Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 828 How to Apply Technology to Battle

Chapter 828 How to Apply Technology to Battle
The people in Xinwuwei City gathered more and more, and the city with a radius of more than ten miles was full of people.

If the 50 people from the Nanyang Camp rushed over again, it would definitely not be able to accommodate them.

This is easy to handle, anyway, they have people, places, and city building materials, and then build two walls on the north side, frame a city of the same size, and then build up the barracks.

The 50 people in the southeast battalion escorted nearly 20 prisoners of the Mughal Empire. The city walls and barracks were taking shape at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Standing on the city wall in the middle, Taichang looked at the city that was quickly built like building blocks, but what he thought about in his mind was how to apply the leading technology of Ming Dynasty to battle and minimize the casualties of soldiers.

At this moment, Ming's muskets and cannons are indeed leading the world. However, due to the power of black powder, muskets and cannons are not very effective in certain situations.

Such as defending the city.

Guns and artillery are not very effective against enemies like the Mughal Empire who like to build giant siege machines.

They can also use the [-]-jin Thor cannon to bombard five rounds at a long distance, smash some of the giant siege equipment, and wait for the giant siege equipment to be pushed to the wall. The muskets and artillery do not even have kerosene tanks and rockets works.

And siege.

Guns and artillery are actually not very useful.

Because muskets can't penetrate the city wall at all, if the artillery wants to cut off the arrow stacks, at least tens of thousands of shells will be thrown.

The infantry chariots they built using Ming's leading technology are different. They can directly go up and beat the city gates to enter the city. Even if they gather a large number of infantry chariots to smash the walls of others, they can knock them down after a while.

The problem is that the terrain of the Mughal Empire is not yet suitable for infantry fighting vehicles.

Because the Mughal Empire was not as flat as the grasslands beyond the Great Wall.

The topography of the Mughal Empire was complicated. Bengal, which borders Ming Dynasty in the east, is a plain alluvial by the Ganges River. Not to mention the dense river channels are like spider webs, the geology is still very soft.

If the infantry fighting vehicle drove into such a terrain, not only would it have to keep building steel bridges, but it would also have to be careful to sink into the mud. It was very likely that it would sink before the first city was reached.

As for other places, except for the plains of the Ganges and Indus valleys, that is the undulating plateaus.

It is already troublesome for infantry fighting vehicles to advance in plains criss-crossed by rivers, but it is even more troublesome to advance on undulating plateaus.

Therefore, this infantry fighting vehicle cannot be used in the battle to capture the Mughal Empire. If you really drive the infantry fighting vehicle over, you are asking for trouble.

So what other good things can be used in the battle to capture the Mughal Empire?
Taichang discovered that in land warfare, there were really not many things that used the advanced technology of Ming Dynasty, except for muskets, artillery and infantry fighting vehicles, nothing else.

The leading technologies in naval battles are widely used. Not to mention that Da Ming is hundreds of years ahead of other countries, there are still some decades ahead.

The question of how to apply Ming Dynasty's leading technology to land warfare really needs to be carefully considered.

After all, the next world war will basically be concentrated on land, and at sea, the fleets will bombard each other, and the outcome will be determined within a few battles.

He frowned and pondered for a while, then suddenly thought of the scene where the catapult was thrown and the kerosene tank was thrown.

This kerosene tank is indeed a good thing. Whether it is defending or attacking the city, as long as it can be thrown over, the enemy will basically be burned to the point of crying and rolling all over the ground.

The problem is that a small catapult can't be thrown very far, and its range is about the same as that of a bow and arrow.

This thing is better for defending the city, but for attacking the city, it is like rushing up to shoot.

It would be great if you can shoot the kerosene tank out with a cannon. The range does not need to be too far. As long as it can exceed the attack distance of bows, arrows and muskets, it can play a great role in city defense and siege warfare, at least for cleaning up Asan is enough.

The problem is that ceramic pots are easy to break and cannot withstand the impact of gunpowder at all. If you use a cannon to project it, it will definitely be shattered when the cannon is fired. At that time, the enemy will not be burned, but you will be burned. arrive.

Also, just throwing the kerosene can out and nothing to start the fire won't do.

If it is thrown farther than the range of the musket, then the rocket must not be able to shoot, and how to ignite it is also a problem.

Taichang frowned and pondered for a while, then suddenly asked: "Jiandou, is there an arsenal in New Jinling City?"

Hearing this, Lu Xiangsheng was stunned for a moment, and then said cautiously: "Your Majesty, there is an arsenal in New Jinling City, but it was originally used to make the front-loading city fire-proof guns.

We basically don't need the muzzle-loading artillery now, so Weichen had someone transform it into a factory for making shells and shell casings. "

It's good enough.

Taichang then asked again: "Did you make that kind of ceramic kerosene tank yourself?"

Uh, this.

Lu Xiangsheng quickly explained: "We didn't do this ourselves, but hired a private factory that specializes in ceramic dishes and jars to do it.

We just roughly decided on a style, and we just paid for them to make it, one tael and one hundred yuan, which is very cheap. "

Taichang thought for a while and asked again: "What about the rubber, is there any new Jinling City?"

This naturally exists, after all, Nanyang produces rubber.

Lu Xiangsheng nodded without hesitation and said, "In New Jinling City, there are many private factories that process rubber shoes and various rubber products. There are still a lot of rubber."


