Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 820 Don't Beat Too Hard

Chapter 820 Don't Beat Too Hard

The Shenwu camp is stationed in Sun Zushou's tent.

Taichang took the main seat, and Lu Xiangsheng, Sun Zushou, Qin Yiming, Qin Gongming, Zuma, Atlanta and other generals lined up on the left and right.

There was a hint of excitement on everyone's face, because the Mughal Empire finally came to deliver food.

This dish is not small, there are 20 pawns.

However, it is not so easy to eat this dish.

After all, Ah San is just mentally ill, not a fool.

If they see that the situation is not right, they will definitely run away.

Taichang thought about it carefully, and then slowly said: "This time we have to use some tricks to lure the enemy, at the beginning, we can't let people see so many people.

To let people know that we have more people than them, they probably wouldn't dare to go out of the jungle, so they ran back directly. "

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help but nodded slightly to show their approval.

Indeed, if people find that there are more than 20 horses waiting for them outside the jungle, they will dare not rush out in all likelihood.

Taichang then continued: "So, we have to divide the camp of the Black God Army on the two wings into two parts, the front and the back, and leave two small camps in the front, each with 2 horses, and the remaining 16 horses will retreat. In the next five miles or so, two large camps were set up.

In addition, we will build some high platforms in the front three camps, plant some colorful flags, cover them up, and try not to let people overlook the situation behind.

Jiandou, what do you think? "

What else is there to say, Lu Xiangsheng quickly cupped his hands and said: "The emperor is wise, this plan is very clever."

This is not a clever plan, it's just a trick with Ah San.

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "That's right, Yiming and Gongming, each of you will lead [-] soldiers of the Black God Army to retreat about five li and set up camp. Be careful, try to stay within the shelter of the three camps in front, and don't expose the two sides. up.

You don’t need to bring the artillery, just leave it in the small camp in front. Anyway, that thing doesn’t take up much space, and it’s not inconspicuous. It’s hard to see clearly from a long distance. "

When Qin Yiming and Qin Gongming heard the words, they hurriedly cupped their hands and said, "The general will understand."

Taichang continued to order: "Zuma, Atlanta, after the two of you narrowed down the camp, you took people to cut trees on both sides of the jungle ahead.

Remember, don’t cut the middle area more than ten miles wide, just cut the sides. In just these two days, cut a hole about one mile deep and two mile wide on each side. Is there any problem? "

Cutting down trees is their forte. All the slaves in the Viceroyalty of Brazil do a lot of this kind of work.

Especially the soldiers under them, most of them used to specialize in cutting trees.

Zuma and Atlanta said without hesitation: "No problem."

Taichang nodded slightly, and then said to Sun Zushou: "Zushou, you led the soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion to pull back the trees they cut down with horses, and built a tree about two feet high and ten feet wide behind each of the three small camps. Come out of the table, and put more colorful flags on it.

In addition, some two-foot-long arrow tower-like things were built between the three platforms, just to block the line of sight. "

When Sun Zushou heard the words, he quickly cupped his hands and said, "The general will understand."

Taichang thought about it again, then waved his hands and said: "Okay, everyone, go to work, everything must be ready within two days.

At that time, when the enemy comes over, send someone to Xinwuwei City to tell me, and I will come over to see how capable these Asan are. "

After finishing speaking, he got up and walked out with a group of generals.

Ah San's speed was really slow, five days passed before they rushed to Shenwu Camp and the jungle north of the Black God Army to show their heads.

In the early morning of the sixth day, Taichang was standing on the north wall of Xinwuwei City, holding up a binoculars to watch the 20 well-equipped recruits from the Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion practicing. Suddenly, a horse came galloping from the north.

Hearing the sound of horseshoes, he raised his binoculars to scan, then said with a slight smile: "It seems that Ah San has arrived, Sigong, order someone to prepare the horse."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and went down the city wall, and walked towards the gate of the city.

The Shenwu Battalion cavalry was still thinking about where to go to the city to find the emperor, but unexpectedly, the emperor was waiting for him at the gate of the city with a group of guards.

He hastily reined in his horse, then got off his horse, knelt down on one knee, bowed his hands and said, "Report, Your Majesty, scouts from the Mughal Empire have appeared in the northern jungle."


I have been waiting on this city wall for two days, and these Ah San finally came.

Taichang nodded slightly, then raised his hand and said, "Get up, wait a moment."

After a while, thousands of Jinyiwei rode their horses to restrain Taichang and the mounts of other master guards.

Taichang got on his horse directly, then waved his hand and said, "Let's go."

In fact, the camps of the Shenwu Camp and the Black God Army were not far from Xinwuwei City, because behind the southeast line of defense was a flat land that was less than a hundred miles wide except for the jungle.

Moreover, the Shenwu Camp and the Black God Army only started camping more than ten miles south of the jungle, and the joint camp with more than [-] troops was more than ten miles thick, and the remaining distance in the middle was only about fifty miles.

In less than half an hour, two long camps appeared in front of them.

Taichang directly led the crowd to gallop through the middle of the two camps, and within a quarter of an hour came to a row of high platforms and arrow towers.

At this time, Sun Zushou had already led a group of generals to monitor the enemy's situation on the high platform in the middle, and he did not come down to welcome Taichang even though he was on military affairs.

Taichang didn't care too much, he got off his horse and took Luo Sigong and others up to the high platform.

When Sun Zushou saw that Taichang was coming up, he hurriedly bowed and stepped aside.

Taichang took a closer look at the opposite jungle with a large telescope, and couldn't help but ask with a strange face: "Where's the person?"

Sun Zushou quickly explained: "Your Majesty, if you take a closer look at the distance, do some trees suddenly fall down? They should be cutting down trees in the depths of the jungle to make thick wooden shields."

