Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 829 Simple Rocket Launcher

Chapter 829 Simple Rocket Launcher
What good thing is Taichang going to do?
This Zheng Zhilong is very curious.

However, Taichang did not explain to him.

A lot of things are explained for a long time and can't be explained clearly, but they can be understood at a glance.

In the arsenal of New Jinling City, Taichang roughly checked all kinds of machine tools and the shell casings processed by machine tools, and then couldn't help but nodded slightly.

At this moment, Daming's steam machine tools are already quite good, and the processed products are quite fine.

He just thought about it for a while, then picked up a processed cartridge case, gestured to the old craftsman next to him, "This car fell off in half."

Hearing this, the old craftsman quickly and respectfully took the cartridge case, quickly clipped it on the lathe beside him, and dropped half of the cartridge case with a few swishes.

Immediately afterwards, Taichang picked up another cartridge case and looked at it carefully, then asked: "How thick is the bottom of this cartridge case?"

The old craftsman said without hesitation: "Your Majesty, the bottom of this shell case is one inch thick."

Taichang nodded slightly, and then confessed: "Pull out the half-inch boss at the bottom, the size is the same as the inner wall of the shell, and try to press it in as tight as possible."

The old craftsman nodded quickly, then took the cartridge case respectfully, quickly clamped it on the lathe next to it, swished a few times, and turned the bottom of the cartridge case out of a half-inch-high boss.

He took the half-filled cartridge case and tried it on himself, then handed it to Taichang respectfully, and then asked: "Your Majesty, what do you think, is the size suitable?"

Taichang tried his best to stuff the shell with the boss into the remaining half of the shell for an interview, then loosened the half of the shell, pinched the shell with the boss on the top and shook it, then nodded slightly and said: "Well, very Okay, just this size, you remember it, and it will be processed like this in the future.”

Uh, what's the use of processing it like this?

If according to this structure, the rear half of the shell is filled with gunpowder and stuffed into the Thor cannon, then the front shell will be blasted out like a shell.

I'm afraid this thing can't kill people, right?
The old craftsman didn't dare to ask, and could only stand there blankly.

Taichang stuffed the processed two shell casings into the hands of the guard next to him, then clapped his hands and said, "This is almost done, do you have logs here? It's about the thickness of an arm, about half a zhang will do."

The old craftsman quickly shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, we don't have wood here, but there is a household goods factory not far from here, there must be a lot of wood there."

The furniture factory probably doesn't have so many beds, and it's not good to process this thing outside.

Taichang simply asked Zheng Zhilong: "Does the nearby household goods factory know?"

Zheng Zhilong nodded without hesitation, "I know."

Taichang nodded slightly, and then ordered: "Take someone to pull a cart of logs that are about half a foot thick and long."

Uh, this.

Zheng Zhilong heard the words, and asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, do you want the expensive one or the cheap one?"

Without hesitation, Taichang said, "It's the cheapest one. By the way, I'll invite an old carpenter to bring all the working guys with me."

Zheng Zhilong nodded quickly, and then took two Jinyi guards and walked out quickly.

Taichang saw that Zheng Zhilong had gone, and asked again: "Do you have two-inch angle iron here?"

This does exist.

The old craftsman asked cautiously, "Your Majesty, how much do you want?"

Taichang thought for a while, and then estimated: "The ones that are half a foot long, let's get twenty first."

Hearing this, the old craftsman hurriedly took people to carry it away.

Half a foot long, twenty, still need someone to carry?
This one seems a bit heavy.

Taichang frowned slightly when he saw the two middle-aged craftsmen struggling.

He thought for a while, and then confessed: "Take twelve, mill the inner wall flat, and polish it."

The old craftsman hurriedly led people to carry twelve of them, carried them to the milling machine, and explained them in detail.

He is a lathe worker, not a miller, and he is not good at this job.

Seeing this, Taichang raised his hand to call him over, then squatted in front of the remaining angle irons and explained in detail: "Wait a minute, you make three holes in those processed angle irons, one here, one here, Open one here, and then connect the twelve angle irons with ten back to back with screws, and then connect the twelve angle irons in a row with an angle iron below."

