Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 832 Ah 3 Feels Alright Again

Chapter 832 Ah San Feels Alright Again

Ah San felt that she was doing it again.

They really didn't remember their lesson. They were immediately full of confidence when they got up after being beaten up.

The thoughts of the three ordinary people are really incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Turning the binoculars, Taichang looked at the Mughal Empire infantry who kept pushing the huge siege equipment and gathered in front of the formation, feeling a little sad for them in his heart.

Obviously, these people are cannon fodder, and Shah Jahan doesn't care about the life and death of these people at all.

If Shah Jahan really cared about the lives and deaths of these people, he would at least give them a vest-style Zhajia.

Shah Jahan didn't even let others take a wooden shield!
Maybe, bringing a wooden shield will affect the charging speed.

For this reason, he actually let these people wear commoner clothes and rush forward to die!

Alas, why don't you stay as a prisoner for me?

At any rate, this is hundreds of thousands of labor, isn't it?

Taichang secretly sighed in his heart, and then asked, "Jiandou, aren't they going to launch a sneak attack this time?"

Lu Xiangsheng shook his head slightly and said: "No, there is no one in the forest in the north. They probably concentrated all their troops on the front."

This time Shah Jahan did not intend to engage in a sneak attack, he directly dispatched an army of 80 in front!

To be honest, Ah San's kung fu in putting on the scene is still good.

An army of 80 pushed more than [-] giant siege equipment to a full width of more than [-] miles!
The densely packed human heads lined up with the one or two feet high siege equipment looked really extraordinary.

Question, does it work?

Taichang turned the binoculars to scan for a while, and then asked, "How are you going to deal with this time?"

Lu Xiangsheng quickly introduced: "I have carefully checked the layout of their front camp and the distribution of siege equipment. This time they should be planning to launch an attack within a range of more than 90 miles at the same time. I'm afraid there are too many troops." Up to [-] million.

Their main attack direction should be on the north and south sides, because Weichen saw huge handsome tents on both sides. They were clearly divided into two camps, and there was a gap of about a mile in between.

This proves that they are two commanders, divided into two armies, the north and the south.

Therefore, Weichen assembled [-] soldiers of the Shenji Battalion in the two fortresses in the south and north respectively, and there were only [-] soldiers in full body armor among them.

Wei Chen is going to release water in the fortress in the middle to make them think that we don't have enough ammunition and fuel, and then let them rush up tens of thousands of people and beat them down. "

All the soldiers of the [-] Divine Machine Battalion have used it?
Taichang then asked again: "What about the guards on the north and south walls?"

The city wall is more than thirty miles long, but more than one hundred miles long, and there are still walls of thirty or forty miles long on the south and north sides.

Lu Xiangsheng quickly explained: "The officials in the south and north have been handed over to Minping and Shilong. Their 40 guards have all equipped with weapons and equipment. It's just time for them to go up the city wall to experience it."

Well, that's fine.

Taichang looked around, and suddenly asked, "Hey, where's Da Bi?"

This time he specially sent the stupid Zu Dabi to kill people, why did this guy disappear?

Suddenly a black iron tower popped up in front of the fort, holding up the binoculars and excitedly said: "Your Majesty, the general will check the enemy's situation here."

Uh, well, this guy is probably a little hungry and thirsty, so he ran directly to the arrow stack below, and the bunker in front of the large telescope happened to block him.

Taichang was rather dumbfounded and said: "Dabi, you have to listen to Jiandou later, don't mess around."

Zu Dabi immediately vowed: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will be responsible for killing people, and I don't care about anything else."

Well, you just don't care about anything.

This battle can't be fought indiscriminately, it would be bad to scare Ah San away.

Taichang nodded slightly, and then he lay down in front of the telescope and waited and watched.

At this time, Ah San seemed to have arranged the formation and was ready to charge.

Seeing this, Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but cautiously said: "Your Majesty, why don't you go back first, it's too dangerous here."

What is this?
Taichang pointed to hundreds of expert guards around him and said, "Ah San can still rush to me?"


Lu Xiangsheng said anxiously: "Your Majesty, they also have artillery, and if we want them to charge up, we cannot burn all their siege equipment.

It is estimated that the rocket will be like rain, which is too dangerous. "

Uh, this.

Taichang looked back, then pointed to the city gate and corridor behind: "Is there a large telescope on it?"

Lu Xiangsheng glanced back, and instantly understood that the emperor wanted to go up to the city gate to watch the battle.

There was no city gate in front of it, and of course there was no gate tower, and the gate tower at the back was two miles away, so Ah San's shells would definitely not be able to hit it, let alone the rocket.

It's still pretty safe there.

He nodded quickly and said: "Yes, I often spend the night there, so I set up a large telescope to check the enemy's situation.

The field of view from above is even wider than here, and it is estimated that the entire battlefield can be seen. "

Hearing this, Taichang nodded slightly and said, "That's fine, I won't be here to interfere with your commanding operations."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and led a group of master guards to the city gate tower behind.

Ah San, don't be in a hurry, wait for me to go up before launching a charge.

He murmured silently in his heart, the pace was getting faster and faster.

