Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 831 Everyone Wants to Fight a War of Attrition

Chapter 831 Everyone Wants to Fight a War of Attrition
After more than ten days of busy work in New Jinling City, Taichang finally prepared [-] simple rockets, hundreds of simple rocket launchers and [-] ceramic incendiary bombs.

At this time, the personnel and sites for the production of simple rocket launchers and ceramic incendiary bombs are almost ready, and the supply of materials is also smooth. He can also return to Xinwuwei City.

However, there is still a problem.

That is the problem of all the concubines and princes and princesses.

Taichang saw them having fun in New Jinling City. They went out early and returned late every day. They had a great time shopping. The various clothes, snacks, and things for women and children were moved into the palace in big and small bags. It seemed a little bit happy. up.

Therefore, he wanted to keep all the concubines, princes and princesses in New Jinling City.

After all, Xinwuwei City is the front line, there is no fun at all, and they can stay on the boat every day, which is very boring.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he brought it up to Wu Wan'er, Wu Wan'er shook her head repeatedly and said, "No, we don't want to stay in New Jinling City, we want to go back to New Wuwei City with you."

Uh, this.

Taichang was rather curious: "What fun things are there in Xinwuwei City, aren't you bored every day on the boat?

It's so nice here, there are endless shops, don't you guys like to go shopping? "

Wu Wan'er said naively: "If the emperor is not here, no matter how interesting the place is, we would rather go to Xinwuwei City with the emperor, and stay on the boat every day."

Alas, well, it seems that in the future, I can only take them to play during the gap between the battles.

Early the next morning, Taichang set off with the fleet. He took all the concubines, princes and princesses with him, but he did not bring Zheng Zhilong.

Zheng Zhilong has his own affairs to work on, so he can't keep taking people around.

This journey took another nearly six days, and they finally returned to Xinwuwei City.

What was strange was that Ah San still didn't move at all.

It took him nearly a month to make this trip, why hasn't Ah San launched an attack yet?
On the pier, Taichang exchanged pleasantries with a group of civil servants and military generals who came to greet him, and then couldn't help asking: "Jiandou, has San not moved at all during this time?"

Lu Xiangsheng nodded again and again: "Yes, Your Majesty, they have been building siege equipment there, and there is no sign of launching an attack.

Wei Chen reckoned that they should be waiting for the next batch of muskets and artillery from the Anti-Habsburg Alliance. "

Hearing this, Taichang suddenly realized that the anti-Habsburg coalition should have imitated the ship, otherwise it would be impossible to send a batch of muskets and artillery over in a few months.

If they were still the original sailing boats, it would be considered good if they could travel back and forth in a year with a distance of tens of thousands of miles.

Alas, it seems that not only Daming is making progress, but also the European colonial bandits are not idle.

No wonder these guys dared to start a world war. They thought they could compete with Daming once the ship came out.

Hmph, sooner or later the beating will make you find your teeth all over the place.

Taichang frowned and pondered for a while, then waved and said: "Let's go, I'll take everyone to see something good."

At this time, the accompanying Jin Yiwei on the pier next to him had already begun to move things under the Aegis ship.

Simple rockets, simple rocket launchers and ceramic incendiary bombs are all neatly placed in the open space next to the pier.

Taichang walked over with everyone, picked up a simple rocket with his own hands and put it on the launcher, and then introduced: "This thing is called a rocket, and its principle is similar to that of rocket fireworks. It can fly forward with fire, and the range is about one mile. Left and right, one rocket launcher can launch six rockets at the same time."

Immediately afterwards, he picked up another weird cannonball that was obviously elongated and introduced: "This is called a ceramic incendiary bomb, which is filled with kerosene, and the one in front is a fragile clay pot lid, which can directly stuff a [-]-jin Thor cannon The firing range is about one mile.”

Omg, such a good thing!

When everyone heard the words, all of them were filled with joy.

Lu Xiangsheng cupped his hands excitedly and said, "Your Majesty is wise, now Ah San's siege equipment is for nothing."

This is not a siege weapon that can only burn people.

Taichang shook his head slightly, and then explained: "This is just a simplified version, and the conditions of the new Jinling City are limited, so I can order people to make some siege equipment to consume Ah San.

I have ordered someone to send the structure and function of this thing to the Weapons Research Institute.

I believe that it won't be long before one with a range of two miles, three miles, or even five miles can be developed.

At that time, it is also a good thing to use to attack the city.

As long as thousands of ceramic incendiary bombs are fired on the city wall, and a few more rockets are used, there is basically no way for people to stand on the city wall several miles wide.

If tens of thousands of ceramic incendiary bombs were fired at the city wall, and a few more rockets were used, the city wall more than ten miles wide would not be able to stand people. "

Hearing this, Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but nodded and said: "Yes, yes, this can also be used to attack the city. If it is a city that is not equipped with artillery, just use this simple version directly, and the effect is the same."

Taichang nodded slightly, and then solemnly said: "This thing is quite easy to catch fire. It cannot be placed together with other luggage. It must be stored in a separate warehouse. Moreover, there must be no military barracks or other warehouses nearby."

