Chapter 827
Not long after Taichang sent the King of Siam away, a huge fleet arrived at the port pier.

This fleet is really frighteningly large, there are forty Aegis ships alone, and there are as many as five hundred armed merchant ships!
However, the Aegis ships were not newly built, these Aegis ships were sent by Taichang to pick up people.

Anyway, the Mughal Empire didn't have any large ships and gunboats, not even gunboats. The Aegis ships he brought over and the Aegis ships of the Nanyang Navy were nothing to do.

Moreover, there are also many gunboats and Spike warships in the Nanyang Navy, and with the thousands of Spike warships he brought over, he is not afraid of the anti-Habsburg alliance fleet coming to help.

Therefore, he simply sent all the Aegis ships to pick up the people. Dongyang Cheng announced that the Political Envoy and Nanyang Cheng announced that the Political Envoy had sent forty ships.

Originally, he thought that the forty Aegis ships brought back the young and strong Nanyang Chengxuan Zhengshisi, but he never thought that after the Aegis ships docked, the first ones to come down were Guandong Bo Qin Minping, Ma Shilong, Zhao Ratejiao, He Kegang, Zu Dabi and other generals.

What is going on here?
Qin Minping and the others did not expect that Taichang would personally come to greet them at the pier, but everyone had already seen the emperor through the binoculars.

So, as soon as the hanging ladder was lowered, they ran down in a hurry, bowed together and said: "The last general will see the emperor."

Taichang nodded slightly, and then asked curiously, "Minping, why are you here?"

Qin Minping bowed his hands solemnly and said: "The final general was ordered by the Ministry of War to bring his dogs Zuo Ming and Zuo Ming with him to lead [-] local guards of the Ming Dynasty and [-] Dong Yang Cheng Xuan's political envoys to serve."

Oh, it turns out that the two young generals behind him are his two sons.

It seemed that the Ministry of War was afraid that he would not have enough generals to lead the army, so it specially dispatched several strong generals from the Qin family in Zhong County.

Taichang nodded slightly, and then asked: "Where are you guys, why are you all here?"

Ma Shilong also bowed his hands solemnly: "The final general was ordered by the Ministry of War to bring 500 million shi of food and grass and 1000 million taels of salary with his leader and Ke Gang. Master Nan said that if the emperor needs it, we can all stay here to lead the army." fight."

When Taichang saw the look of longing in the eyes of the three, he understood it instantly.

Nan Juyi probably considered that these experienced veterans had no fiefs, so he specially dispatched them here to give them a chance to make contributions.

These few people have titles, they can be regarded as nobles, but they are not first-class earls, first-class marquises, or even first-class dukes, so they do not have fiefdoms.

This Minister of the Ministry of War is really good, and he knows how to think about these veterans.

He also just needs such a veteran to lead recruits without any combat experience.

Hearing this, Taichang said without hesitation: "Well, I just need experienced veterans like you here, so you should stay and command the recruits from the Shenji Battalion, Shenwu Battalion, Southeast Battalion, and Nanyang Battalion."

The three quickly cupped their hands and said in unison: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Immediately afterwards, Taichang said to Zu Dabi, who was quite nervous after shrinking back: "Dabi, why are you here? Didn't you have been transferred to guard Nancheng with your family and announce that the Political Envoy has gone?"

Zu Dabi, who looks like a black iron tower, is now like a child who has made a mistake, and said cautiously: "In the name of Mr. Sun, the gold produced by New Jingzhou Mansion and New Yangzhou Mansion will be escorted to the capital and handed over to the inner treasury.

Uh, the last general just heard that the emperor is leading the army to fight here, and the Ministry of War is also dispatching troops to help out, so he followed.

Your majesty, do you think the general's small body is okay?

Can you let the last general also stay to lead the army to fight? "

You are still small.

It turns out that you kid was not transferred from the Ministry of War.

This kid was born for fighting, and he probably had no fights in the past few years, so he was almost exhausted.

Sun Chengzong probably saw that the kid was suffering from suffocation, so he specially ordered him to escort the gold to the capital and let him out.

Well, a strong general is needed on the city wall.

I'll let you have a good time.

Thinking of this, Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Okay, you can lead the [-] soldiers of the Shenji Battalion to guard the city wall.

However, you have to remember that you must obey Jiandou's orders.

This time defending the city is not a random battle, we have set a strategy in advance.

Anyway, tens of thousands of Mughal Empire infantry will definitely be sent up at that time, so that you can have a good time chopping, so don't run around on the city wall. "

Hearing this, Zu Dabi couldn't help being overjoyed and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the general will obey orders, and the general will do whatever Master Lu asks him to do."

Taichang nodded slightly, and then asked again: "How is it? How has the new Jingzhou Mansion developed in the past few years? Can Jiannu be honest there?"

Uh, this question.

Your Majesty, I am a general, not a civil servant.

Zu Dabi scratched the back of his head, thought for a while, and then said carefully: "Master Sun said in the meeting that this year we will strive to breed about 100 million war horses and 1000 million cattle. The number of wool-producing sheep should be about 2000 million, and the grain output should reach 5000 million shi.

In addition, the output of pig iron must reach about 1000 million catties, and the output of gold must reach 1000 million taels.

As for Jiannu, those who were disobedient were sent to mine, and the rest were obedient.

Oh, Mr. Sun also said that if you want to have more children, whoever gives birth to one will be rewarded with ten cows, one hundred sheep, or ten thousand stone grains, and you can choose one of the three rewards.

Our goal is to make the population of New Jingzhou Prefecture reach more than 500 million. "

Well, Sun Chengzong still has a hand in governing the place.

In just a few years, the new Jingzhou Mansion has tens of millions of war horses, and tens of millions of cattle, sheep, grain, pig iron, and gold.

very good!