Unfortunately, it's still a bit late.

As soon as he walked to the gate tower, there was a strange cry like a mountain roar and a tsunami in the distance.

What are you guys doing in such a hurry?
He rushed up to the city gate tower and scanned the giant telescope in the middle.

Sure enough, Ah San launched attacks simultaneously within a range of more than [-] miles, and the momentum was really enormous.

However, the roar of artillery was soon heard on the city wall, and [-] [-]-jin Thor cannons fired at the same time, and the loud noise directly suppressed Ah San's strange screams.

In fact, at this moment, five thousand five-hundred-jin Thor cannons have been equipped on the city walls, and there are five hundred near each fort.

However, in order not to scare Ah San away, Lu Xiangsheng did not order someone to bring all the [-]-jin Thor cannons from other places.

Fifteen hundred Thor cannons bombarded more than six thousand huge siege equipment and an army of 80. The equipment killed and injured thousands of people, but it was nothing to Ah San's huge siege team.

Behind the big formation south of Ah San, Shahshuja couldn't help being very excited when he saw this scene.

The artillery of the Ming army didn't seem to have increased much, but they had a thousand more. Now it's all right, and it's hopeful to attack the city wall.

Behind the large formation to the north of Ah San, Aurangzeb frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

He always felt that something was wrong. Logically speaking, with the rumored strength of the Ming Empire, it shouldn't be such a little artillery!

Back then, the Dutch said that the Ming Empire had hundreds of cannons on one large ship and gunboats, and thousands of cannons on dozens of high-rise ships and gunboats. Thousands of cannons.

How long has it been? Has the Ming Empire's artillery stopped production?

Although he felt weird, he didn't say anything. It's a good thing that the Ming army didn't have time to dispatch artillery, and they just took this opportunity to charge up the city wall.

After five rounds of shelling by the Ming army, it was their turn.

They have more than 2000 artillery pieces.

It didn't take long for more than 2000 artillery pieces to enter the attack range.

Ah San's artillery was very busy, and more than 2000 artillery pieces finally let out a roar.

Seeing this scene, Shahshuja was even more excited. With more than 2000 shells, one round can cause at least tens of thousands of casualties!

Well, he started the hundred day dream again.

At this moment, the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion on the city wall have already hid behind the bunkers, and there is no one on the entire front of the city wall, and the more than two thousand shells hit them only with a loud clang, and no one was hit at all. people.

Lu Xiangsheng also improved the bunkers. Each bunker was equipped with upper and lower black iron armors, and the upper one was still movable.

All Thor cannons are set up behind the bunker. When the enemy is ready to fire, they just need to put down the black iron armor on it and close it.

After the enemy's shelling is over, they only need to pull up the black iron armor on it and they can start firing directly.

Soon, the enemy's forward entered the bombardment range of the two hundred catties Thor cannon.

At this moment, tens of thousands of 80-jin Thor cannons are fully equipped on the city wall. However, there are only more than [-] guns in the area of ​​more than [-] miles in the middle, more than [-] huge siege machines and [-] troops. The effect is naturally not very good.

At least that's what it looks like on the surface.

After three rounds of bombardment by more than [-] [-]-jin Thor cannons, Ah San's formation still didn't seem to have changed much.

In fact, they all killed and injured tens of thousands of Mughal Empire infantry.

However, for the huge body of 80 people, the casualties of tens of thousands of people do not seem to be very obvious.

They seemed to be short of ammunition, and stopped after three rounds of bombardment.

Seeing this, Shahshuja was even more excited and almost jumped up.

Hahahaha, the Ming army is running out of ammunition, this time they will win!

Not long after, more than [-] artillery pieces on their side were ready again, and there was another violent artillery roar, and more than [-] shells smashed into the city wall, causing tens of thousands of Ming army casualties.

Sure enough, there are so many good people. Once the battle line is opened, the Ming army will be dwarfed by comparison.

Of course, this is just his daydream.

The reason why the Ming army stopped shelling was because they were going to try ceramic incendiary bombs.

Soon, the roar of artillery was heard on the city wall.

However, this time the roar of the artillery was relatively small, and it was not as intensive as the previous two rounds.

Because more than a thousand [-]-jin Thor cannons near the fortresses on both sides fired ceramic incendiary bombs, there was no sound near the fortress in the middle.

There was a muffled "rumbling" sound, and more than [-] ceramic incendiary bombs slammed into it, and Ah San's infantry, who were pushing the giant siege equipment in the front row, couldn't help shrinking their necks.

Will those unlucky ghosts be killed by shells this round?
What is strange is that the shells did not kill anything at all.

Instead, there was a strange crackling sound on their giant siege equipment, followed by a burst of pungent smell.


Ah San, who was pushing the siege equipment in front, couldn't help showing a hint of panic, but Shah Shuja behind the big formation laughed outright.

He couldn't smell kerosene, and the binoculars in his hand couldn't see shells as thick as arms at such a distance.

He only knew that the Ming army ordered a round of attack, as if no one fell down.

Hahahaha, is the Ming army firing squibs to scare people?

He couldn't help laughing out loud, as if they had won another big victory!
(End of this chapter)

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