Taichang said without hesitation: "Find someone who is familiar with the arsenal, ceramics and rubber factories over there to go to Jinling City with me."

Uh, he doesn't seem to have such people under his command!
Lu Xiangsheng thought about it carefully, and then suggested: "Your Majesty, how about letting Feihong accompany you?
He is familiar with the ceramic factory and rubber factory there, and he has been to the military factory several times. "

Zheng Zhilong?
Well, this guy is the director of Daming Western Company, so he should be familiar with this.

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Alright then, send someone to come and accompany me to New Jinling City, and I will make you something nice.

If Ah San comes to attack the city wall, you have to take it easy and don't scare them away. "

Right now, he didn't have to worry about Ah San breaking through the southeast line of defense, because there were more than 100 million troops stationed behind the southeast line of defense.

He was worried that Lu Xiangsheng would beat him too hard and scare Ah San away.

Of course Lu Xiangsheng knew the emperor's strategy. The question is, what is the good thing the emperor said?
If the emperor doesn't say it, it must be more troublesome to explain. When he sees the real thing, he will definitely understand.

He froze for a moment, then cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

Zheng Zhilong happened to come to Xinwuwei City with a batch of supplies at this moment, otherwise Lu Xiangsheng would not have thought of him.

When this guy heard that the emperor called him to go to Jinling City together, he immediately ran over.

The emperor is very kind to the people around him, he hasn't been by the emperor's side for a long time.

At this moment, he was really overwhelmed with excitement. When he saw Taichang, he was full of flattery, nodding and bowing.

Alas, this guy looks like a profiteer now.

That's okay, if this guy is allowed to do his old job and become a pirate, it will be a real headache.

Taichang secretly sighed in his heart, and then asked with a smile: "Feihong, have you made a lot of money in the past few years?"

of course.

However, it is far from yours.

Zheng Zhilong hurriedly said modestly: "This humble minister has made a small amount of money, it's not worth it, it's not worth it."

You have earned several million taels at least, and it’s a small amount of money.

Taichang shook his head slightly, and then asked, "Are you familiar with the ceramic factory and the rubber factory in New Jinling City?"

Of course, Daming Western Company is the biggest customer of these factories, and they are trying their best to curry favor with him.

Zheng Zhilong nodded without hesitation and said: "Familiar, very familiar, if the emperor wants to do something, I will explain it to you in one sentence, and they will definitely handle it properly for you."

This kid probably relied on being Daming's biggest seller, so he was an uncle in front of him.

Forget it, these are trivial matters, so I don't bother to repeat them.

Taichang simply waved his hand and said, "Then let's go."

This time he only brought ten Aegis ships and one hundred Spike warships. After all, the route was within the sphere of influence of Ming Dynasty, so there was no need to worry about safety issues at all.

The new Wuwei City is probably not five or six thousand miles away from the New Jinling City. It took them nearly six days to sail on the sea before arriving at the port of the New Jinling City.

When the fleet turned into the channel leading to the inner harbor wharf, Taichang couldn't help being taken aback.

My God, why are there so many boats here!
Although there are not many armed merchant ships of [-] materials here, there are many small boats of [-] materials or even [-] materials. The harbor is almost full.

He remembered that the two sides of this harbor channel were empty before, and no wharf was built at all.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, both sides have already been filled with piers.

Also, at this moment, all kinds of buildings on the coast on both sides of the port passage are one after another, and you can't see the end with a large telescope.

The crowd was even more exaggerated than in Wubei City.

This development is too fast, right?

The last time he left in a hurry, he replenished fresh water and food at the pier outside the sea, and didn't come here at all.

This time, he was really stunned by the bustling scene inside.

The imperial concubine Wu Wan'er next to her couldn't help exclaiming: "Wow, it's so lively here, even busier than the capital!"

Well, they've been on the boat all this time, so they're probably exhausted.

Taichang thought for a while, and then asked, "Feihong, have your wife and children been taken over?"

Zheng Zhilong nodded without hesitation and said, "Yes, I've taken them all."

Taichang asked again: "Then where do they live?"

Zheng Zhilong said cautiously: "I just bought a house next to the emperor's palace."

This guy, what are you worried about?

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "That's just right, let your wife and children move to live in the palace for a few days, and accompany Wan'er and the others to go around and have fun."

Oops, this is great!

Zheng Zhilong hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

The fleet sailed in the channel for about half an hour, and the real New Jinling City finally arrived.

This is the city that Taichang organized to build at the beginning, but now it is surrounded by dense buildings.

There are not many ships parked on the port docks here, because most of the docks here are large docks for [-] warships. Except for the armed merchant ships of the Daming Western Company, other ships seem to be unable to reach the dock table.

Soon, a group of people disembarked at the largest pier in the middle. The civil servants and generals here had already received the telegram, and they were all waiting on the pier right now.

Taichang didn't bother with them either. After paying respects to the emperor and ministers, he took a group of master guards and accompanying Jin Yiwei, as well as a group of concubines, princes and princesses, to the palace in the city.

The palace is still as clean as new, and the simple air conditioner inside has even been turned on, making it very cool.

From the looks of it, the frozen seafood business here should be quite large, otherwise, the officials here would not have been able to find so many ice cubes in a short period of time.

Seeing this, Taichang couldn't help but slightly nodded.

Of course, this was not his destination, so he came over to settle the concubines and princes and princesses, and then he was about to make things right.

(End of this chapter)

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