Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 838 It's almost time to close the net

Chapter 838 It's almost time to close the net

Taichang really didn't expect Ah San to want to play big.

Of course, no matter how big the game is, he can afford it.

To put it bluntly, there are more than 170 million people guarding this defense line like a natural moat. Even if Ah San resorts to military force, it is impossible to break through if he summons tens of millions of people.

The question is, how big Ah San can play with this game, and whether they can still play after playing this game.

How much does Ah San want to play?
In the jungle to the north of the Mughal Empire camp, Wang Chong was leading more than a dozen personal guards to and fro between the strongholds established by each team, totaling the Mughal Empire's military strength.

The way they calculate the strength of others is actually very simple, that is to look at the tents.

First count how many people live in a tent, then count how many tents are in a row, and then count how many rows are.

The battle formations lined up by the Mughal Empire were really not very neat, but their camps were neatly built and there were quite a few of them.

At this moment, the Mughal Empire is still increasing its troops and building new tents. The total strength of the troops is also increasing, at least [-] to [-] per day, and sometimes as many as [-] to [-].

In fact, Shah Jahan also wanted to quickly gather his troops. The problem is that he only has four or five hundred warships in total, and most of the troops have to be transported from the tributaries and main streams of the Ganges River Basin by these small warships.

Especially the troops brought by his youngest son Bakhsh from the west can only be taken by boat. If they march by land, they may not be able to catch up in half a year.

More than a month later, the originally empty tents of the Mughal Empire camp were basically filled, and nearly 20 people had already lived in the newly built military camps.

At this time they finally stopped expanding the barracks, but about half of the newly built barracks were empty.

This proves that the Mughal Empire mobilized at least 140 million people this time, and even 150 million is not impossible.

Taichang reckoned that Ah San might not be able to afford it anymore.

Because plus the more than 20 horses and 250 prisoners who were wiped out by them earlier, the Mughal Empire has mobilized about [-] million troops.

Moreover, it is impossible for the capital city and the western border of the Mughal Empire to remain without any troops.

With so many people, it should almost reach the limit.

You must know that the local population of Ming Dynasty was more than hundreds of millions, and the number of people that could really be summoned was more than 200 million.

If the more than 200 million people are gone, then Daming is basically over.

Of course, Ah San may not think so, their thinking is different from that of ordinary people.

However, thinking differently does not change the facts.

The fact is that if you want to mobilize people to fight, you must have at least a little foundation.

For example, the Tunwei of the Ming Dynasty.

Most of the guards of the Ming Dynasty have been farming for more than a hundred years, but they are also from military households. According to the regulations of the Ming Dynasty, they may be recruited to the battlefield at any time.

Under such circumstances, the veterans in Tunwei would teach their descendants a little knowledge on the battlefield, or even teach their descendants a little sword and horse kung fu.

Therefore, the garrison guards of the Ming Dynasty are usually recruited and practiced for a month, and they can basically go to the battlefield. At least there is no big problem in defending the city.

If it is farmers, artisans, and merchants who have never touched weapons and don't know what fighting is, no matter how strong they are, they will have to practice for at least a few months before they can be sent to the battlefield.

In other words, as long as all the 140 to 150 million people are wiped out, the Mughal Empire basically doesn't know much about fighting.

As for the forced recruitment of civilians, it is useless at all. If you don’t practice hard for a few months, it will be cannon fodder and you will have no combat effectiveness at all.

Moreover, the guns and artillery purchased by the Mughal Empire from the anti-Habsburg alliance were basically concentrated here. As long as they were cleaned up, they basically returned to the era of cold weapons.

Even if the anti-Habsburg alliance wanted to send weapons, it would be a few months later.

In other words, as long as all the 140 to 150 million people are wiped out, it will be difficult for the Mughal Empire to organize effective resistance for at least a few months.

In a few months, land and water advanced enough to sweep most of the Mughal Empire.

It seems that it doesn't make much sense to consume it anymore. Even if it consumes 40 million horses at a time, it will take about a year to dry up the existing 140 million to 150 million horses.

Moreover, even if it takes more than a year and consumes a little more people, the result will still be the same.

If Daming counterattacks, they will definitely force civilians to defend the city.

In this case, what's the point of spending more than a year of work?

In the study room in the front hall of the Emperor, Taichang stared at the map of the Mughal Empire for a while, and then said decisively: "Tell Luo Sigong."

Soon, Luo Sigong, the commander of Jin Yiwei, walked in quickly, bowed his hands and said: "My minister sees the emperor."

