Chapter 821
The back camp of the Black God Army, on the huge passage in the middle.

Zuma and Atlante watched the soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion pile up the branches higher than a person, and they kept piling up, they couldn't help being dumbfounded.

What is this for?

Could it be that the emperor wants to make roast beef for them, the whole one?
The question is, how do you put the cattle on such a high fire?

There is no way, the only thing they can think of when they see the fire is to eat.

During this time, apart from practicing and studying, they seemed to have nothing left to eat.

Moreover, they eat better here than in America.

In the Americas, there are basically seafood besides beef. Although there are many ways to make it, the meat is basically the same.

Of course, beef and seafood are already the best delicacies for them. They didn't have meat before, and it would be great if they could eat some bone soup.

Originally, they thought that the meat in America was considered the best.

Unexpectedly, after arriving here, their food is more than twice as good as that in America.

Daming was really kind to them, and he kept sending them all kinds of delicious food.

What kind of chicken, duck and fish, what kind of beef, sheep and seafood, what kind of bacon and bacon, etc., every meal is four dishes and two soups.

When it came to Daming's festival, it was even more sumptuous. They even ate roasted whole lamb and roasted cow, both of which were whole.

In fact, what they ate was Taichang's new standard meal for the Ming army.

Usually, two meals a day consist of four dishes and two soups.

As for festivals, all 24 solar terms are counted, and it is good to eat at least two days a month.

Now Daming's resources are simply not too rich, of course he can't treat these soldiers fighting for the country badly.

Of course, this fire was not built to roast any cow.

This is the giant wolf smoke.

When the fire pile was almost ten feet high, Taichang picked up a branch full of green leaves and threw it on it for a try, then nodded in satisfaction and said: "Okay, let's leave the fire pile like this, let's move around again." Just put more fresh grass and branches and leaves."

Uh, it doesn't seem to be roast beef.

Zuma couldn't help but cupped her hands and said, "Your Majesty, what is this for?"

Well, these people must not know what the wolf smoke is for.

Taichang explained in detail: "This is Wolf Smoke, which is used for long-distance communication.

At that time, you only need to light the fire, cover the surrounding area with fresh grass, and then throw some fresh branches and leaves to cover the top, and the billowing smoke will rise into the sky, which can be seen dozens of miles away.

If you want to communicate long-distance in the future, you can also use this wolf smoke.

However, this is not the case, put ten fire piles together.

You should place one every twenty miles or so, and send someone to watch.

Once you see the smoke rising in front of you, immediately light up the smoke and keep passing it backwards.

In this way, it takes less than a day to communicate over a distance of thousands of miles.

Of course, this wolf smoke can only be used to send simple signals, for example, the enemy army is coming, or they are launching an attack together. "

Oh, it turned out to be such a good thing.

When Zuma and Atlanta heard the words, they couldn't help showing a hint of excitement in their eyes.

They've learned another good thing, and they've learned so much these days.

However, they have not yet been tested in actual combat.

Seeing how excited they were, Taichang couldn't help but solemnly confessed: "Tomorrow the real battle will start. You must remember that you must obey orders on the battlefield. If you are told to charge, you must rush, and if you are told to retreat, you must retreat. No hesitation, no hesitation at all."

The general of the Ming army who taught them almost explained everything carefully.

Zuma and Atlanta handed over without hesitation: "I will understand in the end."

They are really looking forward to it, looking forward to experiencing a real battle.

So, what does a real fight look like?
Early the next morning, at about three quarters of the hour, Taichang was already sitting on the high platform behind the Shenwu Camp.

At this moment, Ah San probably hasn't gotten up yet, and there is no movement in the jungle.

But Taichang started discussing with Sun Zushou.

He thought for a while, then asked: "Zu Shou, how are you going to break the shield formed by thick wooden shields?"

Sun Zushou hastily introduced in detail: "This kind of thick wooden shield made of fresh branches or trunks is not very effective with rockets, so I am going to use artillery.

They generally form a densely packed ten-layer shield to resist the charge of cavalry.

Weichen has also ordered people to line up the artillery array. The artillery of the Black God Army is in front, and our artillery is behind. There are [-] artillery pieces in total, and they are also arranged in ten rows.

Although the artillery formation is a bit sparse, as long as we can blast a hundred or so big holes, the shield formation will basically be in chaos, and we will not encounter too much resistance when we charge up again. "

All right, casualties in this battle are inevitable.

After all, this is a battle of more than 40 horses, even if Ah San is good at it, it is impossible for everyone to be injured.

Taichang could only sigh slightly: "Use muskets and cannons to attack more. I hope to defeat them in advance, and then rush up to encircle and annihilate us without too many casualties."

Sun Zushou had naturally considered the issue of casualties.

He asked cautiously, "Your Majesty, do we want to take prisoners?"

Captives, of course.

These Asan are all young and strong, so it's not bad to pull them to mine.

It is rumored that the Mughal Empire has a lot of mineral deposits, and then let them dig their own mines.

Of course, the mines dug out belong to Daming.

Taichang nodded without hesitation and said: "Of course we need captives, and the more the better.

The 30 recruits from the Southeast Battalion happened to have nothing to do at the moment, so it was enough to ask them to take care of the prisoners.