This work is simple, the old craftsman nodded repeatedly, took another angle iron and ran to the drilling machine to explain.

Not long after, he carried the angle iron chain together as Taichang requested.

Uh, the bazooka seems to have to have an adjustable bracket.

However, I am afraid that only the bracket can be used here, and the adjustment device cannot be made. Perhaps, we can only try to manually adjust the angle first.

He hesitated for a moment, but still asked: "I want to put this shelf on a shelf more obliquely like a cannon, and the angle can be adjusted like a cannon. Do you have a way to process it?"

The old craftsman thought for a while, and then asked: "Your Majesty, can the two sides be opened for screws?"

Taichang nodded without hesitation: "Yes, but the height must be the same as the height of the two screws at the front and rear, and the bottom cannot be blocked."

The old craftsman nodded, and asked again: "Your Majesty, can we dismantle the adjustment device of a Thor cannon?"

Yes, just use the adjustment device of the Thor cannon directly.

The lightest Thunder God cannon weighs two hundred catties. This frame is estimated to be less than two hundred catties, so it must be adjustable.

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help nodding his head and said: "Yes, you can dismantle it as you like, but be careful, the gap below can't be blocked, there are things that need to be scratched."

The old craftsman hurriedly said "I understand", and then arranged for people to work.

Taichang waited for a while, but the old craftsman hadn't installed the adjustment device yet, Zheng Zhilong came back with an old carpenter pulling a cart of logs.

He walked over to have a look, then raised his hand to beckon to the old craftsman and confessed: "You first take a log, turn it into a two-inch cylinder, then turn the front into a sharp cone, and drill the back into a one-inch-sized, four-inch round log. Come out of a foot-deep hole."

Well, this wood is much easier to work than copper and iron.

The old craftsman immediately took a log and processed it on a lathe specially designed for processing gun barrels.

Taichang thought for a while, and then said to Zheng Zhilong: "You take someone to the fireworks factory to get some gunpowder for the sky cannon, by the way, bring the old master who specializes in filling this kind of gunpowder.

We can't fill this thing indiscriminately, or it will explode when it is ignited. "

Sky cannon?
Zheng Zhilong was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Your Majesty, is the sky cannon the kind of rocket that can fly into the sky?"

Well, it seems that the soaring cannon is not called a soaring cannon at the moment, but they are called rockets!
Taichang nodded again and again, "Yes, that's the kind."

Zheng Zhilong asked again: "Your Majesty, how much should I take?"

This one.

Taichang estimated, and then gestured: "At least it should be this big."

Well, Zheng Zhilong hastily bowed his hands and left, and walked away quickly.

At this time, the old craftsman also processed the logs.

Taichang took a general look, and then said to the old carpenter brought by Zheng Zhilong: "You add four triangular wings in the middle and the back, is there any problem?"

This is of course no problem.

The problem is that you are the emperor!
The old carpenter couldn't help trembling: "Your Majesty, how big are these wings?"

Taichang smiled slightly and said: "Don't be nervous, my son is also a carpenter, you can figure out what to do with the wings, about three inches long and half an inch thick, as long as the size and shape are similar."

His Royal Highness is a ninth-level carpenter, and my third-level carpenter is far behind His Royal Highness.

Hearing this, the old carpenter nodded quickly, and then took off the long bench and toolbox on the car that were specially used for carpentry work, took another log, and quickly sawed several three-inch sections.

Then it was chopped with an axe, planed with a plane, and thwarted with a scorpion. After a long time of work, eight triangular wings were processed.

Immediately afterwards, he took the log and measured it carefully, and played a few ink lines in the middle and bottom, and then carefully made eight small rectangular holes on the top, and then stuffed the finished wings into the wood. Go compare.

He gestured for a while, and felt that the arrangement was almost even, so he nailed them one by one with small nails and fixed them.

Taichang took a look at the processed rocket and couldn't help but nodded slightly.

This is already very similar to the rockets of later generations, but it is a pity that it is made of wood.