Taichang nodded slightly, and then teased: "What about you, how many wives have you married, and how many children have you had?"

Uh, this.

Zu Dabi blushed a little and said: "The last general also married two wives, and only gave birth to two children.

Master Sun said, if I don't work harder, he will find me more wives. "

Sun Chengzong was afraid that he wanted this kid to give birth to some invincible generals.

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help laughing and said: "You should work harder, how about this, after this battle is over, I will find some wives for you."

Hearing this, Zu Dabi was so frightened that he lost his voice and said: "Your Majesty, don't be like this, the mother-in-law is too difficult to serve, I still like to fight."

Hahahaha, this kid is so interesting.

With so many strong players and veterans voting, Taichang was really happy.

That night, he summoned a group of generals to come to the Emperor and hosted a banquet.

After the imperial chef filled the table with dishes, he raised his glass and said: "Drinking is not allowed in the army, this is a rule, so even though we won a big victory last time, I didn't invite everyone to have a drink.

However, when friends come from afar, they have to hold a banquet to entertain them. This is the custom of Ming Dynasty.

Combining these rules and customs, I will make an exception today and invite everyone to have a few drinks. One is to celebrate the last big victory, and the other is to cleanse the people and them.

If you have a good capacity for alcohol, drink more, if you have a bad capacity for alcohol, drink less, don't get drunk!
Anyone who gets drunk today will go to the dreadnought to nest for the night, and I will lock you up. "

When everyone heard the words, they didn't even dare to speak, but their eyes were fixed on the wine in the glass, and they couldn't move it away.

No way, there are very few generals in the army who don't like drinking.

In particular, most of them have been guarding here for almost half a year, and they have long been a bit gluttonous.

Of course, Taichang was just joking. The dreadnought has already prepared beds for them. Anyone who is drunk can just carry them there and lie there all night, as long as they don't go to the barracks to play drunk.

Anyway, Ah San has just started to increase the number of troops, so it may take at least a month or two for the fight to start.

Besides, the officers and men of the Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion guarding the defense line are not vegetarians. If Ah San dares to play a night attack, he probably doesn't need these generals to fight Ah San. San looked for teeth all over the place.

He didn't underestimate the enemy, Ah San really couldn't do it.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Taichang finally asked: "Jiandou, how are the preparations for the Nanyang camp going, and when will they arrive?"

Lu Xiangsheng quickly explained: "Your Majesty, the Nanyang sea area is too wide, and it takes time to screen, so it's a bit slower.

However, they have already begun to gather for New Jinling City, and it is estimated that the first batch of troops will be brought over in about half a month, and all of them should be brought over within a month. "

Taichang nodded slightly, and then ordered: "How about this, the 20 military recruits transferred by Da Ming Tu and Dongyang Cheng announced that Minping, Zuo Ming and Zuo Ming will be the commanders.

The 20 Tunwei recruits assembled in Xidaying were commanded by Shilong, Chang'an and Sun Quan.

The southeast battalion will let the leader be in command, and the Nanyang battalion will let Ke Gang be in command.

You select a group of experienced generals and veterans from the Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion to serve as the generals of the new recruits in each battalion. "

Before they get drunk, they have to explain the business. If they get drunk, they probably won't be able to remember clearly.

Lu Xiangsheng nodded repeatedly and said, "I understand."

A group of new generals also said excitedly: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

At this time, Yu Zigao, the leader of the Nanyang Navy, summoned up his courage and said, "Your Majesty, I beg you to go to the battle. The river warships in front of the line of defense must be able to enter. The last general also wants to help Lord Lu guard the battle." line of defense."

He is also eager to make meritorious service!
The problem is that Lu Xiangsheng doesn't transfer the naval warships to participate in the battle, and he can't help it.

If he hadn't drank some wine this time, he would not have dared to ask.

In fact, Lu Xiangsheng had already explained this to Taichang.

Spike warships can indeed pass through the boundary river and the river in front of the defense line. The problem is that, with so many enemies, it is not worth the loss if he mobilizes the navy's spike warships to join the battle.

Spike warships in the river can only attack the enemy with two cannons on one side, and after five rounds of bombardment, they have to stop and wait for a while to let the cannon barrel cool down, or find a way to turn around and change the cannon on the other side .

With this gap, people can definitely rush to the bank of the river.

Once people launch rockets at that time, it will be troublesome.

There can be tens of thousands of rockets, and it is possible to launch hundreds of thousands of rockets in one round.

With such dense rockets hitting the wooden boat, it would probably be too late to put out the fire.

That is to say, if he joins the battle with the water division Spike warship, it is estimated that hundreds or even thousands of ships will be burned by others!

This Taichang can also understand, after all, it is not easy to build a Spike warship, if the Spike warship is set on fire, the sailors will suffer heavy casualties.

There is absolutely no need for them to risk such a big loss to adjust the Spike warship to participate in this kind of land battle with millions of people.

Of course, the navy ships behind still have a lot of room for use.

Taichang smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, it's not time for the navy to play yet.

We are wasting the strength of the Mughal Empire, and they have a lot of troops at the moment.

With so many people rushing forward desperately, thousands of cannons on the city wall could not repel them, and even if thousands of Spike warships crowded in densely, they would not be able to repel them.

If people rushed to the shore and fired rockets, it would be troublesome, and the Spike and the sailors would suffer heavy losses.

Therefore, at this moment, the Spike Warship cannot be boarded.

This good steel should be used on the blade. When their troops are almost exhausted, we will invade the Mughal Empire, and then the navy will be able to show their talents. "

It turned out to be the case.

Yu Zigao hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "The general understands."

(End of this chapter)

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