When we take down the Mughal Empire, we will take these captives to mine! "

Well, that's easy.

Sun Zushou explained in detail: "The last general also found a group of recruits in the southeast battalion who can speak the dialect of the Mughal Empire. When the time comes, we will defeat them and then surround them. The last general will let them shout for surrender."


In fact, the war of total annihilation is not easy to fight.

Once a person knows that he must die, he will definitely work hard.

If more than a dozen or 20 Ah Sans fight for their lives, it will be difficult to deal with it.

Taichang nodded without hesitation and said, "Very well, let's do it like this!"

They discussed for a while, and finally there was movement in the opposite forest.

The 20 Mughal Empire infantry swarmed out like ants, and quickly lined up on the edge of the jungle. The speed didn't seem to be slow.

Taichang just took a look, so he didn't interfere with Sun Zushou's specific instructions.

He also just picked up a hand-held telescope and glanced roughly, without saying a word at all.

Sun Zushou crouched in front of the large binoculars and took a closer look, and then ordered: "Command, Zuma and Atlanta lead their troops out of the camp and form a four-layer shield formation."

As soon as the command flag was waved, [-] black gods immediately swarmed out from the camps on both sides, and lined up neatly in four rows facing the enemy.

4 people lined up in four rows is about the same width as the formation formed by the enemy, but the formation formed by such a small number of them is much thinner than others.

There are a full twenty rows of people!

The 20 soldiers of the Black God Army have already lined up their shields, while the [-] troops of the Mughal Empire slowly began to advance.

That speed is almost as slow as crawling.

Taichang raised his binoculars to look at it, and couldn't help curling his lips slightly.

These Asan, if you go up, you go up, if you don't go up, you don't go up, it's like crawling slowly. Is this how wars are fought?

Seeing this, Sun Zushou gave an order without hesitation: "Handling, Qin Yiming and Qin Gongming lead their troops out of the camp to line up."

After waving the command flag, the soldiers of the Black God Army from the camp behind them also swarmed out, and the flat ground five miles wide between the two camps was almost filled with them.

As for Ah San, it was still as slow as crawling.

It took them an hour to advance the distance of five miles!
No way, they are also afraid!

Before this group of Ah Sans went to the battlefield, they were full of confidence, as if they were invincible.

When he actually went to the battlefield, his self-confidence seemed to disappear suddenly.

All right, you slow down and I slow down.

Sun Zushou waited for a long time before ordering in a calm manner: "Here, the soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion lead their horses and enter the camps of the Black God Army on both sides."

This war horse will not make thunderous hooves if it is not ridden.

He was also afraid of scaring Ah San back.

Even though Ah San was not frightened, the advance was still very stable. After about an hour, they were finally only about five miles away from the camp.

At this time, they can roughly see the situation of the Ming army.

Uh, what the hell is going on here?
Behind the big formation, Zhu Mula was stunned.

He held up the binoculars like a sculpture and sat on the horse for a long time without moving.

Mowgli couldn't help but rein in his horse and leaned forward and asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhu Mula simply handed him the binoculars and asked him to look at it himself.

Mowgli raised his binoculars to look, and was also stunned.

When did this Ming army become black?

Judging by the number of people, it is only [-] to [-] at most.

what is happening?
Forty to fifty thousand horses will naturally not scare them away.

Question, what about the cavalry of the Ming army, what happened to these black people?

Sun Zushou waited for another half an hour, until he was less than three miles away from the camp, and then he gave the order loudly: "The order is for the soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion to mount their horses and attack from both wings.

After sending the order, Qin Yiming and Qin Gongming led the soldiers of the Black God Army to follow. "

There was a burst of flag waving, and the originally quiet battlefield suddenly sounded like thunder.

Nearly [-] soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion rode their horses and galloped out from both sides of the Black God Army in front, and circled to the rear of the enemy formation.

Qin Yiming and Qin Gongming led 16 soldiers of the Black God Army and rushed to the enemy's sides.

Zhu Mula was stunned again.

Seeing this, Mowgli couldn't help but said angrily, "What's the matter?"

It is not surprising that the cavalry of the Ming army appeared. They already knew that the Ming army had less than [-] cavalry here.

He thought that the [-] to [-] inexplicable blacks and less than [-] Shenwu Battalion cavalry should not be their opponents, so what is there to be afraid of?
But Zhu Mula handed him the binoculars and said in a trembling voice, "We seem to have fallen into the trick of the Ming army."

Mowgli raised his binoculars to look, and a look of horror suddenly appeared on his face.

Not only cavalry emerged from the two wings of the Ming army, but also many blacks.

The densely packed black people are too numerous to count!

What to do now?
Before they could react, Sun Zushou ordered again loudly: "Send the order, all the artillery fire, and the Thunder God cannon will bombard five rounds in a row."

A wave of command flags made the entire battlefield tremble.

Fifteen hundred cannons fired at the same time, and the loud noise scared Jumura and Mowgli almost fell off their horses.

Aren't you begging for a hammer?
I'll hit you hard.

Holding up the binoculars, Taichang looked at the smashed shield array, and couldn't help showing a smug smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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