He took it to the bracket with the adjustment device and tried it again, then clapped his hands and said: "Okay, that's it, let's make five more."

This thing is actually a consumable, as long as it can fly about a mile or so. As for whether it is beautiful or not, that is secondary.

Everyone has already understood that the emperor wants to fill the rocket with gunpowder and shoot it out.

Question, this thing is made of wood!
If it doesn't work, it's better to install a thicker needle in the front, at least it can make people grin.

Can this big stick of pure wood hurt people?

Of course, no one dared to ask.

The old craftsman and the old carpenter quickly took the wood and began to process it.

To be honest, this wood is indeed much easier to process than metal. The two people processed it more and more quickly and faster. Zheng Zhilong just brought a master back with a bucket of gunpowder, and the other five rockets were It's almost done.

Then came the gunpowder loading.

This Taichang really doesn't understand.

He didn't understand why the gunpowder of the sky cannon kept spraying out, and it wouldn't explode at a single touch.

The old master was quite nimble. He just took out the funnel and spoon and poured the gunpowder into the wooden rocket after listening to Taichang's general requirements. He took out some waste paper and a lead wire and sealed it skillfully, then said respectfully: "Your Majesty, it's done."

So simple?
Taichang was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Is there any difference between your gunpowder and the gunpowder used for guns and artillery?"

The master quickly explained: "This is gunpowder for fireworks. The raw materials are the same as gunpowder for muskets and cannons, but the ratio is a little different. Moreover, this gunpowder will be made into rice grains on one side, and it will not be made into powder." powdery.

Also, don't compact it hard when filling it, if you press it too tightly, it may explode. "

It turned out to be the case.

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "This hole is filled with so much gunpowder, how far do you think it can fly?"

The old master picked up the wooden rocket and shook it, then estimated: "Your Majesty, this one can fly at least one mile."

That's enough.

When Taichang heard the words, he wanted to order someone to light the fire to try.

However, when he looked around, he still didn't order anyone to light the fire immediately.

Because this military factory is not big, it doesn't have a radius of one mile at all.

He thought for a while, and then ordered: "Move all of these to the square in front of the palace. It's a big place, so it's easy to try. You all follow along and have a look, there may still be room for improvement."

Well, the iron frame inside this thing is a bit heavier, and the rest can basically be carried by one person.

The military factory was not far from the palace, and not long after, they arrived at the square in front of the palace.

This place is more than one mile long and wide, so it should be no problem to try a simple rocket launcher.

Taichang ordered the old master to finish loading the remaining five, then picked up one himself, placed it on the simple rocket mount, roughly adjusted the angle, then stood aside, waved and said: "Zi Ru, light the fire. "

Well, he is very skilled, even if the firecracker explodes, he is not afraid.

When Cao Huachun heard this, he took a torch without hesitation, stepped forward, and lit the fuse.

As soon as the fuse burned into the sealed waste paper, the wooden rocket flew out with a whoosh.

There is no gunpowder added to it, so the rockets just spit out fireworks and fly forward quickly, without any howling sound.

Soon, the tail of the wooden rocket caught fire, and after a while, the rocket hit the stone floor a mile away, turning into a ball of sparks.

Everyone thought it was a failure, after all, the rocket ignited itself halfway through its flight.

Taichang clapped his hands and said, "Very good, that's it."

After all, he ordered people to mount the remaining five simple rocket launchers, and then asked Cao Huachun to lead four people up to ignite five fuses at the same time.

"Swish, swish, swish", five simple rockets flew out one after another, just looking at the way they flew out, they really looked like the Katyusha rocket launcher.

Of course, after the five rockets fell to the ground, there was no explosion effect, they just splashed clouds of fireworks.

With the addition of eight wings, the flight of the rocket is relatively stable, and the difference between the landing points is less than ten feet.

This shows that this thing can also easily adjust the distance and roughly aim at the target.

Seeing this, Taichang couldn't help but excitedly said: "Very good, let's make thousands of them in this way!"

(End of this chapter)

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