Lu Xiangsheng said without any hesitation: "The new city in the north happened to have two new warehouses dedicated to storing ammunition, which were built according to the fire prevention design you mentioned, Your Majesty.

At the moment, neither one is full yet, and the other is still empty, which is just used to store these things. "

Then it will be fine.

After Taichang explained something, he couldn't help looking to the east, as if he wanted to see through the city wall and see Ah San's camp.

What the hell are these guys doing?

I have rocket launchers and incendiary bombs ready, why don't these guys launch an attack?

Coincidentally, Ah San was also moving weapons and equipment at the moment.

Of course, what they moved were not rocket launchers and incendiary bombs, but muskets and artillery.

The Earl of Strafford did indeed send them another thousand guns and ten thousand matchlocks.

Shah Jahan was overjoyed to receive these advanced weapons.

He even hosted a special banquet for the Earl of Strafford and Captain White.

On the luxurious and exquisite Persian carpet, Shah Jahan, accompanied by Shahshuja and Aurangzeb, had a happy conversation with the Earl of Stratford and Captain White.

While chatting, Shah Jahan suddenly said with great interest: "Why don't we organize a siege first?"

The Earl of Strafford and Captain White were stunned when they heard the translation.

This guy is really sick!
Do you think that more than [-] cannons can really break through Daming's defense line?
Let me tell you, more than 4000 doors may not work.

Don't keep sending them away, if the loss is too great, you can't bear it anymore and withdraw your troops, then our work is not in vain.

The Earl of Strafford and Captain White glanced at each other, and then pretended to be concerned: "Khan, these two thousand artillery pieces seem to be a bit insufficient. If you use them to attack the city, you will probably suffer heavy casualties!"

Shah Jahan said indifferently: "It doesn't matter if there are heavy casualties, we have plenty of people in the Mughal Empire."

In fact, the losses these few times were just cannon fodder, that is, the young and strong that were temporarily expanded.

The 20 elite under his command have not moved, and it doesn't matter how many cannon fodders die.

The Earl of Stratford said with some concern: "Khan, I'm afraid you won't be able to break through the defense line of the Ming army with heavy casualties. According to our estimates, more than [-] cannons are not enough. Why do you waste your troops in vain?" ?”

You don't understand this.

Shah Jahan said self-righteously: "I know that we may not be able to defeat this time, but even if we fail to defeat, we can still consume a lot of strength of the Ming army. In this way, it will be much easier for us to attack next time."

Oh, you want to consume the strength of the Ming army, right?

We just want you to consume the strength of the Ming army.

You idiot, since you think so, go ahead, don't get beaten until the time comes, just want to withdraw the army.

To be honest, they were all amazed at the crazy play style of these Ah Sans.

Of course, this is a good thing and should be encouraged.

The Earl of Stratford immediately changed his attitude, nodded repeatedly and said: "The Great Khan is really resourceful, I didn't expect that.

If most of the strength of the Ming army can be consumed in advance, the next attack will indeed be easier. "

Shah Jahan was even more proud of being shot.

After the Earl of Strafford finished speaking, he quietly winked at Captain White.

Captain White understood right away that it meant getting him vaccinated.

These guys, don't want to withdraw their troops when they suffer heavy losses.

He hastily continued: "I see that the Ming army still has a lot of artillery, if Da Khan launches an attack with only two thousand artillery pieces, he probably won't be able to suppress the firepower of the Ming army.

If the firepower of the Ming army was not suppressed, heavy casualties would be inevitable. I wonder if Da Khan had considered this. "

Can I not think of it?

It doesn't matter how many of those cannon fodder die, as long as the Ming Empire can be defeated, then it will not only need people, money, and resources.

You don't know how to settle this account, and I don't bother to tell you.

Shah Jahan was still full of confidence and said, "Don't worry, I can still afford to lose this little guy."


Then you go on.

Captain White could only pretend to sigh helplessly: "It's good that Khan is mentally prepared. I'm just afraid that Khan will give up the idea of ​​attacking the Ming Empire because of the heavy losses. At that time, our busy work will be in vain."

Say what?

How could I give up attacking the Ming Empire!

Shah Jahan said rather displeased: "Don't worry, we won't work in vain. This time, we must defeat the Ming Empire!"

Seeing this, the Earl of Stratford quickly raised the fruit juice in front of him and said, "Okay, then we wish the Great Khan a complete victory, defeating the Ming Empire in one fell swoop, and becoming the overlord of the entire Far East."

I love to hear that.

Shah Jahan couldn't help but nodded slightly, and then raised the juice in front of him.

The Earl of Strafford hastily raised his glass and touched it lightly, then he pretended to be excited and said, "Shred."

Why do these words sound like Daming's words to die?
Of course, Shah Jahan didn't understand Daming dialect, and he didn't know that he was told to die.

He really wanted to consume the strength of the Ming Empire first.

And Taichang also wanted to continue to consume the strength of the Mughal Empire.

The anti-Habsburg alliance kept fighting, only thinking about Ah San and the idiots going up to consume the strength of the Ming Empire.

Everyone wants to fight a war of attrition, and this battle is naturally endless.

(End of this chapter)

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