambitious person needs many people to work hard for him if he wants to succeed. Is this kind of person a good person for your people? Think about it, in order to fulfill his wish Ambition, how many people will die for this, how many people will have their families destroyed? Do you want this kind of person to harm your people, do you think you can still defeat Daming?"

Uh, this.

If someone really incited the tribe to rebel against Daming, it would be another catastrophe for them!

This kind of person is really not a good person to them.

Dorgon's face was obviously shaken, he thought about it carefully, and then asked: "Your Majesty, if you catch such people, what will you do to them?"

This is simple.

Without hesitation, Taichang said: "This kind of people deserve death, but I will not waste my labor. I will let people escort them to mine."


Dorgon couldn't help being confused when he heard this.

Seeing this, Taichang asked again: "Do you know what I will ask you to do?"

Of course I don't know this.

Dorgon shook his head without hesitation and said, "I don't know."

Taichang then described in detail: "I will send you to a fertile continent, where there are endless grasslands and countless mineral deposits.

If you are honest and obedient, I will give you cattle and sheep, and let you graze freely.

Of course, you are not the same. If you can cooperate with me and let all the tribes live in harmony with us, and there will be no more troubles, I will give you a large pasture and thousands of cattle and sheep, so that you can live in peace and harmony. Live a carefree life with your loved ones. "

Is there such a good thing?

When Dorgon heard this, he couldn't help but look hopeful.

This is the kind of life he longed for!

Taichang then said seriously: "Think about it carefully, if you can cooperate with me, not only can you live a carefree life with your beloved, but your people will never suffer from the war again. If you don't If you cooperate with me, then there is no need for me to help you, I am afraid that you will never see that Bumbutai again in your life!"

I can't live without her!
Dorgon was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth and cupped his hands: "I know what to do."


Taichang nodded slightly, then waved his hand and said: "Remember, if you don't break your promise, I won't break your promise. If you break your promise, even if you are with the person you love, I can break you apart. Go."

Dorgon really did not expect that after being captured by Daming, he would still have the opportunity to live the life of his dreams with his beloved.

Who doesn't want to be with the one they love for the rest of their lives?

No matter what happens in the future, his life is no longer the same.

Perhaps, he can really live the life of his dreams with his beloved.

(End of this chapter)

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