Hearing this, Taichang moved closer to the binoculars and took a closer look. Sure enough, about three or four miles away from the edge of the jungle, some treetops suddenly fell down and disappeared.

Fortunately, these guys were not scared away.

As for why they didn't bring shields, but came here and cut down trees to make thick wooden shields.

This is easy to understand, because ordinary shields cannot block the impact of cavalry, and it is useless to wear them
And the thick wooden shield weighed at least a hundred catties, and they simply couldn't carry it across the mountains.

Anyway, the jungle is full of trees, so they will naturally choose to build thick wooden shields here.

Taichang looked at it carefully for a while, then raised his head and asked, "How long will it take for them to attack?"

Sun Zushou reckoned: "They should launch an attack early tomorrow morning. Last time they hid in the jungle and built a thick wooden shield for a day."

Uh, it seems like a wasted trip.

Hearing this, Taichang was a little confused.

What should I do, should I just stand here and wait for a day?
This seems unnecessary.

Just as he was hesitating, another horse galloped towards the south.

What's the situation?
After a while, a soldier of the Shenji Battalion quickly stepped onto the high platform, bowed his hands and said, "Report, Your Majesty, the enemy troops are advancing from the front. They seem to want to attack our defense line from the front."

These Ah Sans are really sick in their brains!

Taichang thought for a while, and said to Sun Zushou, "I will go to the city wall first, and send someone to report if there is anything."

Sun Zushou hastily cupped his hands and bowed, "The general will understand."

Taichang hurried down the high platform with his men again, and under the guidance of the soldiers of Shenji Battalion, he rode his horse and went straight to the west wall.

At this time, Lu Xiangsheng and a group of generals from the Shenji Battalion were already waiting on the fort of a fort.

Taichang stepped forward directly, turned the large binoculars to scan, and couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

These Ah Sans built a lot of giant siege equipment!

Originally, people couldn't see clearly when they didn't push forward, but now that they are pushed up neatly, they can see clearly.

That kind of ladder is not like a ladder, and the siege engine is not like a big guy with a siege engine. They have made thousands of sets.

There is also that kind of huge well fence, and people have made thousands of them.

These things are arranged layer upon layer, a full row of more than ten miles wide!

Taichang looked at it for a while, then raised his head and asked, "Jiandou, what are these things Ah San built for?"

Lu Xiangsheng guessed: "Those well rails should be pushed to the other side of the river to shoot arrows here, and those things with ladders must be used to climb the city wall."

Taichang then asked again: "How are you going to deal with it?"

Lu Xiangsheng said without hesitation: "These things are easy to deal with. They advanced about five miles away from the city wall, and I let all the [-]-jin Thor cannons bombard them for five rounds, which should destroy about half of them.

When they get close to the city wall for about two miles, I will let all the [-]-jin Thor cannons bombard them for five rounds, and they should be able to smash some more.

When they approached about [-] steps, Weichen asked the musketeers to aim and shoot, probably killing most of the carts.

If they can push the ladder to the city wall, Wei Chen still has kerosene tanks and rockets to deal with them.

As for those giant well rails, Weichen also prepared some small catapults for them.

They just need to push to the other side of the river, and they are also served by kerosene tanks and rockets. "

Uh, well, now Ah San is really looking for a beating.

Taichang turned his head to look at the dense artillery arrays on the city wall and around the fortress, and the small catapults and pottery pots lined up neatly under the arrow stacks, and couldn't help but praise: "Jiandou, you still have a way."

Lu Xiangsheng hurriedly said humbly: "The emperor praised it, this is a simple attack and defense of the city wall, I am afraid that Ah San has never encountered a difficult stubble, so I don't know how powerful it is.

In fact, no matter how many of these wooden siege equipment are made, it is useless. Unless they are protected by iron plates, they can neither block shells nor withstand fire. "

There's no way, Ah San likes to play with these fancy things.

Taichang thought about it again, and then solemnly confessed: "Jiandou, don't beat up too hard this time, we have to make them feel that there is a little hope, otherwise, they probably should run away after this fight."

Uh, this.

Can't beat him too hard?

Lu Xiangsheng thought for a while, and then ordered decisively: "Send an order to let the soldiers on rotation bring up the iron shield."

Soon, groups of Shenji Battalion soldiers sprang out from the barracks below.

They ran up the city wall quickly with their iron shields on their backs, and placed a side for each of the soldiers stationed on the city wall.

This meant that he had to use the shield array to endure several rounds of Ah San's "attacks".

Taichang thought about it carefully, and then reminded: "Jiandou, tell the soldiers to be careful, but don't use the shield array to carry other people's shells.

The reason why they waited so long to launch an attack should be that they have waited for a large number of muskets and artillery support. "

Lu Xiangsheng hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

It seemed that all he had to do was wait for Ah San to come up and get beaten.

Unexpectedly, Ah San pushed all the siege equipment down to a position about six miles away from the city wall and stopped moving!

What is going on here?
Taichang was stunned for a moment, then looked back at the back of the defense line, and seemed to understand.

These guys should be waiting for the sneak attacking team to attack first.

The question is, at such a long distance, how do people know whether the sneak attacking team behind has launched an attack?
Taichang thought about it carefully, and finally figured it out.

Wolf smoke, huge wolf smoke!

Only the huge wolf smoke can be seen dozens of miles away.

It looks like I won't be able to fight today.

He thought about it again, and then said to Lu Xiangsheng: "They should be waiting for the signal of the beacon fire, you should watch here first, and then I will go to the Shenwu Camp and let them prepare.

Tomorrow, if their sneak attack team can't let out the smoke, we have to give them smoke. "

The emperor is really dark!
Lu Xiangsheng hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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