Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 594 Lay down the net of heaven and earth

Chapter 594 Lay down the net of heaven and earth
The Chahar Grassland was finally captured.

Holding up the binoculars, Taichang looked at the endless grassland all around, and couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart.

This nomadic tribe outside the Great Wall is really too difficult to conquer.

He prepared for more than three months, mobilized more than [-] troops, and recruited hundreds of thousands of laborers.

Then, it was to build the railway, to mobilize people to go out, and to put up a battle. It took nearly a month to mobilize the 20 Shenwu Battalion to the edge of the Chahar Grassland.

Immediately afterwards, it took another half a month of fighting to win a Chahar Grassland.

This Chahar Grassland is indeed big enough, its area is comparable to a province of Ming Dynasty.

However, compared to the vast expanse beyond the Great Wall, the Chahar Grassland is nothing at all.

Monan, Mobei, Hanhai, and even the ice fields to the north, in fact, have left footprints of nomadic tribes outside the Great Wall, and they are all areas outside the Great Wall.

The length and width of this area are more than ten thousand miles, while the length and width of the Chahar Grassland is only more than a thousand miles.

In other words, the area he just won is about [-]% larger than the entire Great Wall.

However, the location of the Chahar Grassland is quite important.

Because the Chahar Grassland is an important channel connecting the Mongolian and Yuan tribes with the Horqin Grassland, as long as this passage is cut off, the connection between Jiannu and the Mongolian and Yuan tribes in the west will be broken, and most of the Mongolian, Yuan, Tatar and Oala tribes All on the west side.

This is tantamount to separating Jiannu from most tribes in the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty.

Of course, it is not that simple to completely cut off this passage, he still has to make some arrangements.

Thinking of this, he decisively waved his hand and said, "Come on, let's go to the big tent to discuss it."

After finishing speaking, he took Sun Chengzong, Lu Xiangsheng, Zu Dashou, Cao Bianjiao and other generals to the big tent under the mountain bag on horseback.

It is not too simple for them to set up camp at this moment. Surrounded by infantry chariots and carriages, it is a big camp like a city, and they are not afraid of cavalry raids at all.

This is also the reason why he dared to wander on the grassland.

The infantry fighting vehicles he brought to escort were not one hundred, but three hundred. Moreover, the military equipment city was still rushing to manufacture infantry fighting vehicles and carriages. In one month, there were three hundred infantry fighting vehicles and Thousands of carriages.

This is the advantage of abundant resources. Timber from all over the East and South Seas, iron ore and coal mines from Shanxi and Liaodong, and rubber from America and Qiongzhou are all being transported to Wubei City in a steady stream to make infantry chariots and carriages. Nothing at all.

Soon, a group of people came to the big tent.

Taichang carefully looked at the map on the table, then pointed to Datong Town on the map and asked, "Have Zushou and the others extended the railway line to the vicinity of the Great Wall?"

Hearing this, Sun Chengzong quickly pointed to the map and introduced: "Yes, Your Majesty, Zu Shou has already built the railway to Zhentaikou along the way."

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Well, let them build the railway out of the pass, go to the Chahar Grassland, build it to the southwest edge of the Chahar Grassland, and then build a city to block the southern entrance into the Chahar Grassland .”

Sun Chengzong heard the words, looked at the map, thought about it carefully, and then asked carefully: "Your Majesty, do you mean to block the passage of the Mongolian and Yuan tribes in the northwest from entering Chahar?"

Taichang nodded again and again: "Yes, as long as the access to the Chahar Grassland is blocked by the Mongolian and Yuan tribes in the northwest, building slaves means losing contact with most of the Mongolian Yuan tribes. With the small population on the Horqin Grassland, they still To be able to mobilize 5 horses would be the best."

This is true, after all, most of the Mongolian Yuan tribes are in the northwest, and the population of Jiannu is not large at the moment.