Taichang nodded slightly, and then explained in detail: "Sigong, you will immediately recruit [-] elites from the Southeast Camp, who should look similar to Ah San and speak Ah San's dialect even better.

After you have drawn out the 20 elites, first take them to interrogate the [-] captives, find out the general situation of the Mughal Empire, and then send the elite guards to disguise themselves and lead them into the Mughal Empire. Son Empire spying on the news. "

This means that the emperor wants to counterattack the Mughal Empire!

Luo Sigong hurriedly cupped his hands and bowed, "I understand."

Taichang nodded slightly, then handed over a roll of the map on the table, and ordered: "In a month, try to draw this map in detail, at least the approximate location of all the cities."

This is the map of the Mughal Empire seized from the Dutch. Except for the markings on the Ganges Plain, the Indus River Plain, and the Deccan Plateau, there are basically nothing else, and only a few coastal cities are marked. , doesn't make much sense at all.

Luo Sigong originally thought that this task would not be difficult, because Jin Yiwei was supposed to do this, and interrogating prisoners and spying on news were their forte.

The problem is, when he met this group of Ah Sans, he also felt a little bit troubled.

Because most of these Ah San don't know what to ask.

In the interrogation room outside the prison camp of the Mughal Empire, Luo Sigong stared coldly at a prisoner brought over for a while, and then said to the translator of the Southeast Camp: "Ask him where he came from."

The prisoner said honestly, "I'm from Karnataka."

Luo Sigong then asked again: "How many cities are there in Karnataka, and where are their specific locations?"

The prisoner shook his head repeatedly and said, "I don't know, I'm a farmer, and I was pulled here for no reason, I don't know anything!"

Damn it, it's that sentence again!
Luo Sigong couldn't help snorting when he heard the words.

However, he did not let his men use torture.

Because he has already interrogated many captives. These captives are basically like this. Most of them only know where they come from. At most, they know which city is near where they live. Got it, it's useless to use any kind of torture, you don't even know if you beat him to death!
And these Asan basically come from two places, half from Bengal, and the other half from Karnataka on the Deccan Plateau.

He has led people to interrogate for several days, and the information he obtained is about Bengal and Karnataka. On the map of the entire Mughal Empire, other places are basically blank.

It won't work like this, I have to think of other ways.

He was staring at the map of the Mughal Empire, frowning and thinking, when Xiao Qi, who was in charge of the interrogation in another interrogation room, walked in quickly, bowed his hands and said, "My lord, we have some important news."

Important news?

Luo Sigong asked inexplicably, "What important news?"

What's the use of an important message?
The emperor wants a complete map of the Mughal Empire!

Xiaoqi quickly explained: "When we were interrogating a civilian prisoner, he inadvertently said, don't ask us, we don't know anything, and we are not high-ranking officers.

The subordinates arrested other civilians to confirm it. Sure enough, there were several high-ranking officers hiding among the prisoners.

They are not from Bengal and Karnataka, they are cronies of the higher echelons of the Mughal Empire! "

Well, there is finally a breakthrough.

Luo Sigong heard the words and said decisively: "Find out all those high-ranking officers, and I will personally interrogate them."

If people really don't know, there is nothing they can do. After all, even if all the torture is used to kill people alive, they still don't know.

This is different with the so-called high-ranking officers. In the hands of Jin Yiwei, if you don't spit out everything you know, you will be ruthless!
Originally, Luo Sigong thought it would take some trouble, but who knew that these high-ranking officers were more cowardly than civilian soldiers.

They have been using their special status to order other prisoners to cover them, and warn these prisoners not to confess to them.

So, they hid for several days without being found.

However, once they were caught, they trembled with fear, and answered whatever they asked, as if they were afraid they would kill them.

This time, Luo Sigong finally understood the general situation of the Mughal Empire.

It turns out that the Mughal Empire is not peaceful at the moment, or in other words, the Mughal Empire is full of wars.

For example, in the Deccan Plateau in the south, they did not conquer all the indigenous forces there, and they would lead their clansmen to rebel against their rule from time to time.

There is also the Assam area in the east of Bengal, and the mountainous area in the north of Uttar Pradesh.

They did not completely control these areas at all, and the local indigenous forces continued to resist.

It is even more serious in the west. In order to compete for Kabul, the Mughal Empire has been fighting with the Persian Empire for more than ten years.

Taichang couldn't help crying when he received the news.

These Ah Sans are really sick in their brains, their own country is full of wars, and they come to attack Daming frantically, looking for death!
It seems that it is almost time to close the net.

(End of this chapter)

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