Originally, Jiannu Manchu Eight Banners could gather at most 5 horses, but this time they captured more than 1 people. It is considered good that the Mongolian and Yuan tribes on the Horqin Grassland can make up these troops.

What the emperor meant was to separate the Jiannu and the Mongolian and Yuan dynasties, and destroy each of them!
This move is indeed good, at least, after separating the Jiannu and the Mongolian Yuan, it is impossible for them to gather hundreds of thousands of cavalry.

And relying on the strength of the people from all walks of life in the Shenwu Camp, without more than [-] cavalry, Jiannu would never be able to survive any route.

In this way, they are invincible.

The problem is that it is not so easy to completely block the channel of this thing.

Sun Chengzong thought for a while, then pointed to the map and reminded: "Your Majesty, although the area directly west of the Chahar Grassland is Gobi desert and mountainous, it is not impassable. This kind of low mountain cavalry It's very easy to go around, it doesn't seem to be of much use if we just block the entrance to the southwest, right?"

Taichang said confidently: "Jiandou, these Mongolian and Yuan tribes were conquered by Jiannu. Would they detour thousands of miles or even thousands of miles in the Gobi Mountains to rescue Jiannu? Even if they were willing to make a detour, when they arrived at Chaha They are also finished in the Er grassland, because there is no Mongolian tribe on the grassland, and all the cattle and sheep have been relocated by us, where can they find food? Horses can eat grass, but people can’t.”

Uh, this is true.

The cavalry of the Mengyuan tribe usually did not bring much rations when they went out. If they detoured for thousands of miles, exhausted the rations they carried with them, and ran to the Chahar grassland without any supplies, it would indeed be over.

However, there is another problem. If they are hungry and crazy, they will try their best to grab it everywhere.

Sun Chengzong thought for a while, and then reminded: "Your Majesty, if they are hungry and crazy, they will probably drive south frantically in an attempt to enter the customs and plunder food. We don't know where they will go. If they do go in What should I do if it is closed?"

This really has to be guarded against.

Now that their army has gathered together, there are actually no people guarding the front line of the Great Wall. If they find an opening and close it suddenly, the common people on the nine sides will suffer.

Taichang thought about it again, then pointed to the map and said, "Jiandou, work hard, and take [-] soldiers from the military battalion and [-] young men to build the railway from Chahar City to the west until the bridge built by Zushou. Until the railway is connected. Moreover, beacon towers must be built along the railway, and beacons should be prepared. Tell Zu Shou that he will do the same."

This is tantamount to adding another early warning system on the periphery of the Great Wall.

When Lu Xiangsheng heard this, he quickly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

Of course, early warning is not enough, and enough troops must be mobilized to encircle and suppress them.

Taichang stared at the map for a while, and then asked, "Dashou, where is the railway in Liaodong?"

Zu Dashou pointed to the map and said: "The railway extending from Liaodong has been built to the Gobi Desert on the southern edge of the Horqin Grassland. However, in order to prevent the Jiannu cavalry from going around, they can't continue to build it on the grassland."

This is simple.

Taichang decisively ordered: "Bianjiao, your 20 men and horses are ready to attack, you should divide it into ten routes, first spread out on the southern edge of the Horqin Grassland, first advance slowly, and wait until the railway line behind is almost built before pushing forward with all your strength." .”

Cao Bianjiao hastily cupped his hands and said, "The general will understand."

Taichang then said to Zu Dashou: "Fuyu, you see, as long as the Bianjiao army spreads out, it can block the Jiannu in the north, and you can build the railway line into the Horqin Grassland. However, you first Don’t be in a hurry to build it north, you first go to the Chahar Grassland to build it, and when the railway with the Chahar Grassland is completed, you can go north together.”

This way of repairing is like weaving a net. Although the speed is a little slower, it is more stable.

Once the heaven and earth net is formed, the Jiannu and the Mongol and Yuan tribes will be unable to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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